Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 122 members · 18 stories
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As you may or may not know, a large amount of good Pokémon Mystery Dungeon fanworks are remixes of Dialga's Fight to the Finish. Share some good ones here!

Here's some I recommend, posting links so this post doesn't get huge:
A Wish for Peace (Explorers)
Partner's Theme (Super)
Wrapped in a Light (Gates)
Enveloped in Light + Partner's Theme (Super)
At Just Such a Moment (Super)
Choosing Pokémon / Personality Test (fanmade, but uses elements from actual game music)
Lively Town (Super)

...There are so many, I could make a playlist of them.

(I'd like to see someone remix Saying Goodbye from Spirit Tracks with Gates/Super soundfronts, or Time to Part Ways from Super with Spirit Tracks soundfronts. /wishful thinking)

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