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Most of this space is just picture and skipped lines. Read. It fuels the brain that you will need, whether you use it now or not.

Remember this?

And this?

Well, I've been wondering for the past two or three yearsーhow long is thirty moons? In the movie, they sure make it sound like a really damn long time. But, think it like this:

Thirty moons = thirty nights = thirty-one days = one month

Right? In a sense, yes. If "moon = night".

But say "moon = full moon". In this case, it'd go something like:

Thirty moons = thirty months = 2.5 years

Since a full moon occurs once a month. Still, it's not exactly a "long time" by our standards. Hell, I didn't even see summer 2014 go by, and it's been three months! Surely the girls can afford to wait, yeah? 'S not that long. But, well, if we were to go by "My Little Dashie" standards, in which case one human year equals one Equestria day, then I'm pretty damn sure they can wait two and a half days to see Twilight.

And, just to add on (not that this last one should have any significance), let's say "thirty moons = every damn time you see the moon," in which case (if we were to go by reality's astronomical standards, would be around 16-17 days a month)ーexcuse me if my math and astronomy are inaccurateー

"Thirty moons = almost 2 months"

So, I don't think that would be a very long time either. Perhaps, by Equestrian standards, since the moon is visible most every night (due to "magic" instead of natureーrather, isn't magic their nature? They're ponies. Not the point), thirty moons would be just one month.

And a realization just hit me now. Since the Equestrian moon is visible every night, would that mean there aren't any moon phases? In that case, thirty full moons would also be a month...

Another spur-of-the-moment epiphany just occurred.
What if one moon meant blue moon? If that's the case, then that's one hell of a long time.

Welp, since this has come into view, I guess you've just read the whole damn thing for nothing. Goodbye, everyone.

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