The Equs Liberation Army 8 members · 0 stories
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NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

(Only merc missions allowed on any thread labeled 'merc mission' any violators will be banned by comment deletion this is all)

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

(Ah, here we go!)

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

(Now we begin simple)
The sun glints off the blades of a Black Hawk as it flys through the narrow cliffs that make up Ghastly Gorge. The heli has two door gunners that seem more content with catching up on some sleep than watching out for danger as the symbol of a dragon shines on the heli's side.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

(Hmmm.... Antagonist or not, that is the question..)

A narrow column of smoke twists up through the air in the distance. Beyond that, there is little to know sign of encampments in the area.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

The pilots ignore the smoke and continue to wind the heli through the gorge being careful not to clip the sides as it starts to narrow.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

They eventually come to a fork in the path, each one just wide enough to fit through.
Meanwhile, an invisible figure monitors their approach.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

They keep a left as they pass the AA emplacements hidden in the wall and continue towards what looks to be a dead end.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

The figure silently trails them, easily keeping pace with the Black Hawk.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

The Black Hawk suddenly flares hard, right before it passes straight through the wall and emerges in a large hidden cavern filled with various species all either working on equipment or moving it. The heli then orientates to a heli-pad and lands as a crew gets ready to repair any damages done to the copter and unload its cargo.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

the figure slips into the barrier behind the heli, reinforcing its stealth spells before entering.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

The stealth spell falters slightly from the barrier but holds just barely as a mare walks up to the heli and nods at the pilots before walking into the light recognizable immediately as one of Dark's squadmates Night Shade.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

the figure watches with interest.
(I gotta go, storms picking back up.)

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

She has the symbol of a scorpion on her uniform and she organizes where the cargo is going and moves the heli off the pad to make room. The heli then flys down a seperate tunnel system to a storage area as Night Shade goes to talk to the other soldier Dark had with him whose uniform has the symbol of a kingfish on it.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

The figure trails after Night Shade.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

(Umm Dark isn't there)

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

(It's fine just know that if a character is active on the other thread it won't be here)

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

(Alright. so in this thread, we'll be doing the behind the scenes stuff. for example, the figure currently sneaking through the facility isn't Lolk.)

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

(And side missions for equipment and such)

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

(Alright. So my OC will be following Night Shade until ze finds something of interest.)

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

Night nods to the soldier after a while and walks down a long hallway into what looks to be a command center with a scorpion symbol on the floor.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

The figure trails carefully behind close enough to get through any doors before they close but not so close Night touch him easily. Several spells keep the air currents from being disrupted as the figure moves past.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

Night joins a large crowd around the central table where they are debating on where to send Gale's casket.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

The figure stays off to the side, recording the conversation and taking note of who is in the room.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

They finally agree to send it to an outpost deep in gryphon territory and contact the ponies in charge of transport.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

The figure moves closer in an attempt to hear both sides of the conversation with the transport pony.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

A orange pegasus is on the phone with what sounds to be a gryphon but its words are too distorted to understand. "The casket is going to go to outpost gamma...yes I know where that is...the gryphon officials are being alerted now...yes you may ask for help from the Dragons...good...we will contact you soon let them feel the sting of the Scorpions."

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

The figure files this away for later, and moves back carefully to avoid bumping into anyone.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

Night seems to be speaking into a mic as a small camera shows Dark at the funeral but it is focused on the Dark hidden behind Luna, carefully slicing some hair from her mane as the guards and her are distracted by his shadow clone. "Okay Dark you have enough just get out." He can't hear the other half of the conversation. "No you can't blow a hole in the wall...don't whine."

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

The figure manages not to facehoof, and keep watching. The figure looks over Night Shade for signs of any key rings or security cards.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

She has a keycard in her front pocket. "...what do you mean the hair isn't wavy?...Are you sure?..."

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

The figure carefully slides it out, creating a force field in the same shape as the card to avoid notice.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

The figure feels a gun barrel against his head and Night lifts the mic away and looks straight at his after putting the card back. "Could you please not I'm working."

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

The figure slowly nods.
"Faaaair enough, I'll come back later.
She withdraws from the room with as much dignity as she can.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

Night motions for her to come back. "Oh no I meant with the being sneaky part and trying to steal the card you can be in here if your authorized."

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

The figure pauses for a moment, before shaking her head.
"Alright." She says somewhat uncertainly as she walks over.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

She looks at her. "And could you turn visible?"

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

She sighs heavily.
Her cloak shimmers briefly before deactivating. A demure changeling is visible, scruffy black hair propped up with large goggles and wrapped in her stealth cloak.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

Night smirks. "Welcome to Scorpion HQ name's Night Shade." She puts the mic back on. "Okay Dark that is obviously not Luna but I believe the cloaked figure on the left is...her cloak is waving slightly...of course you didn't think of that common sense and you don't get along remember?...just get the hair already."

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

The spy comments casually "Hope he remembers to keep both hair samples."
She opens a small thermos of tea.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

She looks at her. "Oh he will." The camera zooms it as a small bundle of waving hair slowly makes it way to Dark and once it does he puts it in a seperate container than the other and labels both.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

the changeling sips her tea quietly, watching the screen intently.
"So how long will the fake corpse last before Luna figures it out...?"

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

Night watches also as Dark disappears without a flash of light. "Three seconds."

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

"Hmmm.... Royal Canterlot Scream in three..."

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

Night sees the present and her smug expression deadpans. "Oh no." Dark comes up from behind. "Oh yes."

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

The figure turns, looking a Dark briefly, before turning back.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

He smiles as she opens her present. "I wonder if she likes it."

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

"Probably not..."
The changeling eats a small cookie, offering ones to Night and Dark.

NLR Lightning Bolt
Group Contributor

They both shake their heads.

Lorthalis of Crows
Group Admin

She shrugs, finishing off her meal.

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