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First thing's first, for those who don't know, this is Bombette a partner in the orignal Paper Mario.

She's my favorite partner because, well look at her she's adorable!

She's a freaking pink bob-omb with a ponytail fuse!

Anyway though, should stop gushing and get to the point.

Earlier today for no reason whatsoever, I just had a remembrance of her awesomeness and wanted to have her in Equestria because reasons!

But then the problem arose, I can't think of any logical way to get the bomb to Equestria...

So, any ideas so that we can see this sassy pink bomb walk through Ponyville, hang out with Pinkie, maybe cause a bit of collateral damage (she's a bomb after all, and she's been known to blow up previous employers because reasons!), and just overall be awesome.

Bombette was as I said my favorite party member, and probably still is, she's just adorable and not afraid to speak her mind.

I'd really love to see what I could do with her in Equestria, but I have no clue where to start.


Have her try to perfect the art of the Quantum Explosion, a technique that was deemed impossible by Bob-Omb kind due to the amount of power needed to pull off. Through an accidental method, she pulls it off but finds herself in Equestria. She also finds out that her Quantum Explosion caused many disruptions across the Equestrian plane.

That could work, and it could be an interesting way to include more Paper Mario elements.

Bombette trying and failing multiple times and eventually making a wish to the Star Spirits who grant her the ability to be upgraded beyond ultra rank gifting her the ability.

After doing it, she shows up in Equestria, everything seems good but eventually other things start falling in, namely her old employers.

I can really see some interesting possibility's, and the chance for an old hero to shine once more.

She saved the kingdom once, and now she'll save another.

Yeah, now all I need to do is actually write this.

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