The Sirens 1,348 members · 1,193 stories
Comments ( 19 )
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What sorts of things could you imagine happening if the Dazzlings played Dungeons And Dragons together? And also, how would they react to some of the lore and such, and some of the monsters like Krakens or things like Tritons or Sea Elves?

7050373 Maybe they imagine themselves in the D&D world and doing what they do in the game, but in real life?

Can you please clarify what you mean by that?

Definitely an evil run. Aria plays a sorceress because mages have so many fun and cruel ways to murdelate enemies (and wizards are for nerds). Sonata is a big, beefy, half ork barbarian dude who like to smash. Adagio plays a LG Assimar knight or Paladin and likes to see how closely she can skate the line without losing her alignment. She also tries to seduce a Mindflayer.

Sunset is the DM and they drive her nuts.

Oh my god, that sounds hilarious and awesome. Could make for a good fanfic too.

7050380 Like, anything they do in game, they end up doing in reality because of them having an overactive imagination of some sort. Does that make sense?

Ah, I see what you mean now.

7050396 Sorry I didn't make sense before

I would imagine Sonata being Chaotic Neutral, Adagio being Neutral Evil, not really sure what alignment Aria would be.

Hm, Chaotic Evil probably.

What player races do you think the Dazzlings would like overall?

Elves and Merfolk come to the top of my mind.

Adagio would probably go half elf, high elf, or assimar, something beautiful and elegant.
Aria would probably pick something edgy like tiefling or dark elf.
Sonata would either pick something really big or really small. Half Ork, dwarf, halfling, half giant. That or something totally off the wall like a kobold.

Honestly surprised that Triton or Sea Elf didn't come up in there, considering they're Sirens.

Haha, well I'm not really familiar with them, so I didnt think about it!

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