The Twidash Army 570 members · 532 stories
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Group Admin

I couldn't help but notice that not many of you fantastic ponies know me, and those who do know very little about me. So, I'm here to fix that. Here's some random stuff about me.

My name is Ava, and somehow I'm an admin here. Only Bassie and Surry know my last name, but some wise little one called me 'Mrs. Sirmons'.

Bassie was my first author.

Twi is my favorite pony.

I judged in the group contest for April (Eggcelent Egghead Competition), and I feel like a total b:yay:tch for the scores I put in.

I have written two stories, one is a oneshot, the other is incomplete, and they're both pretty bad.

You mess with Bassie, Surry, TDF, Bassline and Melody, Adda, or any other members of the family, or even just the group, you mess with me. Not that I expect you to, you've all been great so far.

In my real life, I'm working to become an Ensign in the Navy. Currently in college.

Sometimes I say We instead of I. No, I'm not trying to be Princess Luna.

I'm an Egghead (Scored a 91 on my first ASVAB test. The average is around 40).

I have moderate nerve damage in my right hand, thanks to a little accident during a recent Leadership Academy trip, where I led some of the High School Cadets.

I like reading Dark fics and TwiDash. Wait... did I even really need to say that? Come on, Ava... use your brain...

Whenever I'm doing absolutely nothing, or actively thinking, I will hang upside-down from my legs from a pull-up bar, or a similar object.

Yeah, that's all I can think of without giving away information I keep private. Nice to finally formally meet you all!

3315564 It's nice to formally meat you as well, Ava

You mess with Bassie, Surry, TDF, Bassline and Melody, Adda, or any other members of the family, or even just the group, you mess with me. Not that I expect you to, you've all been great so far.

Fine, I won't draw any mustaches.

Group Admin

3315624 Oh, come on. You knew what I meant. Drawing :moustache: is absolutely fine... as long as it's not on me.

3315632 surry... watch out.

Group Contributor

Nice to meet you too, Ava. Even though we already met. Quite a while ago, but still, I'm glad we met. I may have to post some things about me here, since I'm not very well know either, but that'll have to be at a different time. As of now, I a Spanish writing final to finish. If I pass, I cheat my way out of an entire year of Spanish class. If I fail... well, I haven't failed a test yet. Ever. Actually, that's a lie. I failed my driver's permit test first time around. Passed the second time though. And I'm off on a tangent, so I think I'll be commenting later saying some stuff about us.

Group Contributor

Sorry, I'm in editor mode right now. Speaking of which, do you have any work for me? I don't really have anything in line.

Group Contributor

3315564 Sorry, forgot to hit the reply button. See two comments above.

Group Admin

3315664 So you're an egghead like me, then.

Group Contributor

3315680 I got the highest score in state testing in science that my teacher had ever seen in fifteen years of teaching. So, yes, I'm an egghead. An athletic, in shape egghead, but an egghead nonetheless.

3315672 possibly, if i can stop procrastinating.

Group Contributor

You were the one in the hospital during the contest, yes? I forgive your scores.:twilightsmile:

I'm Minds Eye, and my current goal in life is to keep the First Contest thread alive for as long as possible. I've been making daily posts with Youtube videos, or rants, or images. I did a brief character study of Balto once.

Feel free to check out my new hobby. Timelord knows what I'm talking about.

Group Admin

3315624 Seeing as I keep a mustache half the time, drawing one on would be a moot point. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

3315664 I've never failed a test...ever. I failed an entire class, but not any of the tests. It was an AP class the teacher didn't know how to teach properly. :trixieshiftleft: It's ok. If I had passed it, I wouldn't have been able to get my diploma when I moved to Arizona. I only needed that half a credit of English by their standards. I would have had everything, but no diploma. ...Idk what would have happened.

Group Admin


but some wise little one called me 'Mrs. Sirmons'.

Lol. My brain doesn't know how to feel about that. :rainbowlaugh: Lol. Who said that already? :ajsmug:

Group Admin

I got a 78 on the ASVAB, but only because my score cap was 80. I know I would've done damn near perfect on the ninth section, because I flipped through it. It was exactly like the part of my I.Q. test that pushed me over the genius level. :trixieshiftleft: Stupid high school ASVAB. It's alright. With just that score I qualified for every single enlisted job the Navy has to offer. :pinkiehappy: I got to pick from the cream of the crop.

Group Contributor

3316388 That girl that I have a crush on at school took that and passed it with flying colors. That's the one where you have to learn a made up language as you read it, right? Maybe I'm mixing them up. But she took two of them, one was the ASVAP (I remember because at first I thought she said 'ass flab'), and she passed both with really high scores.

Group Admin

3316633 The ASVAB is a military placement test, and I didn't have to learn any made-up language for my I.Q. test.

Group Contributor

3316664 Huh, must've been the other one then.

Group Admin

3316666 The ASVAB has things like some pretty simple math, basic carpentry, basic electricity, basic engineering, basic literature, basic grammar, critical thinking problems, and a section where you figure out which set of small shapes makes up the large shape. It's really easy, and the fact that the average is 40 is super sad.

Group Admin

3316300 They have asked to remain anonymous. :trollestia:

3316268 I wondered what was keeping that thread alive. Well, you're doing a good job of it. We have no plans on removing it.

3316388 Hay, you're not at the bottom, so you're doing something right...
Plus, you have me...

3316633 Hah. Ass flap. :rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

3317151 Grua. Anonimity. :trixieshiftleft: My only weakness. :trollestia:

Lol. I guess I do have you now, don't I? :twilightsmile:

3315638 Lolz...

3315564 You guys... you're all so cool. :yay:

Group Contributor

As I said I would, I would like to introduce myself to the Army.

Disclaimer: I am posting this, not as Bassline or Melody, but as the person behind them.

I am Z. Yes, Z. You can call me that if you like, as I imagine it is easier, and faster, to type than Bassline and Melody. And I like warm hugs

I am, admittedly, a strange person. Before you say that everypony is different and weird in their own way, even by those standards, I have a quite unique mindset. Not many notice this, due to the fact that few ponies actually see the inner workings of my mind, personality, and thought processes. Those who do have all seemingly come to the conclusion that I 'march to the beat of my own drum', as it were.

I am constantly contradicting myself and others around me, but mostly just myself. I am very absent minded and forgetful, and somewhat lazy, though I hate to admit it. I like to explain things to ponies, even if they know more on the subject than I do, and even if I know very little myself, and this gets on a lot of ponies nerves. I hate conformity and love originality.

Some of those that know me already may know that I love personality types. According to the Briggs-Myers Typology test, I am an INFJ.

Twidash is my fav mane 6 ship (duh!).
Scootabelle is my fav CMC ship (d'awww!).
Applejack is my fav mane 6 pony.
Zecora is my fav pony all around (I know. She's a zebra, not a pony. I don't care.).

I quite literally care about nothing more than my family here on the site. That includes Surry, Ava, TDF, Bassie, Timelord, maxxxxxx, Adda, and just about anypony else willing to be my friend. Mess with them, and I will do my best to type a sternly worded, eloquent message that invokes guilt within your soul through my fiery rage. That being said, I don't like to be angry. I've had enough being angry in my life. That's part of the reason I love this fandom. It's taught me that I don't have to be angry all the time.

If you have any questions, just ask me. I'm kind of reclusive at times, but I'll answer most questions you have about me. If you want to know about Bassline and Melody, you'll have to wait for the story I write for them. It'll be a while though.

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

Military training, a fondness for dark storylines, and you're too smart for your own good. I think you'll make a fine supervillain someday! :rainbowlaugh: You sound like a very interesting person to know. How have we not chatted yet? Hay, I suppose I could say that about a lot of the members of our little family. Now that I know I can still use Skype for at least text-based chatting I might have to fix that! :twilightsmile:
Oh, and about the contest... Actually, Ava, I think you were the only one who sent in realistic scores. :twilightsheepish: As much as I love you guys for thinking it, I really don't think my story actually deserved a 59 or a 58 out of 60. I think everypony was maybe just a teensy bit too kind. Not that that's necessarily a bad thing, haha... :heart: I feel like such a bitch now.

Group Admin

3319636 That's kinda what bothers me. If I had given you a few more points, you probably would have won.


It's good to hear about you, Ava. I love hearing about our little group and those that make it up. I'm so glad that I decided to click that "Join" button. I don't think I've been happier to be a part of a group and to get to know those in it.

I suppose I should introduce myself as well. Some of you know me already, some better than others. For those of you who don't know me, I am a happy person most of the time. I like to stay happy. But there are times when a good, emotional tale is what strikes my fancy more than any other. I tend not to like dark or gore.

I am apparently pretty good at comedy. I like odd story ideas, and I sometimes start a project without an idea of where it's going to end up by the end. My contest entry was one such. It was written over a frantic weekend when I was still trying to turn out something new every week. It turned into a frankensteined together... something. I'm not proud of it. I have plans for a more serious re-write, but they are on hold while other, more compelling projects are foremost in my mind.

I've only recently felt like I've found my unique voice as a writer, and a method for crafting a compelling story. My next story, Ghost of a Rose, will be the first published product of this new method. I am terrified that it will fail completely to get across the story that I want to tell, but those of you I've shared the concept with tell me that it's a compelling one. I only hope that I can do the depth of emotion I feel when I think about the story justice.

As for the pony behind the keyboard, I am about as non-traditional as you may imagine. I am a programmer, but I take my creativity even there. I am not a rote mechanics type of programmer, nor am I a rote mechanics type of writer, perhaps to my detriment sometimes.

I am probably older than most of you, but only recently got a degree. For a decade after high school, I tried to find who I was. I have a good idea of who that is now. I won't say what I think that is... I try not to let my own preconceptions of myself drive other's notions of who I am. Suffice to say that my name is something that I try to live up to daily. I don't always succeed.

If we've had three people do it, we might as well make it four.

Name's Minds Eye (stupid no punctuation rules). Took the name from a villain in a story I may or may not write one day.

I once had a crazy idea to write a story with the Mane 6 coming from individual alternate universes and teaming up to hop from reality to reality correcting "mistakes" in each timeline. Took the idea from Marvel's Exiles.

The idea never went anywhere beyond that Rainbow Dash's tragic backstory. Then Surry posted the contest in the Shameless Self-Promotion Bureau, and I figured I could turn that bit into a compelling one-shot. I came for the contest and stayed for the community. Noble Thought's helping me out with another Twidash story. It should be finished in another day or so.

Personally, I'm a two-time college drop-out working pretty much the same job I had ten years ago in high school. I once took that personality test Bassline and Melody mentioned. I scored a perfect 100 percent on the Introvert scale and no higher than 30 on anything else. Should I even be writing this?:fluttercry:

Oh, I once flipped off my childhood hero. That was fun.

Group Contributor

3319860 One. Hundred. Percent...? Wow. And I thought I was the most introverted person I knew. I got 78%. Your story idea has me hooked already. Maybe one of them from the canon universe steals the Doctor's TARDIS and then assembles the rest of them, possibly saving them from tragic situations. Either way, I'm looking forward to whenever you decide to write it.

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

Don't worry about it, hon. There's only one thing that really held me back, and it wasn't you. Besides, I'd already won another Twidash contest about a week before this one and judging by everypony's reactions I know I wrote something worthwhile for this one. That's enough of a prize for me! :pinkiehappy:

Really? :rainbowlaugh: Who would that be?

Perhaps I should jump on the bandwagon, but I don't know if I have anything to say. :twilightsheepish: I'm just me, you know?

You don't get stuck on the treadmill of life by making friends and influencing people.:rainbowlaugh:

That story will not come soon, if ever. Like I said, I already wrote about the only real detail I had for it. It's yours if you want it, or you could mention it to another writer you think could really run with it.

Group Contributor

3319947 I probably won't be able to do anything with it. I'm kind of tied up with just one story that I'm procrastinating with (just reminded myself of Timelord358 right there). I may refer it to somepony, but not without your permission first.

Thanks, and I just gave it.

Group Admin


Most of you know me pretty well already, but would you guys like me to properly introduce myself as well? I don't want to do it if you all think you know me well enough already. :twilightsmile: Otherwise, I might come off as annoying and narcissistic. :twilightoops:

Whoops, missed this one. I assume you mean my childhood hero?

This guy:

I watched him for years, and finally got the chance to go see him wrestle live. I was sitting about ten rows from ringside, and we made eye contact. He was playing the bad guy by then, so as much as I loved him, I figured I would give him the reaction he wanted. Stone Cold Steve Austin was catching fire, so I raised my hand in the one finger salute. Bret Hart actually pointed at me and looked for someone near the ring, maybe a cameraman.

I grew up watching him give a pair of sunglasses to a kid before every match. While I didn't get one of those, this was a pretty fun compromise.

3324813 I know I don't know every thing about you, so if you want to, go ahead and do it.

Adda le Blue
Group Admin

Go for it, if you'd like. :twilightsmile:

Okay, that is a pretty awesome story! Did you ever watch the match to see if they caught it on camera?


I know you pretty well, it seems, but sometimes just sitting down and talking about yourself can uncover things you didn't even think to think about until you thought about thinking about them.

Don't give it too much thought, though. Thinkin's good 'n all, but too much and you turn into a noble thought. It's like a noble gas: it doesn't react to anything and has no compounds that it's a part of.

Oh. Geez. That sounds depressing. Nevermind.

I'mma go be weird over there now. :facehoof:

Group Admin

3324923 :rainbowderp:...:rainbowhuh:....:rainbowlaugh: Noble, have we ever told you that you're a nut?:scootangel:


Is there a coffee nut? Can it be ground up and brewed? Oh, right. Coffee is beans. :pinkiehappy:

Mmm... Coffee. :moustache:

Yis. And Surry is allergic to me, apparently. Nuttier than a fruitcake on Sunday! Does fruitcake even have nuts in it, I wonder? Does it matter? Mysteries of the universe...

Edit: Why is it important that the fruitcake be nuttier on Sunday?

You say that like it's a bad thing. Helium is a noble gas, and that makes everyone sound nutty.

Spread the love, Noble Thought. Spread the love.

No. If they caught it, it was probably the standard view of the ring, so it just would of shown my back.


I get a Nobel Prize! Did it come in a cereal box? Nobel Cereal endorsement! Eat your nut bran, folks.

I think I may be slightly overcaffeinated.

Group Admin

3324943 Have you been hitting the keurig again? :ajsmug::rainbowlaugh:

:rainbowlaugh:Yeah, I caught that. Edited now.


Leetle bit. Going out for coffee with a friend in an hour and a half now too. I think I will not get the triple shot this time.

Group Admin

3324953 Lol. That would probably be wise.

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