Breaking the Fourth Wall 26 members · 19 stories

This group is for stories that take the fourth wall and nuke it.
Folder Descriptions
Main- All stories go here.
Breaking the Fourth Wall- Stories where one or two chapters with 4th Wall breaks.
Nuking the Fourth Wall- Stories where the main theme is breaking the 4th Wall
Pinkie Pie- Stories that have Pinkie doing the 4th Wall breaks.
Deadpool- Stories that have our favorite Merc with a Mouth, Deadpool.

Comments ( 3 )
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370491 If it happens ever once in awhile, it goes in the Breaking the Fourth Wall folder. If the story is based completely around destroying the 4th wall, Nuking the 4th Wall

does it have to happen completely, or just every so often?

Like what I'm doing right now!

AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WILL YOU GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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