The Blue Angels 10 members · 13 stories

Welcome to the group of the wonderbolts, this a place to read stories about your favorite members of the elite flying team.

Feel free to post a thread in the forum if you like, I wouldn't mind at all. But please be sure to let me know first before you post a thread in the group's forum, it's important for me to know what you're going to talk about.

Group Rules:
-Be nice here, or I will have to ask you to leave.
-Be mindful of all members that are a part of this group.
-If you are a fan, the it's okay to join.
-If you aren't then, then you must not join this group at all. I will have to ask you to leave because of that.

Something I Have To Say:
This group has already just begun, so I've decided that you can add any story you have written about the Wonderbolts lifestyles, cadets of the academy and it's all up to you.

Write about the life of any wonderbolt you want, it can even be an OC of yours, I wouldn't mind at all.

Comments ( 4 )
  • Viewing 1 - 4 of 4

363681 yes, if your story is rated dark, I will accept it. But before you add your story, I'll add another folder.

363647 Alright, cool. Now, I actually have a Wonderbolt story that doesn't fit into the categories provides. It's actually a Dark Random tale. Are those kinds of stories allowed here? :duck:

363576 I might have to give a little change in the rules, okay:trollestia::flutterbad:

Um, quick question. Are you only allowing romance stories, or just anything about the Wonderbolts? I only ask because the only folder you've got right now is titled "Sad, Slice of Life," and the rules themselves are kinda unclear. :rainbowhuh:

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