Comments ( 16 )
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Aaliyah Haddad
Group Admin

I heard it is great, or at least compared to Europe. Any Americans want to talk about it? :twilightsmile:

3450289 Religious Freedom. I live in a Christian mostly state, with Judaism as a second religion
While our neighbor across the river has it's second as Muslim.
We have the ability to worship in our own way.
But there are some things that come before that freedom.

Aaliyah Haddad
Group Admin

3450395 Oh? Like what?

3450396 For example, if your religion calls for the sacrifice of virgins, that virgins right to live, out weighs the Freedom of Religion.

Aaliyah Haddad
Group Admin

3450408 Oh, well yes. Of course. :twilightsheepish:

3450436 sorry if that example causes trouble. It was the one my Government Professor used when we were learning about the Constitution.

Aaliyah Haddad
Group Admin

3450442 It is a good enough example.

3450453 our founding fathers made it so we could worship in our own way, even if one was an atheist from what I hear.

Aaliyah Haddad
Group Admin

3450466 I'll let others take over from here.

3450289 I would say that America is very "religious." There is religious freedom, a number of religions practiced, and multiple denominations/groups of a few of these religions (I can only speak of Christian denominations as that is what I know). But being "religious" only goes so deep. There is a difference (at least in my understanding) between being "religious" and actually following and practicing what you believe.

3450497 That is a funny picture by the way. Don't know why, but I like it. :rainbowkiss:

Aaliyah Haddad
Group Admin

3450822 :rainbowkiss:

Fair enough, we actually have a REALLY good policy of religious freedom here too.

3450289 Unfortunately, not nearly as much as we used to be. While many people will say that they are of this or that religion, most don't actually do anything with it. Many people are truly religious, even if they claim to believe in one particular religion.

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