Product Ponies 385 members · 26 stories
Comments ( 9 )
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To keep The Market from getting to long/cluttered, I decided to move all the drinks over to here. The Bar.

If you find any ponified drinks that aren't here be sure to PM your suggestions.
(If you do comment don't imbed images, just link me to the image and I'll add them to the main post, this will keep the thread from getting cluttered up)




Flat Coke:

Vanilla Coke


Mountain Dew:


Dr. Pepper:




Bubble Tea:


The first picture is in The Market thread. She's our god and founder.
Second one though was cute. Shall be used.

Please try not to embed images please, it'll keep the thread from getting clutered and taking forever to load for others in the future. Feel free to link to the pictures however :twilightsmile: It also lets me be able to have the source of the image so I can credit the respective owners.

3505065 okay, but where I find them isn't the owners, but the place does have links to the owner, plus please don't sip me, the last guy drank me all up........:ajsleepy:

That edit.... *twitch twitch*
Thank you for the suggestion, but I had already found that.

And it's alright, I managed to find them. Although I wouldn't have had to if I were given the link. Please, make it easier for me and next time just comment with the links.

3505086 okay, but I wont be posting any more

I was looking all over for this guy! Glad to see someone ponified him. Thank you for your contribution, Dr. Pepper pony has been added.

i think that this song fits in quite well here

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