The Children Of Time 5 members · 2 stories
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Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3128394 ((You ready to RP?))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131314 ((Micro isnt here... can we finish it ourselves?))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3131318 (( and Micro found a forum we could use for our group. more so someone gave me the link on my blog then anything... Micro cant use google docs.))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131346 ((Would we be able to make private RP's?))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3131347 ((If we ask. I just want to finish this one quickly=, not leave it out to dry forever.))
Spirit started to laugh at how the inside of the ship looked so sad and motionless as she jumped off Quill and watched her tail go fully white and fluffy.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131356 "Quill, what is wrong with your tail?!"

((How about we just go to how you were planning on ending this like now...))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3131361 ((Im doing so.))
"I don't know!" Quill exclaimed, opening her wings.

Spirit picked up her sonic as it fell to the ground and pressed a button, making Quill disappear before their eyes.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131363 "QUILL!!!" Thunder glared at Spirit. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER!?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"What I did to Everypony who helped make roam fall in the future. I send them to a random location as an animal I haven't seen before using a special chip I invented. You see, my brother is not dead, at least not now, but in the future he is, he very much is dead in the future, because while we were running and roam was falling, our slaver was trying to bring us back. While he was dying, I pleaded with my brother to send me back so I could stop it, and bring him back to life in the process. So I was able to invent something with a metal I found when he sent me back, since we were in fact holding a spell that could send things back in time. Right now she is on a nice snowy mountain someplace, as a harmless doggy." Spirit said, looking down as the sonic beeped, "Now what is this?" she wondered, shaking the sonic.

As it beeped, Quills TARDIS started to appear in all its glory behind her, and the door of it opened for Quills pet dog, who jumped onto Spirit.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

6 whole months! Quills voice screamed in thunders head as the dog growled at Spirit, I was stuck in that fucking mountain for 6 whole months, freezing for more then a week as I slowly turned into a god damn furry ass husky, and I had to wait for myself for 6 WHOLE MONTHS because of you! You remind me so much of my companions, you know that?! I can kill you right now if I wanted to, like I wanted to to one of my companions!

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131379 Dont worry Quill, I'll kill her. Thunder Glared at Spirit, unimaginable hatred in his eyes. "Fix. Her. NOW!"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

You wont actually Thunder, because I want to. Quill growled and picked Spirit up in her mouth, I don't care if your brother is dead, or if you were doing everything because you wanted to save him. You are not important to anything but being a slave. she growled with Spirit terfied in her mouth as she walked into the TARDIS.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131397 Thunder followed Quill into the Tardis, wanting to watch.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill threw Spirit against the walls of her TARDIS and started walking towards her, You know, I mostly ate snow while I was there, and when I got here I realized that I am actually really stupid for not knowing a huskies eyes are primarily blue and not whatever my eye color is now or whatever, so lets see what worthless slave tastes like.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131410 Quill! Thunder cried as he realized what she was going to do. Don't!

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill turned to look at Thunder, I have dealt with companions like this before, and she isn't important, you said yourself you wanted to kill her, so im going to kill her for everything she is worth. she barked and then howled up to the ceiling.

Spirit shakily sat up, "The chip is on the left, under where her wing was, its probably deep in fur right now. I just wanted my brother back." she said, lying back down when Quill glared at her.

I wanted to do this for so long...

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131431 We can kill her, but in a more painful and torturous way

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131431 I still have all the skills that I had when I was the butcher...

Pen Brush
Group Admin

I can eat her in a painful and torturous way, actual fucking food for once. Quill growled, walking closer before she stopped and sat down. She stared into space for a second and shook her head, Wait a minute...this isn't right...

Of course its right! You deserve it~

But she did tell me how to change back

so? she messed with time, killing her is the best option, she is just a weak worthless filly with no future.

everything has a future

and yours will be a killer! AHAHA I loved being alone on the mountain for so long.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131443 Quill, what is that? Thunder had heard the other voice inside her mind.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

I started talking to myself while on the mountain.

and I was her only companions. Who never left her. You could say that I am her first body, in her head, her own thoughts and feelings of anger and rage that she left behind.

I was bored.

so she made me able to speak. I also am her doubt and whatever else is bad about her.

Spirit was busy crying while this exchange was going on.

Oh look, our slave snack is crying, I can tell what her slave function was just by looking at her. small pony, female, in the roaman time. she was a little sex slave.

She also enjoyed making assumptions.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131462 So, your the first Regeneration Quill, and somehow the second Regeneration Quill, my Quill, allowed you to speak?

Pen Brush
Group Admin

You could say that yes. she managed to unlock my personality from deep inside anyway. Boredom can do that to a pony. Honestly im surprised you ever really loved this pathetic sex slave thing.

I mostly just want to change back...she wants to eat her.

just changing back wouldn't be fun! Lets kill her! I wanted to do that to so many of my companions for what they did to me, and I can do it now if I wanted to. I can go find them.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131474 I'm all for killing her for what she did to you, but that would be the wrong thing to do, If you try to kill her, I will stop you, no matter how much it pains me.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131474 Thunder walked in between Spirit and Husky/Quill. I wont let you touch her!

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

Thunder pulled out his sword:

Pen Brush
Group Admin

I can still kill you as well.

I am starting to wonder just how crazy I actually was before...

Oh shut up, I regenerated into a useless annoying filly like Pinkie Pie. Why couldn't I have been something better then you?


Spirit pushed the sonic across the floor over to Quill, with multiple locations of where the other ponies were written down on a piece of paper.

Oh, I can also kill these ponies as well. Lovely, once I'm done with you... Quill wagged her tail as she started walking closer again.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131494 Quill, stay back! He brandished his sword.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill stopped and stared at him through mountains of fur, before she picked up her sonic and turned it to her. Where is the stupid thing... she thought, searching for the chip. Her sonic beeped once it landed on something and she dropped it, before biting into her side. With a crunch she broke the chip and started changing. Her tail reverted first, then her mane got its color, and she grew back to her normal hight, her wings appearing again. She shook her head and smiled, " Well, that wasn't fun..."

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131514 "Glad your back. It would have killed me to try to hurt you."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Yeah, I also realized im stupid for not knowing what a huskies eye color is. Its never purple." Quill said, rolling her eyes, "I don't want to kill her, she just wanted her brother, even if she went the wrong way about it. You would do almost the same thing for me I would think." she walked over to Spirit shivering on the ground and picked her up onto her back, still shivering.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131526 "Quill, let me get her." Thunder lifted Spirit off Quills back and placed her on his own.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131526 "Your right, I would, i would tear apart the universe for vengeance, or if I had a chance to save you." Thunder walked out of Quill's Tardis. He activated his sonic, and his Tardis appeared and he walked inside.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"You wanted to kill her not even a second ago. Also myself but that one was actually my first it was different." Quill smiled.

Never realized how stupid I could actually be... she sighed and rolled her eyes, "Going to need to lock her back up again."

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131532 Dont worry, I wont kill her. He placed Spirit on a chair in his Tardis

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Spirit didn't open her eyes or sit up as she shivered in fear.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131545 "Spirit, I need to talk to you." Thunder told her gently.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"What do you want? I don't want to marry you, I don't want to date you, I don't want anything. I did this to get my brother and you should want to kill me." Spirit said, burying her head in the cushion.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131560 "I don't want any of that, I wanted to say I understand you."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"How do you understand me at all?" Spirit asked.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131570 "It would be easier to show you." Thunder placed his hooves on either side of Spirits head. "Just relax, I am going to show you one of my memories." Thunder shows Spirit the memory of when Quill was turned into a full pirate by the Great Intelligence.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Spirit stares as she sits up, "Pirates speak weird...That looks scary." she said.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131584 "Yeah tell me about it. I know what It feels like to lose a family member. You feel like you could tear apart the whole world to save them, right?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Spirit sighed, "No, I didn't even think I would manage to even stop the fall of Roam. I was almost cought a few times and I failed now..." she looked down .

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131595 Thunder was about to speak, but got an Idea. "Spirit, do you remember the exact time and date that you were sent back in time?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Spirit sighed, "A few weeks ago, about midnight. He wasn't very good at giving me a lot of time for anything." she said, looking at her hooves as Quill walked into the TARDIS, balancing her sonic on her nose.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3131606 "Ok, Spirit, we are going to save your brother!!!" Thunder raced along his console, setting in time and date, the Tardis started to dematerialize, and they were off.

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