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Hey guys. I've recently found out about this anti-Islam rally, as some are calling it. Now, I don't want to make this political or cause a flame war here. Honestly, I blame the guy behind this rally, but I can understand his mentality (mainly because how ISIS/IS is screwing everything, like Al-Qaeda did), and I just want to know your thoughts about this. I'm sorry if this might offend you.


4767489 *sighs* Not another one. Look, I understand that people feel they need to make their voices heard and their opinions known. I understand that people are scared of ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups. I respect that the 1st amendment gives Americans the right to peaceful assembly and protest.


Really, what is it that they're even trying to accomplish? There are two major groups that this could really affect. First, there's the intended target: Islamic extremist groups. News flash: THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR PROTESTS! Do you think they're going to stop what they're doing because they're unpopular in America? Or even world-wide? No protests that we do are going to have any effect on them.

The second group, the one who is (hopefully) unintentionally affected, are the perfectly peaceful Muslims and Arabs who live in these communities and, in fact, across the US. Do you honestly think that they won't feel threatened by this? Discriminated against? Hated and feared? Arabs are already viewed with suspicion and fear by most of the US through no fault of their own. Protests like this just make it worse! No matter how much you say it's targeted just towards extremists, there are tons of people on every side who will just see this as another racist, cold-hearted anti-Muslim/anti-Arab rally.

We don't need more fear-mongering. We don't need more anger and hate. We don't need more protests that do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING POSITIVE and in fact make life worse for innocents!

4767615 You know, for all the hate those people (in the rally) have, I'm surprised they haven't done it specifically for ISIS. I mean, all of the problems, all of their fears stems from ISIS's ideologies, not really Islam. That's something they, and we, need to distinguish.


4767489 What you resist, persists.

The more protests there will be, the more recruits ISIS will gain.

The intentions of this protests are irrelevant. The consequences is what matters. Even if the intentions of the protesters aren't bad, the end result will be.

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