The Chase Group 423 members · 20 stories
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So, I'm re-reading from the beginning (so much getting anything else done for the next year or so :) and I forgot some of the great lines from the story; figured I'd add a few of my favorites. Feel free to add to the list your favorites.

"I am falling in love with a stormcloud, he thought to himself." -- Bucky about Derpy, Chapter 8

I've really had to construct a complex headcannon for this story.

-- Kudzuhaiku in comments -

(Personally, I think Kudzu doesn't have a 'headcannon', he has a 'headarmory'. :pinkiecrazy:)

4781334 it's supply depot complete with a fully staffed logistic company

Berry puns, Berry puns, EVERYWHERE!

4781399 My coont Is roont!! Berry punch for the win.

Group Admin

“I lost an eye,” Bucky said in a soft conversational voice. “Out of the many things I’ve lost, I regret losing my eye. Of course, out of everything I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most.


Bucky stating that all could call him 'Princess Bucky' shortly after the Isles Arc was pretty funny.

" should never drink water. Fish screw in it you know.”
-The Chase, ch 479, Thistle

“Father told me to sit down and think about everything the enemy would expect for you to do, make a list, and then find a solution that is not on that list,” Ripple said.
Ch 492 the chase

Group Admin

“Derpy’s like that. She is like a fortress of sexual intimacy.” - Berry Punch

- Lyra, Rat invasion

"No more death!"
- Sparkler, stone-mode, Shetland Isles

"Taste pain!"
- Harper, after attempting to eat a pickle through her eye, as heard from behind the pantry door

"Oh, you are so adorable!"
Sentinel was not expecting to be held like this, didn't they realize he was a fearsome creature of the night?
But he resigned himself to his fate and allowed himself to be held.

- Sentinel as a little colt, Shetland Isles

“You’ve turned us into earth ponies!” Primrose shouted.
“NO! YOU DON’T GET TO BE EARTH PONIES! EARTH PONIES SERVE A USEFUL PURPOSE! YOU ARE NOTHING! YOU HAVE NO USEFUL PURPOSE! YOU ARE MEAT UNFIT TO EAT!” Bucky shouted, his voice causing all of the windows in the room to shatter and the flashbulbs in the cameras to explode, and he wasn’t even using the royal Voice.
- Bucky, Return to Canterlot/Fall of House Avarice (i.e. Bucky banishing his abusive parents and the rest of his corrupt 'house')

"You touch her, you harm one golden hair in her mane, and I will kill you,” Bucky warned. “I have one pure thing left in my life. I will not allow you to taint it with your touch. You corrupt everything you come into contact with.”
- Bucky referring to Derpy, who just offered redemption to Goldflake, head of *former* House Avarice, largely responsible (directly or indirectly) for the atrocities committed to Earth ponies in Equestria. This is why he stays in a cozy cottage for the rest of his days instead of becoming food for the creatures of the Northern Wastes.
A.K.A. Derpy successfully stops the *Alicorn* of War without magic or conflict, something that has not been duplicated since.

“He’s just angry, and rightfully so. A lot of bad things have happened. And you know what? I am still pretty angry too… but what is anger going to do for me? The fighting has to stop sometime,”
- Derpy, Trial of House Avarice

"I'd rather get drunk and screw."

"Now remember Dinky, every where Sentinel has sat he's rubbed his balls on."

"@#$%@%^@!!!!" (Bonbon's Swearing)

“It means that, instead of thousands of years of soul shredding torment to make up for what you’ve done, you will instead spend centuries of contemplation while in a state of discomfort. After you have done your time, you will be allowed to pass through the gate, and you will know happiness.” The pale pony offered the dead stallion a gentle smile.

“You owe me a lot of songs.”

Group Admin

“I spent eleven months -bruuuurph- escaping that cold coont, and I am going to spend the rest of my life trying to get inside of a hot one.” - Bucky

“The stench… -hiccup- will last… forever!” -- Luna

“And before you noble pegasi say anything, he’s my husband and he belongs on my back,” -- Bonnie, Chapter 120

"Luna had one though that echoed through her head: Pink ponies might just be the salvation of us all…" - Chapter 821.

From way back in the beginning, when everypony was a young 'un. Rising Star on Sparkler:

"His muse. His Goddess. She of the confusing come hither stare and she of the stay away from me scowl." - Chapter 9

"I’ve checked you out a few times Berry... I think I might be bi-desperate." - Derpy to Berry, Chapter 10.

"Bucky had the potential to scratch an itch that hadn’t been scratched in a while, and Berry Punch really needed to get laid intellectually." - Chapter 12.

"A unicorn to light my way, a pegasus to watch over me, and an earth pony to shoulder my heavy burdens" - First heard in Chapter 13.

“Spiders. Big ones. Potentially pony eating spiders. Not an uncommon hazard when delivering the mail,” - Chapter 19

This might have been fun to watch as Derpy had to deal with this sort of nonsense on her mail rounds. Granted she probably didn't think it was nonsense.

"I don’t need bravery, I have fusion." - Bucky, Chapter 21

"Having a mare declare her love for you and then go off and declare war for you kind of makes you feel good,” Bucky admitted, leaning closer to Berry Punch as he did so.

- chapter 41.

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