Atheist Bronies V2.2 275 members · 48 stories
Comments ( 5 )
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Hey, keep looking around here and I'm not seeing what the rules are for what people are allowed to post in this group.

Are image threads allowed? (Someone posted a few and someone else said they weren't)

Are story ads allowed? (I have a fic that espouses Agnostic and Atheist views, and figured you guys would want to know)

Are link threads allowed? (I assume so)

Just trying to get an idea of what people are ok with here...

1) Site rules. They remain in effect regardless of whether a group reminds you of that fact or not.

2) This group is not centered around collection of stories like many others. Therefore there are no rules in that category.

3) Other than that, "unspoken rules." As in, it would be impossible to list them all, but most people can abide by them without being told. If you need to be told these rules, chances are you wouldn't be able to follow them anyway, and it is to everyone's best interest that you just go away.

4) Does whatever you want to do have to do with atheism, and will it be of interest/value to the people you're showing it to or will it be annoying? If the former, you can probably do it. If the latter, you shouldn't.

Again, if you need your hand held to figure out which of the two it will be, then err on the side of caution.

As for your specific examples:
Image threads are useless spam. This is a forum, not an image hosting site. If we want to go look at ponies we have Derpibooru. If you want to look at cats, Google will happily supply you with more adorable fluffballs than you could look at in your entire lifetime. If you feel like posting memes, fuck off.

There is a folder for stories. If you feel like adding it there, then do so. People in the group will be notified when you do. If they're interested/curious, they'll look at it and decide if they want to read it. It is useless and annoying to also advertise via a new thread. Annoying people whilst showing them your special snowflake story is not going to encourage them to read it any more, and if you irritate them too much, you might get them to simply downvote. Let your story speak for itself.

Threads which are nothing but a link to something are similarly spam. I know others disagree with me on that point, and people do it and get away with it. But it's stupid. If you're going to post a link, then have a fucking opinion on the matter, and express those opinions. If you just drop some random link and wait for others to react to it, that's fucking irritating bullshit.

There. Have some rules.

Ok. Thanks for going into detail, even if you were a bit blunt.

So if I want to have a discussion on the Atheist diatribe the main character of my story goes into in a later chapter, that'd probably be ok? Especially if I'm looking for help on it?

Probably. It doesn't sound like mindless shitposting.

Right. No shitposting.
I will not be post shit.

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