The Sirens 1,348 members · 1,193 stories
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Hi there everyone,

I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, but this group has two admins listed (Tennis Match Fan and NotSoWickedWitch), and neither of them have been online in six months. It looks like both of them have moved on from the fandom.

Mostly this group seems to run itself with little need for help, but sooner or later some housekeeping things are going to need doing and there's no one left to do them. There's a comment on the main page from last June, for example, about one of the folder images being broken, and it still hasn't been addressed.

The site mods can appoint new admins if asked, but obviously that needs to be someone that the group decides on. So I'm making this forum thread to see how people feel about that.

I'm happy to volunteer for this, I've been running the Vignette Valencia group since starting it three years ago and never had any complaints. I'd suggest for a group this big that we have a second mod as well, so there's a quicker response time if people have any issues.

Please leave a comment below about how you'd feel about me taking on a group admin role, to throw your own name in, or with any other suggestions of how we proceed.

Thanks for your time!

I'd like to volunteer, but I have absolutely no experience with that sort of role. :twilightsheepish: I don't know anything about you, but I'm sure you'd be a fine admin! Good Luck! :twilightsmile:

I'll volunteer to admin as well. I have created multiple groups and one of them is fairly active.

With me you'll get

An active admin who will enforce the rules.
Automatic promotion every 2-3 weeks in The Unified Creators Alliance and the big self-promo group.
Being featured on the front page of The Unified Creators Alliance.
A friendly individual who will help in any way that I can.

I would like to volunteer, I'm an admin of several groups like Twilight Sparkle so I do have the experience.

I vote SeeetAI Belle.

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Hey everyone,

Firstly, thank you to the three people who’ve volunteered! That’s really great to see, I wasn’t sure what kind of reception this thread would get.

After leaving the thread for 24 hours so everyone can talk about it, it looks like we might be ready to make some decisions?

Let’s be real here, the group has been running without an admin for over half a year and I seem to be the only person to have even noticed, let alone needed admin help with anything, so I’m guessing running the group won’t be too much trouble. I think 98% of the members here mostly just use it as a New Dazzling Story alert system.

Here’s my suggestion:

StormLuna and The Bricklayer, if you guys are helping with several other groups already, why don’t NerdyPegasister and I take this one? If I’m wrong, and this proves to be a much bigger challenge than expected, then I’ll probably be back, begging for more help and hoping either of you are still up for it! But I can’t really see this group needing more than two admins, since it only had two before, and that was back when Rainbow Rocks was shiny and new.

Regarding Cryosite’s suggestion, SweetAI Belle is a saint for stepping in to run that many groups (42!) whose admins have departed, but, given that they already have that much to take care of, and aren’t a member of this group, I think it would be rude to ask them to take on more when there are already volunteers here? It seems like asking them to do extra work for no reward.

JinxTJL, thanks for the endorsement! Hoping not to disappoint!


Hey, I see where you're coming from. I already run multiple groups but if you ever do need anyone who is good at enforcing rules and increasing group size, I'll be here.

That is entirely fair, makes sense to me.

Thanks guys, that's good to know!

I've spoken with NerdyPegasister us working on it, and I think I've probably left this here long enough now for any objections to be raised, so I'll contact the site mods about transferring the group.

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