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Whelp, it's been fun. Seems like just a few weeks ago Rawg wanted me to sin Shattered Dimensions. Well, despite all my procrastination, here we are. Now let's get right into this.

Everything Wrong With

Shattered Dimensions Part 3: Obsidian Horizon (Chapter Seventeen: Happily Ever After)

By Rawg

I vaulted over a rocky ledge that jutted out of the long, flat plain that stretched before us, leading right up to the coliseum where we assumed Allen was waiting for us. It was hard to believe that after all I had been through in the past week, this crazy adventure was almost coming to an end.

Just like the Shattered Dimensions universe. Not really.

The pink princess actually looked surprised by this. “You’re not?” she asked slowly, “But the entire time you were searching for Allen, you’ve been insisting that you would return home as soon as he was back with my aunts.”

Oh, sh*t! This story's coming to an end! Quick! Gotta add in romance just before the final boss!

I smiled and shook my head. “That was before, when I still hated you guys and couldn’t wait to get back to my life,” I explained, “but now… well, just look at what I’ve done! I’ve traveled across a foreign land in search of a lost friend, risked my life for ponies I would have normally stranded, and even... fell in love,” I said, my voice suddenly softening as I blushed.

There we go.

I nodded. “Good point. Hey, what do you think I could squeeze out of Celestia now that I’m not going to be asking for another trip home?” I asked suddenly.

Her eBay account, maybe? Your own theme song? The possibilities are endless, Drayke.

I brandished the Sword of Harmony and glared at my possessed friend. “Not on your life,” I growled.

Never bring a sword to a tomefight.

I felt my eyes burn as I pulled out my back crystal and screamed as my original suit of Obsidian King armor exploded around me, and its massive wings burst from my shoulders.

Drayke just went supersain.

“Do not oppose me,” he growled menacingly, “I have the magic of four alicorns, the god of chaos, and the ponies chosen by the Elements of Harmony, all on top of this boy’s and my own power. Facing me is practically suicide!” he boasted.

Because Rawg is on Drayke's side, Drayke could literally fight Sanguis with his fists and still win.

I’m just getting started,” I said, holding the Sword of Harmony directly in front of me, “and I’m not letting you win!”

Better make sure you use just the tip.

I looked up at the beam worriedly, and then back to Allen. “If the real Allen is in there, I could really use a distraction!” I called desperately.

Allen took a step forward, and his foot suddenly became encased in a shell of crystal that anchored him to the ground. He looked down angrily and tried smashing the shell with his free hand, but his arm became frozen as soon as it touched his frozen leg.


“Equestria is mine,” he hissed, and a series of black cracks appeared across the Sword of Harmony’s blade. Allen tightened his fist, and the blade shattered into fragments that fell to the floor. Then, he swung his arm to the side, flinging me against the far wall with a heavy thud.

Really? JUST Equestria?

Please, I prayed silently to the Elements, give me the strength I need to save my friends.

Nothing happened for a few seconds, until I suddenly felt a strange warmth spreading from my chest to my arms and legs. I felt my strength restored, and I rose to my feet as a rainbow-colored flame enveloped me.


I thrust my arms outward as a multi-colored blast shot from my hands, and Allen did the same as a black beam of energy fired at me. We sat there, the streams of energy endlessly colliding in the center of the coliseum as we struggled to overpower one another.

More bullsh*t.

“Because friendship is magic,” I whispered, and swung both of my arms to the side, unleashing a wave of energy that canceled Allen’s beam and threw him backward, and disintegrated the chains that bound my friends. They all watched as I marched toward Allen, who was scrambling to his feet and harmlessly firing bolts of black energy at me.

If friendship really did this, then we might have world peace.

“This is impossible!” he screamed angrily, “this cannot be!”

I completely agree with you, Sanguis. Hell, Rawg might as well.

I grabbed the collar of the chainmail sticking out from under his armor and lifted him into the air. “Fuck you,” I growled, my voice vibrating, and the entire room became bathed in a sea of blinding light.

More bullsh*t, but I love the lines from Drayke.

I heard light footsteps behind me. “I think I can explain that one,” I heard a laughing voice say, and I turned to see Allen standing behind me in his alicorn form, free from Sanguis’s influence. “The blast you used to kill me tore a rip in the Void, sending us all back to Equestria. Celestia and Luna brought us back here while Twilight and the others returned the Elements of Harmony to their resting places,” he explained.

No. Just, no.

Just then, Allen’s words hit me. “Wait, I killed you?” I asked, confused.
Allen laughed. “I’m surprised to see you so concerned about me; after all, what happened to you is more shocking,” he said, giving me a strange look.

I gasped. “I died?” I asked quietly.

Apparently, and yet here you are. Y'know, I'm just gonna add five sins because of the amount of characters that get revived via, well, this.

“You have saved Equestria, defeated an ancient evil once and for all, and reunited us with our lost friend. For that, I extend my most humble gratitude,” she said, bowing her head respectfully, which all of the others, even Allen, did as well.

He also invaded your castle because he had nothing better to do.

“There is just one problem,” she said suddenly, and I raised an eyebrow as she went on: “Although you defeated Sanguis and banished his soul from Allen’s body, you were unable to stop his spell, and he was successful in tearing a hole in Equestria and Earth.”

Giving Rawg an excuse to write Broken Worlds.

“So,” Twilight asked slowly, “now what?”
Pinkie jumped up excitedly. “Ooh! Ooh! We could throw them a party!” she cried excitedly.
Rarity rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Pinkie, we should give the humans a bit of time to adjust to our world before throwing them one of your parties,” she said.
Applejack sighed. “I wonder if this will mean good business for Sweet Apple Acres,” she wondered aloud.
“I just hope they’re nice to the animals,” Fluttershy said quietly.
Rainbow Dash smiled. “This is gonna be so awesome!” she said happily.

Spoiler alert, one of the ponies here dies before Broken Worlds. Minus a sin because it's actually kinda awesome. Props to you, Rawg, for painting these ponies in their final moments of friendship, before starting to bring down the f*cking axe.

I sighed and looked straight ahead at the horizon. “After everything we’ve been through,” I said slowly, “I think this is a pretty satisfying ending.”

Oh, you say that now. Just wait.

Total Sin Talley: Twenty-Four
Sentence: Drayke's Noble Rapier! (Just the tip!)

Well, I gotta say, as much as Rawg and I bashed this story ruthlessly, I really enjoyed this story a sh*tload. Hell, this is still one of the best fanfics I've ever read. So if you haven't read it already... then read it! Well, now that's done, I'll probably post how many sins this series as a whole received. I'll continue with some other promised sins posts, then maybe a few choice (like ones from That place is a goldmine.). Then, well, Rawg... I don't know how else to say this, but-

Everything Wrong With

Broken Worlds

5395565 Yeah! But first I need to sin The Eternal Rainbow, and sin a few stories on, like I said. Give me a few sins posts, and it's on to Broken Worlds, which should be fun!

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