The Children Of Time 5 members · 2 stories
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Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill stood at her TARDIS controls, thinking about what place to visit after she finally had fixed all of the history books. Sure it must have been weird for a Pegasus dressed as a pirate to come randomly into a study and change every history book before immediately running away, but she assumed the guy who made the books had seen worse.

She shrugged it off and smiled, thinking of exactly where she wanted to go. She typed in the number of her brother's TARDIS and waited for him to pick up.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3105726 Thunder's Tardis phone rang, He grinned, he had been waiting for this call. He picked up the phone.

"Hey Quill, change those History books yet?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Yeah, kind of hard, terrified the guy making them though, thought a pirate was attacking him." Quill said, switching the phone call so that she could talk to him over the monitor, "I was wondering if you wanted to go someplace. Maybe have a bit of bonding time for siblings or whatever?" she asked.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3105760 "Yeah, most definitely, somewhere relaxing, I know the perfect place, follow this call." Thunder started moving through time and space.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"No! I was going to suggest a place." Quill said quickly.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3105786 "Oh, ok, where do you want to go?" He stopped his Tardis from moving, waiting for a response.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Well, I read a lot about Equestria in older times, like a lot of cities that are still around today, like Ancient Roam. I think that would be a cool place. I would just have to take the pirate stuff off and put on a dress or something because of the mare thing..." Quill said.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3105815 "Or Ancient Neighpan(Japan), I've always wanted to go there..."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Lets switch this call to the TV's so we can see each other." Quill said, turning on her TV to see Thunder in his own TARDIS, something big and furry behind her.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3105842 "Uh, what's that thing behind you?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill turned around and smiled, turning back to the monitor, "A very furry husky."

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3105867 "Where'ed you find him?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"In some mountain place. I miscalculated where the guy making the history books were..." Quill said.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3105887 "Ahh, He's so badass, so where to, Ancient Neighpan, or ancient Roam?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill thought for a second, "Which is better?" she asked, fluttering her wings slightly.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3105919 "Well, Roam has slavery, gladitoral duels and all that good stuff, and Neighpan has Ninja's. I would have to go with Neighpan!" Thunder said, an exited gleam in his eyes.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quills eyes gleamed, "But we would be able to fix Roams issues if we went there. The ninjas can care for themselves." she said.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3105942 "Remember, we're not supposed to change history."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill frowned, "Our dad does all the time." she complained.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3105952 "Still, we could make things worse for the future, like the Roaman empire doesnt fall, and takes over the whole world, and I really want to see ninja's."

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

"I even have my own ninja outfit, look!" Thunder's horn lit up, and a Ninja outfit appeared on his body.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill couldn't help but laugh at how weird the outfit looked, "We wont do anything to make the empire not fall." she said.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3105985 Thunder pouted, "Ok, Ancient Roam."

((I got to do laundry sry.))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3105991 ((Its ok, I can wait))
Quill smiled, "Yay!" she exclaimed, making the giant husky lift her head to watch Quill hop around the small console.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3106002 ((Back.))

Thunder couldnt't help but smile at his sister's energy. "Careful, you might turn into Pinkie Pie on your next Regeneration."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Who is that?" Quill asked.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3106070 "You don't remember Pinkie Pie? One of the Elements of Harmony? More specifically the Element of Laughter, oh, can we please not go to pompeii?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill shrugged, "I never met her. Also, I don't want to go to Pompeii anyway, lets just get to Roam." she pulled a lever and the TARDIS began traveling, "I need to get out of this pirate outfit, its just so comfortable though, if you can believe that." she said.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3106102 "Ok, I'll find some roman battle armor and find my psychic paper." Thunder turned off the monitor and pulled a lever, sending the tardis into flight. He walked out of the control room and into the wardrobe. It took a few minutes, but he found what he was looking for. He put on the armor and walked to his room, getting the psychic paper. He walked back to the Control room and video called Quill.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill turned the video call on for her TARDIS as she shook off the Pirate pants and took off the hat to let her mane breath, "Your rather fast." she said, taking off her shirt, being careful of her wings getting hurt.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3106165 "Like the armor?" Thunder circled in place letting all of the armor's baddassness be shown.

((immagin this on my OC))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Looks very nice, but I think you should worry more about being a draconicorn in ancient roam." Quill said, taking off her sword holders and hanging them up, before she disappeared from the monitor for a second and came back with a few dresses on a rolling thing with hangers, "I have no idea what to wear there." she said, looking at the clothes as she took off the hook, boots, peg leg and eye patch.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3106199 "The armor should hid my wings, and maybe something like this:

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Alright..." Quill looked through the clothing until she found the right one, and put the dress on. She pulled out the shoes and looked at them as she put the headdress on, "Do I have to wear high heels?" she asked, pouting.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3106245 "No, just watch out for others wearing them." The tardis landed. "Ah, I'm here are you ready to explore Roam?" Thunder asked, flapping the Psychic paper.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill's TARDIS landed beside his, "Yeah, I'm ready." Quill said, walking towards the door.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3106278 Thunder walked out of the door to His TARDIS, and gave Quill a hug.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill hugged him back, happy to see him.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3106297 "Good to see you Quill, how've you been? Any other adventures other than Changing back history?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"No, unless you count my personality and emotions finally calming down an adventure." she turned around and whistled. The big dog walked over to the door, her sonic in its mouth. She smiled and picked it up in her hoof, before hiding it in a pocket, "Good girl." she said, petting the dogs head.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3106329 "What's her name?" Thunder said, reaching in to pet her.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Frozen Frost." Quill said. The husky stared at Thunder before she barked and jumped on top of him, licking him happily in the face, "She is a licker."

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3106357 "I can see that." Thunder managed through laughs. "Though maybe you should keep her in the TARDIS, I don't think Romans have ever seen a Husky before."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"I was going to keep her in, just wanted her to give me my sonic." Quill said. "Come on Frosty, you gotta stay in the TARDIS for a while." she said. The dog looked sad for a minute and she whimpered, before she walked back into the TARDIS and lied down into her big bed as Quill closed the door.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3106406 "Well, where to first?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill shrugged, "I have no idea." she said.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3106447 "How about the Colosseum? Even though it was barbaric, I've always wanted to see one, and with this." He brought out his Psychic Paper, "We can get the best seats in the house."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Alright." Quill smiled.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

Thunder and Quill walked to the Colosseum, which towered above roam. They passed through a market, where smells of all kinds assulted their noses. Eventually, they Reached the Colosseum, where a Guard stopped them.

"Halt, Passes!" Thunder smiled and held out The psychic paper. The guard looked at the paper in surprise.

"My apologizes my lord, they are awaiting you in the pit, your wife will be escorted into the top box with the emperor."

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3106549 ((Can there be a hilarious twist, or like a surprise guest? If so, I would like to volunteer.:pinkiehappy:))

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