The Twidash Army 571 members · 532 stories
Comments ( 18 )
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Make New Friends But Keep Discord

Not really much TwiDash, but I have two honorable mentions and one plot-stare :)

Is it just me, or is Twilight wearing a wedding gown. In any case, I like their styles. The animators seem to grow bored and change the looks of the ponies more often.

Not entirely sure, if plot-stare or not. Maybe the lack of TwiDash makes me seeing things.

Good find from Kodeake :twilightsmile:

Starting to think they're going out of their way to not have any real Twidash moments...


You guys not notice the one transition at the beginning? When Discord leaves Rarity's shop, the transition is a bunch of cards swiping down the screen. Thing is, all the cards are face down except for two of them

Those two are Twi and Dash's Cutie Marks.

It's our job as Twidash shippers to see Twidash in otherwise mundane things, right?


Good eye! I completely missed that... Hey, no one's perfect.

Twidash covers everything!

I have a better one. There were some scenes where you can see Rainbow Dash, and there were some scenes you can see Twilight in.

Good enough.

The most important rule.

Come now, it's all in good fun. It's not like anyone thinks this is actually evidence for Twidash cannon, it's just a silly thing to do.

4384906 Ah, dost thou serve thine office well.


Okay, I missed that, too. But I added it.


The purpose of this thread is to list off every moment in MLP that supports our loveable duo being together. These are the moments that build the foundation of their relationship, the little hints and tidbits that lead us to think they are perfect together and MLP just needs to make it official!

I'll be going through each episode one at a time to include any moment I think deserves recognition as a TwiDash moment.


And it's all subjective, as is everything.

While I have you let me remind you of this.

Rule #2. Don't be a buttnugget, please. We have a mission, as bronies, to make the world a little more like the paradise that is Equestria each day by treating each other with kindness and respect. For that reason, I will not tolerate buttnuggetry in my group, nor should anyone else.

The point of this group is to have fun. The rules are simple, if you don't want to follow them no one is keeping you here.

Let's call this strike 1 (although it should be like 10)

What a wonderfully vague rule.

So who is being the buttnugget here? The person spamming a bunch of images that apparently no one is going to take seriously, despite the spammer taking them seriously for their own subjective opinion? Or the people they annoy? Who is supposed to get in trouble for their legitimate objective opinion here, and who is supposed to stop being a buttnugget?

Making thoughtful and thought-provoking threads is the responsibility of a person making a thread. Encouraging discussion and conversation is a respectful goal.

Recognizing that others have different opinions, and allowing them the courtesy of speaking those opinions is also respectful.

We don't have to agree. But you don't get to just point to something you disagree with and call it disrespectful. Kodeake and I are having a conversation prompted by your thread. We disagree. I ask you not be a "buttnugget" and give us the respect to say our parts to each other, and only bring in the rules if we start insulting each other.


Or the people they annoy?

It would be the ONE person who was annoyed by it

You chose to join the group
You chose to open the thread
Then while everyone else was having fun you chose to rain on the parade because...

All of these are your choices.

Don't like it? Again it's your choice to be here.

If you feel I'm being a buttnugget feel free to report me for breaking the rules. There is a list of moderators of higher ranking then me on the front page.

It's right below the rules of the group.

Btw if the rules to vague for you it means don't be an ass.

If everyone's having good fun that doesn't hurt anyone, there's no need to piss on it because you're not.

No surprise no one else is voicing their annoyance with it. Not many people around here voice much of anything. If they happen to have an opinion that one of the contributors disagrees with, they're breaking the rules.

Changing the term from "buttnugget" to "ass" doesn't change the vagueness. It's still vague. You can apparently apply either term to whatever you wish, and suddenly someone is breaking the rules. So, disagreeing with you is being an ass. That's apparently the less vague definition of what the rules state. It also means that, by invoking the rules, you're allowed to throw insults at people. Because you can just define whatever they're doing as wrong, and state they're a "whatever insulting term dredged up from the kindergarten playground we chose today." Because obviously any reasonable person would never want to go through the shame of being one of those.

Also, so what if I happen to be the only person who disagrees? So we're only allowed to post if we agree and we're never allowed to question or criticize anything ever? What if there are others who disagree, but have kept quiet to avoid having childish insults thrown at them? What if a lot of people agreed with me, what difference would that make in your opinion? Would it suddenly be OK to disagree with you if there were a lot of people like me? Would you suddenly feel you were wrong, just because there were a lot of people telling you so? How many is a lot?

Do I get another strike for still disagreeing with you?


it's fine to disagree but how you do so matters. Smart ass condescending posts are not the way it's done here.

Again, you choose to be a part of this group, if you don't like the rules quit, if you think I'm being unfair feel free to pm lightningbass or frozenintime. Until they tell me otherwise these are the rules you agreed to play by as part of the group and the rules I will enforce.

Yes the rule Is vague, done that way so it can be applied to all sorts of situations. It's the job of the moderators to interpret the rules and apply them as they see fit. (And I've spoken to most of them, we've all pretty much given you a pass, until now)

Yet, and here's the kicker, everyone else seems not to have an issue following it. It's just you with the issue (notice a pattern here?)

I'm writing this issue off as done. There will be no more strikes based on what was already said.

If you have an issue with my interpretation of the rules or the rule itself pm those listed above as this thread is not the place to discuss rule issues.

Group Admin

4391850 Whoa, whoa, whoa! This is not the place to be arguing so vehemently, even with a contributor. Do I have a rule about fights breaking out in forums? If not, I need to make one. I feel this should have gone to PMs at some point.

All this got a bit out of hand, and I'm just reading it all for the first time. Unfortunately I'm at work and on my phone, but I would like to handle this in a calm, collected manner. I would appreciate a cease fire between both parties until then. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


Admittedly, never noticed that.

Allow me to correct myself.

I do it all in good fun; it's not like I actually believe Twidash is cannon or anything. Besides, I watch the show with shipping goggle on most times (I've been a Twidasher far too long...) so I tend to notice things. These threads have just been a silly thing to look at for me. No harm no foul, as far as I'm concerned.

Also... yeah... I'm not getting involved in that... err... discussion...


As far as I'm concerned, ^this^ was just a little sarcastic comment and nothing to be upset about. So I don't understand, how it could lead to such a discussion.

Stay fluffy :twilightsmile:

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