Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 50 stories
Comments ( 134 )
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I see you didn't deny it, though.

Something about too

to rebut.

This calls to mind your previous comment.

Since I apparently need to steer this thread back on course-

People hardly need the help of religion to divide themselves.

This is a total non-argument.
Yeah it's bad but there's already bad so we might as well be complacent with one of the bad-causers right?

Do you even Islamic Golden Age?

I'd justify myself why this is also a non-argument but a certain compadre named Cryosite already picked that argument right down to the bone. To recite what he said, do you even history? In which case nice confirmation bias. It has the word "Islam" in it so it must've been all religion.

I am getting very sick of people accusing anyone who disagrees with them of being brainwashed.

Also is it wrong? Religious teaching in a family usually starts from before the child(ren) can even make sentences, with prayer, the doctrines of the bible, and church being plugged into their heads as normal, sensible things from their youngest and most impressionable years. And that's not just using loaded words for the sake of it - this is factual psychology. The first few years of a child's life are considered the most malleable and impressionable - there's a reason religion prefers to teach em' young.

but I would like to point out that fear tactics are also used by practicallyeveryone

Do I really need to say it?
I guess I do. First off, nice red-herring. Second, "everyone does it so it's not that bad."
Come on, now.

large section of the population prefers to not think critically about things, and will blindly accept whatever is told to them

Well now you're just projecting massively. Funny how you say something like this and then in your next point try to call me on making hasty generalizations.
Also a large section of the population kinda happens to be religious as of now, soo... Could have something to do with it?

Then go after that instead of all religion.

This is a red herring but also kinda circular reasoning. I'm saying a lot of homophobia stems from religion and you respond by saying to go after homophobia... Uh, where does that take me? Did you actually think for more than five seconds about this?

The Nazis and virtually all Communist nations justified their atrocities without religion.

You seem to like making this funny claim of "this happens enough without religion" or "people don't need religion's help for this."
There's a difference between coming up with your own justification for your actions - the Nazis believed they were acting for the betterment of Germany, and Communist nations believed they were making the best call in the long run - and just using the sleezy system already there as a scape goat to justify bad things. "Yeah I killed a person but God was telling me to." "Yeah I raped that girl but the Devil had his hands around my throat." See what I'm getting at?

Alright you get the idea. Might as well not make this too long. The rest of your claims are basically repeats of the ones I've covered. Lot of fallacies and just non-arguments. Your main point seems to be "you really think this stuff wouldn't happen without religion?" Well, no, of course it'd still happen, and to claim otherwise is putting words in my mouth, but I tend to believe that you can't have too little of a bad thing.
Also that reminds me, I have some interesting stats for you to consider regarding said claim.
The Southern USA, more specifically the most religious part of it, the Bible Belt has the highest crime rate, highschool drop out rate, rape rate, divorce rate, abortion rate and murder rate - among other things, than the rest of the whole country.
The US prison population is over 75% self-identified Christians alone. (Meanwhile, if memory serves, scientific groups all over the world are around 90% atheist.)
Vermont has been identified as the least religious state in the country, with just 22% of it's residents qualifying as "very" religious, and guess where it stands on the education ranking? Right up there at #1. Mississippi, on the other hand, is more than 60% "very" religious and they've landed themselves a spot on the education ranking at... #49. This is more than just correlation=/=causation, there is direct, quantifiable correlation that proves this all over the world. Norway and Denmark are known as the happiest countries on the planet, and they also just so happen to rank among the top 5 least religious countries. Your claims that all kinds of bad would undoubtedly happen on the same scale as before even without religion just went out the window, amigo.

Funny, I'm referencing yours.


This calls to mind your previous comment.


It doesn't.

Just saying that doesn't make it true.

There's no clear reason why you would emphasize that word. Are you okay?

I'm starting to think it's their fetish. It's so off-topic by now, it's ridiculous.

Hilarious and original.


There's no clear reason why you would emphasize that word. Are you okay?

To demonstrate that

Which is my point.

Is in fact incorrect, demonstrably so.


I hope you don't expect me to rise to the bait. For once in my life, I have no desire to argue.

>refuting an argument is bait
Lol k
Game. Set. Match.

He is not wrong for the most part.
I do not like using statistics, because statistics themselves do not explain the connection between those numbers.


Do you even Islamic Golden Age

It does have something to do with the fact that Islam is almost entirely spiritual.

The Nazis and virtually all Communist nations justified their atrocities without religion.

Except that the nazis considered themselves christians.

Nationalism, religion and despotism are very good friends, and where one is present the rest will usually follow.

Wait why are ya responding quotes from Marozia but pinging me?


No, more like responding to an argument made a week ago that someone already refuted and whose proponent previously stated their unwillingness to continue arguing.

>the amount of time elapsed before responding to an argument determines how bait it is
>the amount of people having refuted it before me determines how bait it is
You're just making shit up as you go now, dude.


If you want to beat a dead horse and pretend like you're a cavalier, go right ahead. But do note that the horse will not be making any more spasms after this.

I mean I saw a way to get the thread back on track, and your claims were stupid and outrageous enough that I figured it wouldn't hurt, but it still isn't bait. It's just responding to an older comment, like you said in harsher terms. Bait is intentionally saying something overly-provocative to get a response for me to laugh at. This was just me dismantling your claims in their entirety.

The only thing you've demonstrated is that you didn't understand the point.

Bruh what are you two ding dongs even talking about at this point

Can we all just take a moment to appreciate the fact that at least the group isn't "dead?"

Sure, we have children incapable of restraining themselves. But isn't a thread where the discussion is ignored and an endless back and forth of "No, you" better than no activity at all?

This is clearly more value-dense entertainment to be had than watching cat videos on Youtube or something. The mere fact that this thread isn't being allowed to "die" is more valuable than simply not responding to things you don't have interest in responding to.

You're all doing the Lord's work, and fighting the good fight to keep stagnation away. While others might look on and see low-effort shitposting, and a pile of retards seeking to be king of the shitpile where everyone loses, they just need to understand that this is a lazy, but truly important crusade against an even worse fate of simply finding something better to do.

The irony of writing a comment complaining about pointless comments.


The only thing you've demonstrated is that you didn't understand the point.

Sorry but that's a non argument.

High medium effort shit posting is still shit posting.

You appear to be apologizing that I'm not arguing. Or would you like to rephrase?

Just saying "you're wrong" isn't an argument and you ought not to pretend it is.

The irony in your every reply is delicious.

Ffs, you two really need to get a room


The irony in your every reply is delicious.

"No u" is just as incorrect the second time you say it.

We've got one, you ought to contain your voyeurist antics.

Now you're conflating ‘not funny’ with ‘incorrect’. Fascinating.

You proving me wrong would be as simple not replying but that's not an issue for me because your type is pretty predictable.

You might want to go back and check what you think I could prove you wrong about. Your need to get the last word appears not to come with an ability to remember what your previous words were.

Additionally, not remotely coherent an argument.

Why do you think that everything I say has to be an argument?

Because if you're not arguing you're shitposti—

Oh! How delicious indeed!

So you think that the only two possible modes of communication are arguing or shitposting. Fascinating creature, you are. Probably lonely, too.

You know what, you win. Your ego can have the last word.

Nooo don't you two are keeping this thread alive!


You know what, you win. Your ego can have the last word.

This isn't a last word for just my ego, it's absolutely a last word for cricket, a last word for Victoria, last word for the world.

Communists atheists killed more people than Muslims-and I'm no fan of the Mohamaden scourge, but I'll take a Muslim nation over the hell that is Atheist China or the Atheist USSR.

Do I have to bring up the ‘Hitler had a mustache, does that mean mustaches are evil’ thing again? There's a difference between a bad person who happens to be an atheist, and someone who does bad things because of their religious beliefs.

Also, since apparently you deleted the last thread:

My faith forbids me from saying exactly what passed through my mind.

I find it fascinating when people say this. Do you seriously think that describing that you had an unspeakable thought is somehow nicer or less aggressive than actually saying the thought itself? Because it isn't. Either way, you had a particular sentiment and then conveyed to others that you had that sentiment. The details of said sentiment aren't that important.

In other news, telling me you had a thought about me that was so bad you didn't think you could speak it in a basically unmoderated online forum doesn't convince me that you're a genuinely good person who is some harmless victim of mean atheist harassment.

You're right, I shouldn't have said that.

6621860 Men have killed a lot more people than women. Do you think we should, therefore, rid the world of all men?

Serial killers killed fewer people than overly careful drivers. Do you think we should, therefore, release all the serial killers from jails and give overly careful drivers death sentences?

Your comparison is non sequitor-birds are blue therefore we should ban knives. Communism is an ideology which is chosen and influences how people think and therefore act. Being male is inborn and, actually, men should be taught to control their violent impulses.

6622980 Jesus Christ pretty much taught communism. Where did you get the idea that communism has anything to do with atheism?

Group Admin


Just gotta point out, even if you were right that would be a false equivalence, not a non-sequitur.

Thank you, that's what I meant.

I should've said Marxism. Marx was an atheist as was Stalin and his ilk.

6622992 Why do you judge the message by personal traits of a messenger?

If Marx was an atheist, it doesn't mean that Marxism has anything to do with atheism.

If Stalin was a Christian, would you be pissing on Jesus Christ's tomb right now?

If Stalin had followed Jesus, he wouldn't have killed anyone. (Note I say FOLLOWED. You can call yourself a horse, but that doesn't mean you can pull a chariot.)

Group Admin


If Jesus is God, then Jesus ordered the total extermination of entire nations before.

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