Comments ( 19 )
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Group Admin
Sauron #1 · Sep 6th, 2014 · · 2 ·

Let me tell you, being a brony is not easy. Obviously, bronies get a lot of hate: being called "gay" or "pedophiles" is pretty harsh.

But then on top of that, I'm a Conservative Republican, so all the straight non-bronies think I'm gay, and all the gay people think I'm anti-homo.

Add to that the fact that I'm a not only a Christian, but also a Young Earth Creationist, and now the Atheists out there don't like me.

Of course, it doesn't help that I'm white, and therefore racist, or that I'm a male, and therefore sexist.

It is really hard to be open about my beliefs or hobbies on the internet, because everything just turns into a giant flame war.

"You're Gay!"
"Well actually homosex is a sin"
"Well then you're a homophobe!"
"No, not really. The Bible makes it clear EVERYONE sins, and therefore gays aren't worse than liars, or people who have premarital sex."
"You actually believe that religion stuff?"
"Yes. I believe the Bible is the literal word of God."
"Even all those fairy tales about Adam and Eve?"
"Are you a fundamentalist?"
"I am."
"So you're anti-science?"
"No. I believe there is a lot of Scientific evidence to support the Bible."
"Uh... don't tell me you're one of those Ken Ham people."
"I am a Young Earth Creationist, yes."
"There's no reasoning with you people! You follow a religion that's led to countless wars, sexism, and slavery!"
"Uh, no. People start wars, not books. A sexist? I watch MY LITTLE PONY! How could I be sexist?"

Amen, brother, Amen!

So, should we set up a guideline for what stories to add?

Group Admin

Yes. I will do that right now.


Was someone on the same boat as you... I know. The brony community would be the 'rejected of the rejected'. We basically are a group made of those who aren't accepted even by those who are hardly accepted by society. And this is also the reason I also stopped ranting about it.

For some time being attacked by my conservative beliefs actually affected me , but now it's doesn't do it anymore. Firstly, when you start seeing how many bad things these people have went through it's hardly to don't feel some compassion for them. Of course having a rough life doesn't justify acting like that, but I were always pretty much blessed in the things that mattered for me.

Some people says that being Christian makes our lives easier. I don't think so. Being a 'lukewarm' Christian makes our lives easier. For example refusing to pass answers when making tests, opposing the idea of divorce if it isn't because of cheating, saying that smoking and drinking is wrong and that a Christian shouldn't have vices. All of those things happened to me, and for all of those things I received hate.

If I may suggest: try praying for them. Try to love them. Of course don't give up your morals when you do so, but after all isn't one of our morals loving our enemies? If we should love those who are actually trying to kill us, how much more should we love people who are mostly trolling us online?

The internet gets pretty bearable when you notice this. No one can affect you, unless you let them do it. Also if I may get a suggestion: if you want to bring more people to Christ try to work with others one to one. You will see that you are far more persuasive when there isn't a group of three to four people bashing at you at the same time.

Just wanted to show my perspective, there is some points I don't agree with republicans (such as guns) so I will be leaving now. Do keep safe!

Group Admin

Hey, Actually, could I join your group Christian Haven? I recently left Christian Bronies, because most of the active members of that group are self-professed Atheists, and I was wrongly accused of trolling by an Atheist admin of that group. Long story short, a comment where I pointed out the obvious trolling, baiting, and offensive comments of several atheist users got deleted, and I wasn't going to put up with that, and left.

Sad when a group supposedly for Christians silences Christians, right?


Sure thing, the group is open.

Group Admin

Maybe it's just my phone, but I can't see the Join button. I'll try on my tablet later...

Added some stories to the incoming folder.

And you receive a follow; I don't agree with all your opinions, but I know exactly what it's like to be profiled for them.

Whoa bud, over ten weeks late?



Bronies are all gay

Christian Republicans are all straight and anti-gay

Therefore u r bisexual :3

Group Admin

You know what would make me a real troll? Banning you from this group.
Na, you probably wouldn't care anyways. Plus, that'd be pretty hypocritical, given that I complained about getting banned.

Well... congrats on bringing this group back from the grave.

Group Admin

Wow. You stumbled upon this zombie of a group? What even brought you here?

Group front pages advertise all kinds of groups now. I found this one by accident, and joined it out of curiosity.

Group Admin

Me getting banned from Christian Bronies wasn't a joke, Bro.
Though in retrospect you might have missed the reference due to the fact that I've changed my username twice since then. Or the fact that that was months ago.

About that

Management has changed since then. Ya might be welcome back if you're polite to the admins.

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