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Hey there, Windsilver here.

I've loved Parkour/Freerunning ever since I discovered it on the internet about three years ago. The idea of improving you body to overcome any obstacle just made sense to me. I try to do a little everyday. Mostly using it to catch the train. Or freak people out. I feel like when people notice you having fun in your environment, or doing something they've never seen before, they learn to notice their own surroundings and appreciate life more.

Parkour is extremely freeing because you choose how to interact with your surroundings. You make spilt second decisions that can affect where you end up and how quickly you get there.

I guess the best part is when you finally accomplish something you've been working up to. I just recently made it up the sign in front of my school. Which is maybe just over 10ft tall.

So yeah, who's next?

Well, Chiashi Zane here. I've been doing Parkour since Senior year of High School (mostly because it pissed off security. I never really got into the Freerunning, because it always seemed too flashy. I actually developed the mindset first, then the physical aspect came later, because of the way my brain is wired. As a mild Autistic, (Aspergers Syndrome), I found that watching the way people interacted with the world never really made sense to me. It wasn't until I learned about Parkour that I realized why. I never saw the world as flat planes. I saw it as the 3D space it was, and seeing that there were people who thought it was reasonable to use rails as steps, and bypass things without slowing down proved that I wasn't just a weirdo (Not, JUST, I say...). Developing my actual physical skills started with my Cinematography class in my senior year. My partners decided to try and do something they had seen Spiderman do. As the only one of the three of us actually lanky enough to pull it off, I tried it. I left a footprint on the door to our theatre when I leapt over the railing the first time.
The second time, I caught my hand on the rail and did a flip that dislocated my wrist and slammed my ankle into the wall hard enough to unseat the bones. I learned not to take the impact on those joints, instead using my knees and elbows to soak the energy.
The actual video (some of which made it to Youtube), has a clip (that has been lost to the depths of Erased) where I turned a bad landing in a cactus into a rolling handstand that I had to hold until my partners could get the cactus out of my pant legs so I could roll back onto my feet without shoving them into my calves and knees.

Incidently, I found the video (what survived on the Internets...) Linky-> At 56 seconds you can see the cactus I landed in.

I am a beginner parkour fan, currently trying to get into shape. I don't have any parkour stories. Don't know what else to say. :twilightblush:

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