The Children Of Time 5 members · 2 stories
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Pen Brush
Group Admin

As the TARDIS started materializing in the dark, Spirit and her brother were running, from both Roam collapsing and the slaver behind them.

"Comeon now seet heart, I thought ya liked what I was doin to ya. Yer brother still needs ta finish up the field and you need to come back ta bed with me." the big unicorn stallion said as he ran after them.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131624 Thunder, Spirit and Quill stepped out of the Tardis. "Ok, We can't be seen untill the other Spirit goes back in time, it would create all kinds of problems, so we wait untill you leave." Thunder explained, and the three hid in shadow.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Stop running from me! You cant do it forever. Ill bring you back to the city dead if I must!" The stallion yelled. He shot a blast at Spirits brother, which hit him in the leg and send him to the ground. Spirit stopped running and went back to him, "Now see! You will do anything for your dear brother, come on before I kill him." the stallion said, before a shadow went over him and he looked up, before he was squished by some falling debris.

Spirit stared at the spot in disgust, before turning to her brother, "You need to use the spell from the book, its the only way. I cant fix that and your going to bleed out any second. I will stop everything, and save you!" she exclaimed.

Spirits brother looked at her, "Anything for my baby sister." she sighed, and his horn glowed, surrounding Spirit in a golden light before she disappeared. He sighed and shakily started to drag himself to somewhere where he could die peacefully.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131655 "Ok, lets go!" Thunder, Quill and Spirit leap out of their hiding spot. They rushed up to spirits brother, and Thunder cast a healing spell on him. "Dont worry, I'm here to help!"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Her brother frowned, "More like here to sell me back into slavery fresh and new." he muttered.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131666 "Would your sister be here if that was true?" Thunder said, concentrating on the wound, which was almost completely healed.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"I probably didn't do the spell correctly. Im sorry sister." He said.

Spirit smiled and hugged him, "You sent me back, and I was stopping the fall, but they caught me." she said. "They are here to help you."

"Yeah I bet, same way that other guy wanted to help you and ended up keeping you in his room all the time." he grumbled.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131684 "Trust us, we're here to help." He finished the spell. "Ok, your leg is healed, but we need to get out of here, follow me and my sister." The four of them walked back towards the Tardis's

Pen Brush
Group Admin

When spirit and her brother walked into the TARDIS, he looked around in amazement, "How did to manage to put all of this stuff in here?"

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131696 "I'll explain later, but right now, we need to get to a safe place." he turned on the monitor. "Quill, we need a safe place to go to, got any Ideas?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

" about...Manehatten, present day?" Quill suggested.

I vouch we kill them!

"I still need to lock her up, not fully locked yet..."

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131710 "Ok, lets go!" He turned to Spirit and Her brother. "Spirit, Spirit's brother, I dont know your name, sorry, but you might want to hold onto something!" he Fliped a switch and they took off towards Manehatten.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Spirit? Whose spirit?" He asked.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131723 "Your sister, She told me that she didn't have a name, so I suggested one, and she liked it. Free Spirit. I'm Thunder Quill and my sister Is Quill Hooves. We are Time Lords from the planet Gallopfrey, this ship, it's called a TARDIS, Time-And-Relative-Dimension-In-Space, it can Travel in time, and fly all over the world." Thunder said in one breath. "Any Questions?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Yeah, did someone beat you too?" Her brother asked.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131729 "Huh? What are you talking about?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Were you a slave who got beaten on the head before?" he asked. again.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131734 "No, I'm not." The Tardis landed next to Quill's. "Ok, what you see might be a shock." He opened the door and walked outside, to the great city of Manehatten. "Come on." He gestured for them to follow him.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Spirit started to follow before her brother stopped her and put her onto his back, before he walked out cautiously.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131750 "Welcome, to the City of Manehatten, it is the year 2014, and we are in north eastern Equestria, which is under the rule of the Princess's Celestia, and her sister Luna."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Who are they? What about an emperor?" Spirits brother asked.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131763 "No more emperor, The princess's are fair and just, and Slavery was abolished about 200 years ago, this time is much better than Roam."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Spirits brother stared at him, "Alright..." he said uncertainly.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3131609 ((Why do I keep missing these moments!?))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131784 ((Because you are late))
3131783 "Trust me, the last thing I would do is put anypony who is innocent's life in danger."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3131784 ((Because...your busy with real life and we have no life? Also, can you make the group on the place?))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"I don't really have any other option then staying here to keep my little sister safe." Spirits brother said, turning so he could nuzzle her face.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3131799 ((Now how can I get into the story!? Also, Pen, what do you mean?))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3131805 ((You take the piece of paper and start bringing everyone back))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131784 ((Well, anyway, this is almost done, and we are going to start Doctor Who, the Nightmare ends very soon, maybe with some help from Spirit and her brother.))
3131803 "You could always come with us?" Thunder suggested, his face going slightly red.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3131807 ((Was that for the story or for the group?))

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3131810 ((Wait a minute! I know how to get back in the story! Get to the part where you get back to Roam as quick as possible!))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Spirits brother stared at him, "I know that look. multiple slavers stared at my sister that way. I did everything I could to be sold with her so I wouldn't be separated from her. I think I would rather stay here and be safe with my sister then go back into that thing." he said.

Spirit smiled, "It was fun, but I want to be with my brother. After so long, I finally am free." she smiled and closed her eyes, before she heard a twinkling and looked down at her flank and gasped. ((What would be a good cutie mark?))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131817 ((We're not going back to roam.))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131818 ((Wings soaring freely))

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3131820 ((Well then get to a part where you see me again!))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill looked at the paper that Spirit had put onto her sonic and pointed the sonic at it, sending it back to Jack, on top of his head so he could fix it with the words, 'save these people, it has the locations and animals'

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131825 ((Just use your tardis to meet us in Present day Manehatten.))

Pen Brush
Group Admin


Spirits brother turned to look as well. What he saw were two white wings soaring free against her dirty coat, "You got your cutie mark before your big brother? I didn't even know slaves could get a mark..." he said.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3131827 ((Alright))
At present day Manehattan...
Jack waits for the others.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3131837 ((Figure ouyt how to make groups here: and make this group so we can do the nightmare ends.))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131835 "Hey, you guys are not slaves, not anymore, you guys are free, and, I think you need a name, what do you think?" Thunder asked Spirits brother.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"I don't know any name to have." Her brother said.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131844 "What do you like to do more than anything in the world?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Keep my sister safe, which is really hard when I can never see her." He sighed

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131855 "How about, Golden Protector?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3131859 ((he is like an adult, so maube 20 years old, same height as a normal pony))
He smiled, "That sounds nice, what do you think?" he asked, turning to look at Spirit.

She smiled, "I like it." she said, hugging his neck.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131837 "Good, now that we've gotten you to a safer place, we need to find you a place to settle down, maybe Ponyville?" Thunder asked Free Spirit, Golden Protector, Quill, and Jack

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3131874 "I think that needs to wait."

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