ReadingSins 429 members · 651 stories
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Everything Wrong


In WAY Too Many Words



This is going to take a while...

3540005 I feel like this should be a group collab instead.

Or save the collab for something like My Little Unicorn where it's not as long but infinitely worse:pinkiesmile:.

Well, I'm still going to work on this. Just in case no one starts a collaboration. I'll put this on my low priority list for now... College is way more important than this. Good to know that people are thinking of a collaboration though, three-hundred thousand plus words is a pain to go through.

Sgt GobSmacker
Group Admin

3540089 For stories with that many fucking words?! We need to do a group collab with this.

CMDR Kovacs
Group Admin

3540695 I vote for a group collab for Chatoyance's "The Conversion Bureau." I could even make it a YouTube video and narrate for it, and then slap the link all over the site. There is a LOT of things wrong with Chat's TCB.

Sgt GobSmacker
Group Admin

3540718 We could do that. I'm just wondering what would happen to the group if it was uploaded on youtube. Would Chat find out and report us? Or am I just being paranoid?:unsuresweetie:

CMDR Kovacs
Group Admin

3540759 Chat reports everyone that even remotely criticizes her version of the TCB. The mods have already shut her down for creating a counter-group to the "Humans are Superior" group, which she called the "Humans are Inferior" group. She is the site's most infamous misanthrope, and there are certain site rules that would prevent the video from being deleted from the forums anyway. As for on YouTube, if she were to attack the video there it would turn around and bite her in the ass, due to the Terms of Fair Use and Freedom of Content rules there.

Yeah, I've read up on a lot of stuff. It really helps to actually read the User Agreements for these kinds of sites. The ting is, no matter what Chat does in reply to the video, should we actually make it, she'll be on the receiving end of the Moderators' punishment, not us. Besides, it'll be a great counter-argument against all misanthropes site-wide.

Sgt GobSmacker
Group Admin

3540816 Your probably the first person I've met that read the User agreements.
Now that you put it that way... I suppose we can do it. We'll need a Sin bell sound effect and we'll have to show snippets of the story.

CMDR Kovacs
Group Admin

3540847 Yeah. But first, we'll need people to pick apart the first chapter of the story before I can record myself reading them. As for the sound effects and other visual cues that are common with CinemaSins, we'll have to collect them and edit them in, alongside showing the actual text of the story so that people can read it on their own while having a cast of people (preferably one male and one female) record their voices for the dialogue roles, with me narrating everything else. It's one big project for a single chapter, and it'd take a lot of concentration from all to pull it off.

Sgt GobSmacker
Group Admin

3540855 But first things first, we need to create a youtube channel called ReadingSins. That'll be step 1 complete.

CMDR Kovacs
Group Admin

3540860 Actually, that's thinking too far ahead. First things first are getting people on board with this, like video editors and those cast people I talked about, and actually making the written sins before we can even think about the hassle of a YT channel. We'd still need to worry about the vocal capabilities of those people as well, and work out a schedule between everyone, and adhere to it. A collaboration is serious business, and all will have to be loyal to the plan for it to work.

Sgt GobSmacker
Group Admin

3540870 I think it might be best if we start out with doing the Sin review first, here. And then think about the YT video after.

CMDR Kovacs
Group Admin

3540893 Exactly my point. Now you're getting it! Step by step, process by process.

Sgt GobSmacker
Group Admin

3540911 When should we have the group collab for though? School starts on the 27th for me.

CMDR Kovacs
Group Admin

3540947 How about sometime in mid-late November? That's when I'll have the most time, as I'll have finished my six-year term in the Air Force, and I'd have my mid-terms done and over with school-wise. I know it's a while away, but things like this need to be planned in advance.

Sgt GobSmacker
Group Admin

3540957 Mid late November... hmmm. I don't think I'll be available then, school is still active. Do the start of the Christmas holidays sound viable?

CMDR Kovacs
Group Admin

3540991 Yeah, that sounds good, though don't be surprised if I get murdered by my German exams. I'm learning Deutsche this semester.

Sgt GobSmacker
Group Admin

3540999 I find German easy to learn, though annoying at times. English is a good subject, (just leave out the poetry, page long answers, making stupid sentences and Shakespeare.) But English exams go full retard, I'm not allowed go with my full potential, which annoys me to no end.

Also class trip to Germany in February.

CMDR Kovacs
Group Admin

3541022 I find Russian a breeze, mostly because I learned Russian before English, which means I can speak both really well. As for your trip, congratulations! I haven't been there yet, but the military let me go to lots of other places, like France. I could have gone without an attempt on my life there, though.

Sgt GobSmacker
Group Admin

3541028 You had an attempt on your life in France?!:twilightoops: I don't how respond to that...
I hope I don't have an attempt on my in Germany, though I doubt it.:twilightsheepish:


This is going to take a while...

That's an understatement right there. I've heard about this story, and I know that there is a lot wrong with it. I'm curious to see how high the sin counter will get.

CMDR Kovacs
Group Admin

3541412 Yeah, as long as you don't have any run-ins of the dating variety with crazy psycho bitches that have access to cyanide, you should be fine!

CMDR Kovacs
Group Admin

3541424 I'll be helping a bit. As soon as I finish up some other things on the back burners. And also bring myself to read it...

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