The Twidash Army 570 members · 532 stories
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Ponies could only reproduce through magic??? Not just superficially; they have no genitalia and couldn't have intercourse in any way other than magic?

The Unicorns would use it against Earth ponies and Pegasi... their kin slowly but surely dying off as wars are fought over Unicorns that can make babiez...

Equestria's enemies would hunt the Unicorns to the brink of extinction, quelling the entire population growth...


This was just a glimpse into my twisted mind. Any thoughts? I bet this could be made into a TwiDash story. :rainbowkiss:

3782814 so how do they releave themselves, do they just puke it back out, do they need magic for that to?

Group Contributor

3782814 :rainbowderp: I was agreeing internally up until the part where the unicorns abused their magic. At first I saw it along the lines of reproduction through the magic of love, which all ponies possess, allowing even same-sex couples to have offspring. Plus, that'd eliminate ponies getting pregnant when they don't want to be, assuming that both ponies have to be consenting to have a foal. Problem is, without reproductive organs, how would the birthing process work? I suppose there's the c-section, but I don't really like that option to be honest. Perhaps the goal doesn't develop in a conventional womb, but that'd take a crap-ton of explaining, I'm sure.

That sounds a bit DARK for my tastes... Equestria is full of light and happiness, that's why it's great! The real world has enough darkness, no need to add it into a happy fictional world without, in my book.

Still, interesting concept. I'd gladly read a happier, lighter version, were it to be written.

Group Admin

3782838 3782952 3783129 3783353 3783539
Okay, let me rephrase that a bit;
certain Unicorns feel slightly... empowered with the situation, not all of them. Others could be scared out of their minds, and others might be indifferent.
When I said no genitalia, I meant no.... seed or cervix, if you will.

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

I'm with Zhe on this one, though not because of the evil-unicorn thing. I buy into Chengar Qordath's Magic of Love idea myself, where any two ponies can reproduce if they love each other enough. Also, if unicorns were the only ones capable of enabling fertilization or childbirth, then how did pegasi and earth ponies not die off before the unification of the tribes? I really like the idea behind this, but due to the fact that I over-think everything, I find the need for unicorn magic off-putting.

Why not more magic? :pinkiehappy: The mother collapses onto their side, struggles for a bit, and suddenly *WOOSH!* a flash of bright light and the baby is teleported out of their womb and into their hooves.

3784397 I got that part and it is a very interesting idea I may very well steal.:raritywink:


Sounds like a pretty kinky fic.

Frozy you sick fuck... I love it!

Group Contributor

3784548 Nah, that doesn't feel right either. I like the use of magic to form the embryo, but natural magic just "poofing" the baby out feels to convenient to me, unrealistic. Besides, I feel that a pony, err person, creates a strong bond with a child through the natural birthing process, one that this wouldn't be able to create.

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

I agree, but if ponies don't have genitals then how else is the foal coming out? They don't have many options if we consider them smooth as a Barbie the way they look in the show.

Group Contributor

3785521 I know. Perhaps I'm being too idealistic. I just can't get sound the feeling that there be a way for them to procreate using magic while still retaining a conventional birthing process. Maybe they keep the reproductive organs for child carrying/labor, but are without the organs specific to sex.

OR, maybe everypony has the same, child bearing reproductive organs, separating sex/gender from the gonads. Not only would this create a lot more social flexibility for gender expression and identity, but it'd allow homosexual stallions to have foals as well!

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

So males are practically sexless and females keep everything but the super-fun nubbins? :pinkiegasp: That sounds terrible!

This makes more sense, but I can't wrap my head around unisex ponies. What about size, timbre, eyelash growth, et cetera? I think there'd need to be some differentiation in the hormones of either sex because... because science! :twilightsheepish: (And I, for one, like to imagine that the Magic of Love enables stallion pairs to have foals.)

Group Admin

3785521 It's pretty much what 3785574 said. They have no seed or cervix, as I said before. They retain the organs used in giving birth. Who ever said it was like that from the beginning? Maybe they got sterilized...:pinkiecrazy:

This was kind of a story idea I got while thinking too much. I don't know, would they still have their... lower parts?

3785231 :pinkiecrazy::heart:

Group Contributor

3785657 Those all could stay of course, but I think that if nopony had sex organs to define them, gender would be more fluid regardless. Those can ask be changed without to much difficulty anyway. Well, except maybe the hormones, but that's still possible. Plus, even the process of transitioning, if you could even still call it that, would be much easier, probably very deregulated since it has much less risk involved.

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