Comments ( 6 )
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The cross is here to stay, no matter what people try to do.

What are your all's opinions about this symbol of hope?

3491294 It's a clear symbol of Satanism, no matter what people try to promote. I just don't understand why they turned the cross, the symbol of Satanism, upside down. It should be fixed like this:

An honest mistake, I guess.

You're right to raise the issue. Why would people oppose the blatant public displays of Satanic symbols?

3491294 In my honest opinion, people are reading into this too much. They are changing around what the cross really represents. The fact that the beams ended up like that is coincidence. We could probably go all day talking about what the cross means and represents.
To me, these are just steel beams and concrete. I have never seen any reason to wear a cross on a necklace or hang a decorative cross in you home. The reason being is that the cross is a symbol of Christ's sacrifice for the sins of man. To put so much focus on the cross in this way is to provide an idol. People begin to worship the thing and not recall what it actually represents.
The cross is to say, "Here is a way to be free from the sins that plague you so you may enter heaven and have eternal life." Not, "Everything's going to be okay. Life is good."

3492324 to me, I think God had a hand in these beams becoming a cross. I guess you could say, it's Gods promise to America that there will be hope in the end. That he will be there for us when times like this happen.

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