Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 48 stories
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Tired of digital devils infesting your homes and churches? The catholic church has come up with a solution!

They've made a game called Jesus Christ Go! Instead of going around collecting demons, you go around recruiting saints and biblical figures and go around evangelizing instead of fighting. They spent half a million dollars on this and only got 50K downloads so far... Guess it'll probably get more later.

Dear God, it's not. This is why no one takes the Christian Church seriously anymore.

Group Admin


Which part? The app actually exists, but my tone is joking.

what's next ?

Christian D&D

Instead of going around fighting demons, you go around as a saints and biblical figures and go around evangelizing instead of fighting.

Group Admin


Actually they already did that. Apparently, reciting bible verses from memory is an in-game mechanic.

Christian alternatives are actually super common. They have derivative versions of like, everything.

6637236 It has Church written all over it. You can tell from the lack of innovation of any kind.

Group Admin


Whenever I see these Christian Alternative things I always remember how CS Lewis would always put in his stories that God and his followers alone could create while Hell, the devil and atheists could do nothing more than pervert creations. Only in reality it seems the other way around.

Come to think of it, he also used to put conservative christians in with enviormentalism and liberal athiests against it... it's like he's got everything backwards.

Nah, the entire concept of Christianity is the reason.
This is par for the course.

Well, it's not on Google play

6637406 Google Play has standards. Only decent games can get on there.

Looking at the store, I can't see any kind of quality control :p

6638550 Which speaks loads about the 'quality' of this Christian app that couldn't even pass that entry test.

Nah there's more reasons than just that but it's certainly one of them!

Too many gimmicks. Salvation is free, but church isn't.

There's no such thing as salvation since there's no such thing as sin.

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