Comments ( 16 )
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Aaliyah Haddad
Group Admin

Perhaps a loaded question, and it made depend on how devout you are, but the three Abrahamic religions are very closely related. Each one claiming to be the advancement of the last.

How do you see these religions as connected? And for anyone religious, could you be accepted as is in the other Abrahamic religions if you only follow one? For instance, would a Jew or a Muslim be accepted by Jesus as he or she currently is?

3450175 The Jews are God's Children, so in the end, they would get something great.
The rest of us, it will all depend.

Aaliyah Haddad
Group Admin

3450288 Well I would disagree, but that is just for my religions sake. :twilightsmile:

3450295 I would go into the Book of Revelations, but that would take forever. Despite it being a short book, compared to some of the others.

Aaliyah Haddad
Group Admin

3450300 I would just go to the Qur'an. :rainbowwild:

3450324 I can tell, this one would be more difficult. We would both use our books, and hard to tell if we would get anywhere.

and I blocked that one person

Aaliyah Haddad
Group Admin

3450387 Yea. I mean, how many books does Christianity have? We just have the Qur'an and Hadiths. :applejackconfused:

I banned him from here. He was obviously a rouble-rouser from the "Christian" brony group.

3450393 about 57, and add some other books, within the books, and you have over 60.

3450393 3450402 39 in the Old Testament and 27 In the New Testament. 66 total within the whole Bible. Only one Bible, but I suppose it depends on your definition of "book."

3450839 each part of it is in different books. like the Book of Exodus.

3450845 True. But remember, some books are very short like Philemon or Jude. We call them "books" in our language but it holds a different definition than other things we call "books." Really just a technicality in the long run.

3450393 By the way. What did you mean "how many books?" Or did we answer that question?

Aaliyah Haddad
Group Admin

3450870 You did! We actually call the New Testament, the Al-Injil.

3450882 Here is a question. Are the Qur'an and Hadiths two different books, like two Bibles, or two parts of one book, like the books of the Bible or the Old and New Testaments?

Aaliyah Haddad
Group Admin

3451952 Well, the Qur'an is our holy book, but the Hadiths are a collection of deeds done by the prophet Mohammad, alayhi s-salam.

3450175 Hm. A very interesting question.

To start, the only major difference I see between the three comes from their views of Jesus of Nazareth and Mohammad. Christians believe Jesus the be the promised Christ and Messiah. Jews and Muslims view Him as a prophet, at most. Muslims also believe that Mohammad was a prophet. When you get right down to it, those two men are all that really separate the three religions.

As for acceptance into the others, I don't think that that is possible. If you believe that Jesus was the Christ, then that clashes with Muslim and Jewish teachings. If you think that Mohammad was a prophet, that clashes (I believe, don't quote me on this) with the Jewish belief that the prophets ended with Malachi (or Jesus, for those who see Him as a prophet). I don't think it's really possible to be two of them at the same time.

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