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Alright, so I'm a lazy f*ck. VampDash, Joker the Hedgehog, sorry it's almost been a f*cking year, but you guys wanted this, so I'll deliver it to you and the ReadingSins community.

Everything Wrong With

The Eternal Rainbow (Chapter Four: Meet Rainbow Dash)

By VampDash and Joker the Hedgehog


(I really need to find a blood-stained "Spoilers" photo.)

"Fastest Flier To Ever Come Out Of Cloudsdale." Of course, her vampire abilities certainly helped back up her claims.

And they probably back up her ego.

As Rainbow snoozed on her bed, and alarm clock suddenly went off. Rainbow sat bolt upright in her bed, a disoriented look on her face.

Do people actually sit bolt upright when an alarm clock goes off? Or do they curse the clock and themselves?

After a moment, she pressed the off button on her alarm, before she got out of bed and went over to her closet, and picked out a white shirt with a picture of her Cutie Mark, a white cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt, on it, a dark blue short sleeved shirt, and blue jeans.

Okay, two and a half months of no school have fried my brain. Should that comma be there, or not?

"Nothing much! Hey uh... do you think you can give me some flying lessons today?”

Those two come up with flying lesson dates and times on the fly.

REALLY!? OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” squealed the little filly before the she ended the phone call.


"Love ya too, squirt.” said Rainbow as she began stretching and popping her neck a few times. she walked over to a nearby door and pulled it open. On the other side of the door was, to all appearances, a blank wall. Rainbow had always told anyone who’d asked about it that she had no idea what it was there for. But, Rainbow’s eyes told a different story. To her, the wall wasn’t truly there at all, but was a rather impressive bit of Vampire Magic… at least, for her it was.

This is very reminiscent of the Buffy: The Vampire Slayer episodes with that mirror in the college building that leads to a secret base where people fight vampires and demons and whatnot. In a way, this is the exact opposite, but not really, seeing as for her it's a training room used by a vampire.

And with that, the doors swung open, revealing what was unmistakably a vast training complex of some kind, complete with robotic training dummies called Life-Model Decoys, which were not only capable of self-repair, allowing them to only rarely be replaced, but they could mimic any form of warrior or enemy combatant. And, as the RainFac technology improved, so did the robots’ capablities, and the harder the challenge for Rainbow/Achroma.

Watch, one of those dummies is gonna be permanently destroyed at some point.

Rainbow smirked as she found what she was looking for. Her outfit. A simple attire of a white shirt and vest concealed by a black leather overcoat with a hood Her face would be concealed by both the hood and a mask that the outfit hid just under her chin. Her hands were protected by gloves that had slits for when she used her claws. Strapped to the suit’s coat were stakes and below them were dark grey pants and dark brown boots.

Okay, so maybe I just suck at visual appearances, but this sounds like Assassin's Creed.

Target Aquired,” the machines said in unison before transforming into a variety of warriors, ranging from Monster Hunters to members of the Royal Guard for some strange reason

Well, you know what they say. "knowledge is power" and all that fun stuff. Knowing how fight a royal guard sounds damn useful to me.

And with that, Rainbow turned into a swarm of bats and surged towards the LMD, which barely ducked in time to avoid the partially reformed vampire’s stake.

R.O.B. spot-dodges Bayonetta.

As the training facility powered down, Rainbow made her way over to a concealed freezer door and pulled it open. Inside of it there were multiple full bags of blood. Rainbow grabbed one and cut it open, grabbing a wine goblet as she did so before pouring the blood into the goblet

Not even Rainbow Dash can resist the wine goblet fetish that seems to seize all vampires.

As the training facility powered down, Rainbow made her way over to a concealed freezer door and pulled it open. Inside of it there were multiple full bags of blood. Rainbow grabbed one and cut it open, grabbing a wine goblet as she did so before pouring the blood into the goblet. “A toast to myself for a kick ass work out,”

*holds up mountain dew* Here here!

Once she finished the goblet Rainbow put the goblet in the sink and began washing it off.

Can't have the cops getting called over by blood in a goblet that would probably look like wine, now can we?

As Rainbow walked to her friends she couldn’t help but scream internally as the sun felt like it was baking her skin but she had to muscle through it

This is me when I'm in anything over seventy degrees Fahrenheit... Oh don't give me that look! You'd act like that too if you lived in a place where -40 was the norm!

Rainbow never knew exactly why, but every time she laid her eyes on Twilight, she felt all warm and toasty inside. Part of her wondered if she was developing a crush on Twilight, but every time this thought came to mind, Rainbow shoved it aside. Even if she felt the same way, Twilight and her couldn’t be together. At least, not without turning her into a bloodsucker like herself, and there were lots of risks with that idea.

Ah, the old "Vampire Human Romance" cliché. Buffy and Angel tried it, and look how that worked out, and something tells me that it's not gonna work out here either.

As the sun began to set, Rainbow Dash bid her friends farewell and returned home, awaiting the transformation that came with the nightfall.

So, lemme get this straight. Rainbow wakes up, kicks dummy ass, drinks blood, flies down to the surface, meets up with friends at a picnic, drinks wine, then after some odd hours, she flies back up to her house and by that time it's getting dark? Gotta admire her pain tolerance.

She’d heard rumors that there was increased Dark Vampire and Werewolf activity in the city, so she’d figured that she’d better keep an eye on things there.

Sounds like a no-brainer.

Well, time to go play hero, I suppose, thought Rainbow as she began to descend, using her hearing to pinpoint the location of the screaming.

I think it's too late to even play hero.

What the buck is going on around here? Werewolves and Dark Vampires NEVER work together, Rainbow thought to herself. I’ll get answers from anyone lucky enough to survive, right now… it’s time to get my kicks in.

Oh, look at that! The werewolves and vampires apparently hate eachother! Eh, I'm sure we'll figure out why soon enough.

"Hmph. Our Mistress formed an alliance with these mongrel dogs,” snarled a Dark Vampire, causing one of the werewolves to growl at him.

“Yeah, all so we could finally drive a stake into that heart of yours,” replied the second

Hoo damn! Werewolves and Dark Vampires hate this ONE vampire out of potential thousands! What the f*ck did she do to get them to hate her so?

“For Faust,” said the Earth Pony stallion,

For the fourth wall!

Total Sin Talley: Twenty-One.
Sentence: Vampire Human Romance!

Note: As much as it sounds like I hate this story, 37 weeks of me being a lazy f*ck has changed my opinion of this story, so now I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter! Keep it up Vamp and Joker! :twilightsmile:

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