The Chase Group 423 members · 20 stories
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Group Admin

Hope you like good news people,
After some talk with Kudz we ended up with 3 new idea for the beginning of 2016 to solve some issues and to improve others.

Before we implement them we would like to hear your input on them

OC list & Casting Calls

OC List
Due to the amount of work and the fic's Kudz have the amount of peoples OC's has been a bit lower then expected, as such we decided to make a change for it, unlike before the OC LIST will be open to all users, you can submit your OC in a form that will be posted later on.
But to not disappoint our patreon supporters, they will get few reserved spots in each fic but the amount per fic will be limited.

for example, a fic like "The Weed" might have 5 open slots for OC's to play active roles in the fic 3 will be reserved for patreon supporters and 2 for non-patreon.

to make it more clear, right now the amount of slots or the reserved slots isn't final (still need to see how many per each fic ect'...) and also it doesn't mean your OC won't be in the fic if it doesnt get a slot. it might still be used for smaller parts in the fic.

when the OC form will be up, each user will get the chance to list which fic's he would like to be in.

Casting Calls
Like the OC list it self, from time to time Kudz will look for OC's for specific roles, in this case a "casting call" will be made and will give the people option to submit their OC for the role.

In both of this cases, the fact that your OC is in fic A doesn't mean he can't be in Fic B as well.

Idea Voting

For now this might be a Patreon only perk but we might change that before we go forward with it.
the idea is simple.... as you notice Kudz writes... A LOT. beside the normal fic's that are in the making now, there are many ideas that are waiting to be write, and we want people to give input on what Kudz should write next.

Update Requests

As you noted some fics updated more then others.
We want to change that and give people the chance to choose what's going to be updated each month... BUT WAIT you will say at this point. Kudz updtes all he's fics.

Yes and no. Some are updated more then others some much less then people want. Some let kudz know via pm some not. So we are here to fix it.

Each month there will a poll so people can vote on what to see next. Or more updated. From that kudz will be able to know better where to focus. Updating more or less depending on your words.

Kudz already has my OC, and is in fact using him in Can'terlot. He's welcome to use him elsewhere if a situation where he's useful presents itself, though.

Just in case I wasn't clear, my griffon OC (Ortzi) is completely open for Kudzu to use in his fics. If he wants to bounce reaction ideas off me, I'm willing to help with that too. :)

Group Admin

Actually, I hadn't planned on a poll.

I was thinking about actual requests. Patreons get a certain number of chapter requests on active fics. If X fic has Y requests, it gets bumped in priority of updating. I dunno how to implement it, but it gives readers a chance to have active input into the writing process.

As it stands, I don't always know what people are reading. I have to guess sometimes, or try to make an estimation based upon a variety of factors. Some folk will take the direct approach and send me a message. And this works! I like the direct approach!

But expect some changes.

I'm currently reading most of what you're still updating, except Lacunae, because I haven't gotten around to reading it (or its prequel) yet.

Good news is always good news.

It would be nice to see my OC pop up more oftin, but I do have a few other OCs to play with.

i just got a new job so i think i will bump my patronage up a notch or two:twilightsmile:

Blackbriar is just a background pony in the Chase. I'm okay with that. He's not really interesting enough for the other stories.

Too poor for any sort of patronage! Takes everything I've got to pay bills. Gettin' tired of old bread and water. (Lies, I was tired of it four years ago, now it's just a dreary part of life.)

Longhaul has appeared in The Chase and The Weed. I'm quite happy to let Kudz figure out to what stories Longhaul would be best suited for small roles.

The Weed was actually quite a surprise, and if I didn't say it yet, thank you.

Hmm could be interesting. I have at lest i think he is a solid character for the case, im thinking about writing a profile \ story of my own. Nothing super fancy just more like a journal of who he is. He is based off kudz chase, he is a mirror traverl but not linked with the dark stallion and would most likely help bucky in the war. He however was never a pony in his realm but human. Anyway ill wait till there is more information before i post more about him just to see what sort of oc kudz is looking for. n.n

I'm hip to this. :)

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