Shimmer's Library 12 members · 30 stories

Greetings friends. c:
So, I'm huge on editing. If I read a story with editing mistakes I can rant about it for hours. This is my effort to change that. Just submit any and all things you want read to me or fellow members and we'll help.
I'll also help with things other than writing. Any problems you have physical, emotional, or mental, you can talk to me. Basically, I'm here to help.
Well, I have much to do so- this is Shimmer, signing off. c:

Comments ( 10 )
  • Viewing 1 - 10 of 10

So if I need a story proof read, I just need to submit it here?

364602 Well considering I have no idea who that, no I have not... :moustache:

364600 It's fine:pinkiehappy:
Hey you see any good Ticci Toby stories?

363659 Hallo friend, sorry for the late greeting. :rainbowkiss:

Hello:pinkiehappy: I walked through a random yet ominous doorway, and now I'm here...ooh stories!

362169 Well I'm kinda new at this, I'll figure it out though.
362250 I'll figure that out too bro, don't worry. :pinkiesmile:

It'll be cool if you had your avatars picture be the banner picture or the group emblem. Just saying.

That's so awesome. I have a whole list of unpublished stories that still need editing before I can publish them.

Any and all edits from anypony are welcome, the stories are public Google Docs, so anypony can drop on them and comment.

  • Viewing 1 - 10 of 10