The Twidash Army 570 members · 532 stories
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Scopan is friends with Starswirl??? interesting.

Tartarus in more detail… loved it!

poor discord, he was played like a tool. I felt bad for him

Honestly, felt no sympathy for Discord. That big meanie butt! :flutterrage:


Indeed he was... I loved the Appleshy moment. That was adorable... and sad all at the same time.

I'm not sure what else to say, really... I thought the episode was fantastic. I got all of my initial reaction out about 10 minutes after I finished the episode. I'll probably have a weekend long MLP marathon next weekend. Just start at the first episode... Continue on until the end.

3270167 I couldn't watch that long, but so many headcanons have been utterly destroyed by those two episodes. :pinkiecrazy:


I didn't really mean a straight marathon. I mean over the course of the weekend - all four seasons will be consumed.

I actually didn't really have any of my headcanons destroyed. Altered, perhaps, but the immutability of cutie marks has always been something I was curious about. Now it's confirmed. Cutie marks aren't permanent and can be taken away. Twilight will have to move out of her library (even if it wasn't quite the way I imagined... damn that hurt.)

And apparently there was a crazy series of catastrophes back around a thousand years ago.

3270189 I mean... technically none of my headcanons were disrupted, but I felt hard for that dumb tree. :fluttercry:


As did I... I've lost a lot of homes over my life. It doesn't really get easier as you move from one to the next. Golden Oak was her home. I just hope they address that at the start of season 5. Even if it's just a small scene. Something to remember her home by.

This came to mind also:

What is a place but a collection of sights, sounds, smells, and textures? What is a memory, if not the same things? Memories live in places, they reside and make places their home. When a home holds good memories, it becomes all the more inviting. When her home is lost, how can she relive those memories without touching the walls, smelling the living wood, or hearing the clop of her hooves on the floor?

She can, obviously, but that's not the point. The strongest memories come from sensation. She can't connect as strongly with those memories. And she won't ever be able to sit in the main chamber of the tree, where all of her friends came together for the first time as one group.

3270222 I'm certain they'll do something with what remains of that tree. Twilight will at least cry about it or something. :twilightsmile:


Or... My secret hope:

Earth pony rescue brigade. Regrow the tree - sans books - and have it be a monument to friendship. Don't even re-carve it, shape it, whatever they did to make it into a home the first time. Just be a giant tree in the middle of town that stands as a testament to Friendship.

3270233 That'd be tight as shit. :twilightsmile:


I did the like little wink Discord gave Celestia.

3270234 did you get DBZ vibes from that fight seen, I did.

About that tree... How can I be sad about a bloody tree? :fluttercry:

AND the flowers!

3271779 Kinda felt like something I would've written if I was a writer for the show...


Foreshadowing? Maaaaybe...

Super Saiyan ponies FTW. If Twilight gives a speech in Season 5 about being the hope for Equestria and the answer to all living things that cry out for peace, I will be so happy.


"Ally to good! Nightmare to you!" Twilight shouted above the destruction surrounding her.

3271916 Twilight would make an excellent Goku. :pinkiecrazy:


Though, I am glad that they didn't take the full episode power up route. Watching Twilight trying to hork up the power to beat him would have been excessive. :facehoof:

The action was intense, believable for the levels of power they had, and damn... The power of four alicorns=all of Equestria + Discord.

You might even say... It was over 9000.



3271923 It's funny. I wrote a similar part where Celestia and an OC of mine had a similar fight (with explosions and such) and people told me my characters were too overpowered, but they honestly never reached the intensity of the finale, so I'm gonna' call bullshit and say I was right all along.


I know, right. I also thought that during the fight with Chrysalis that Celestia was holding back for the same reason that Twilight wouldn't want to have that fight in the middle of Ponyville. Too many potential victims of her full, unleashed might. Superman says it best, I think, in this clip.

Twilight getting smashed through a mountain may have been a bit excessive. I can't think of a harder hit in the whole series, and she shrugged it off like it was nothing. She even looked more annoyed than in pain or enraged.


I thought she enveloped herself in a magical field before she hit. She was surrounded by one after the dust settled. Or am I thinking of a different scene?

3271967 Dude, I loved this scene when I first saw it. :heart:


I did too. I also cried, later, when Flash sacrificed himself so heroically. Sure, he came back... But :fluttercry:... And The Death of Superman? Oh my sweet Luna...

You're right. I just rewatched that bit.

3271989 Take all of my yesss.... :pinkiecrazy:

3271978 I saw that too, Whenever he would hit her she would surround herself with a magic shield so the damage would be reduced to nothing, Now the other guy took the full hits and was getting his Ass kicked


Now the other guy took the full hits and was getting his Ass kicked

I think he realized that too, and sought to play a more devious game by tricking Twilight into thinking that her hits weren't doing anything. So he brought in her friends. Fight can't continue for her if there's collateral damage for number 1. Number 2, he gets what he wants by making her think the hits he's taken haven't done anything but push him around and shake mountains.

Of course, if Twilight had continued the fight, I'm not sure if the harmony magic would have been able to redistribute all of the stolen magic back across Equestria. He would have just burnt it all away in an effort to win a battle. Perhaps Twilight was aware of that as well and made, essentially, a Hail Mary Pass and hope that something good would happen to set things right. Perhaps not consciously... but perhaps she realized that by accepting Discord back as a friend... That despite his betrayal, she knew how much he meant to Fluttershy, and she could call him friend still because of that, even if she didn't personally like him all that much.

Sorry, random rambling about character and plot... I need to go turn this into something useful. 'Scuse me.


I think she viewed discord as a friend that made a bad decision, thats why she forgave him.

but ya, I agree with that being the reason why he brought in her friends, he did not have a choice.


I think she viewed discord as a friend that made a bad decision, thats why she forgave him.

Good point. I suppose I was thinking too much of how she disliked him being around (a surface reaction,) and not thinking on her actual character. It gets confusing when surface and deep character traits conflict with one another. It's not always easy to tell them apart. Especially when Discord's around. You never know what the actual stakes are until he plays his hand.

But, yeah. When the chips are down and the stakes set, I think she'll stand by Discord too, albeit in the right circumstances. He looked just... :fluttercry: His expression was, well... I think they captured regret very well.


very much so.

I loved how he did not seem to care about the ponies in equestrian

Until it was the Mane 6, they really did a good job with catching his regret at betraying his friends.

I think it was only because he 'thought' the red guy was a friends he even did that to them (then he was betrayed)


I think it was only because he 'thought' the red guy was a friends he even did that to them (then he was betrayed)

Indeed. Discord's thought process (possible):

A friend who will let me do whatever I want? A friend who doesn't set limits on our friendship? How can I say no to that? I mean, I love Fluttershy, but once in a while I need to just stretch out and let some chaos reign for a little while. I mean, it's in my nature!

I think Tirek saw that as well, honestly, and took advantage of it. I mean, Discord just can't seem to control his chaos when his emotions are about. I think the random things popping in reminding him of him and Fluttershy during that scene were his conscience trying to tell him not to do it. He doesn't realize his mistake until far too late.

One thing I didn't find all that believable was "Tirek's been back a long time..." Like, before Twilight became a princess. How do you NOT catch even a hint of that? There was a giant coronation ceremony and everything. Supposedly he had to eat, and supposedly he was sneaking about in the background somewhere, spying on ponies. Did he seriously not hear even word one about a new princess?

Although, to be honest, up until the last half/near the end of season 4, it felt like nopony else did either. So, maybe? I guess?

Anyway... Back to blog writing!


it felt like nopony else did either. So, maybe? I guess

Dare I say, that was done on purpose now? I doubt it, it still felt like lazy writing.

Have to say though, it doesn't seem like they really fixed Twilight's issue though. just because she has a castle doesn't mean she has anything to do more then Smile and wave.

will be interesting to see if they address that.

Group Admin


I'm certain they'll do something with what remains of that tree. Twilight will at least cry about it or something.

Like make a new horse head carving? :trollestia:


Golden Oak was her home. I just hope they address that at the start of season 5. Even if it's just a small scene.

I touched on that in my new SunLight fic. She's not happy at all. Lol.

You might even say... It was over 9000.

I see what you did there. :trollestia:

I feel like she gave up the magic in exchange for her friends for the wrong reason. She didn't do it because they were more important, no. She already knew about the keys. She knew that she needed to make a big, magical decision, and she saw that glimmer. She did it in the hopes that whatever was in the box would be useful rather than for her love for her friends. It seemed artificial. Maybe that's just me?

Group Contributor


Like make a new horse head carving?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: RIP library.

I personally felt there were a few things in this finale that just... I dunno, didn't work (for me). The fight scene, while rad, was iffy for me. I'm not opposed to action scenes in the show, mind you (the Canterlot Wedding and Daring Don't action scenes were fantastic), but this one felt off for me. And don't get me started on the rainbow-powered designs or the ugly-ass castle that Twilight now has to live in. Those are some of the worst designs I've seen, and easily the worst designs that have come out of this show.

And I agree with you Bass, Twilight didn't really learn anything in this episode. This episode was about Discord actually learning about the magic of friendship and truly embracing it. Granted, it sounded like it was Fluttershy who taught him this instead of Twilight, but the point still stands. I remember back at the end of Season 3 a lot of people were worried where the show was going to go now that Twilight had turned into a princess. I was not one of those people. I had confidence that the show would handle it well and that Princess Twilight wouldn't change much of anything with regard to her and her friends. This time, however, I am actually quite nervous for what the writers are going to do with Twilight's new castle and her official princess duties.

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or the ugly-ass castle that Twilight now has to live in.

I touched on that in my new story. Lol. I intend to discuss it further as well. It just doesn't seem, with her down-to-earth nature, something she'd be very comfortable living in.

This episode was about Discord actually learning about the magic of friendship and truly embracing it.

I have to say, I actually liked Discord quite a bit at the beginning (and near the end) of this episode. In the beginning, in the scene with Tirek, he had some amazing lines and actions. That sort of dulled down after he pulled Tirek out of a hat. Though, I was hoping he would be the one to betray Tirek, not the other way around. I really wanted him to keep Twilight's magic a secret until the opportune moment to strike. Alas, it didn't happen. His regret for his actions later on was spot on, though, and almost redeeming.

This time, however, I am actually quite nervous for what the writers are going to do with Twilight's new castle and her official princess duties.

I agree. This looks like it may change quite a bit, and I think we may see the end of the show nearing with Season 5. :raritydespair:

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The castle just looks bad, and I agree it doesn't suit Twilight at all. Nor does it suit Ponyville. The old library was everything Ponyville represented (even more for Twilight): warm, cozy, inviting, and a place where lifelong friendships are made. The design of the old library was just... better. It was creative, with so many alcoves and corners and rooms that was so perfect for Twilight and for Ponyville. The new castle sticks out like a sore thumb (I hate all of this crystal design bullshit they're shoving down our throats) and is, in comparison, cold, uninviting, hard, and more like a dungeon than anything.

Discord was great for most of it. They totes gave him the idiot ball, though, and the princess' plan was also just dumb. "Discord's joined up with Tirek! Let's give all of our magic to Twilight because Tirek doesn't know about her!"

"But wait! If Discord's teamed up with Tirek, won't he just tell Tirek about Twili-"


Also, how would Tirek know about Cadance? It wasn't like Cadance was around when Tirek was first banished. The more I think about the finale, the more disappointed I am.

I want to believe that Twilight, when faced with Tirek's offer, decided she'd rather have her friends back and figure out how to be without magic later, and screw everything else. The McGuffin amulet makes it hard, though, as it was so obviously going to be the key from its first second on screen...


And don't get me started on the rainbow-powered designs or the ugly ass-castle that Twilight now has to live in. Those are some of the worst designs I've seen, and easily the worst designs that have come out of this show.

/sign :twilightangry2: (I fixed the hyphen for you :rainbowlaugh: )

3270222 Am I the only one who is fine with the tree being gone and being replaced with a castle that looks just like it? I consider the castle to be a tribute to the tree that says, "the tree lives, and it is stronger than ever."

Group Admin

3282187 Immediately when they presented the idea, I knew he would know. They said from the very beginning that he could sense magical imbalances, so why not cause the biggest magical imbalance of them all? :facehoof:

Also, how would Tirek know about Cadance? It wasn't like Cadance was around when Tirek was first banished.

I had that thought, myself. Unless, of course, the Crystal Empire tipped him off to her existence.

3282193 She gets it, and the first words spoken are, "You think it'll work?" :facehoof: Nothing is learned if you do the right thing for a prize.


Am I the only one who is fine with the tree being gone and being replaced with a castle that looks just like it?

Yes! :raritydespair:

Group Contributor


Looks just like it, but is made of crystal, is cold, hard, and unwelcoming, and doesn't fit at all with the Ponyville setting or with Twilight Sparkle's personality? :derpytongue2:

There are also, in all fairness, significant differences between the library and the castle.


I fixed the hyphen for you

Took me a moment to catch that :rainbowlaugh:

3282303 We're all going to miss the tree with time lord technology.:pinkiesad2:

Huh, I must have blocked out that line. Yeah, well, I was only trying to keep my illusions alive. Sigh.

Source - I can't not do it anymore :rainbowlaugh:

Group Contributor


Pffthahahahaha. In this case, it can't be more true.

3282291 Okay, maybe I miss it a little.....
Yeah, I wish the castle looked more tree-ish.
The crystal is a bit out of place.
Fine, I do have a few problems with it.

Group Admin


I can't not do it anymore

I remember reading this like 6 years ago! :pinkiegasp::heart:

3282562 See? :ajsmug:

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