The Children Of Time 5 members · 2 stories
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Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3126577 ((Hey, can you download this program, i think that it would be useful if we cant get in contact any other way))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3126933 ((Dad will get angry if I do))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin
Pen Brush
Group Admin

3126961 ((Im putting something that could potentially add a virus, and it doesn't seem practical to use to him))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3126971 ((Do you have your own computer?))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3126975 ((that my dad has family safety on and can check at any time, yes.))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3126977 ((Ah, ok then, I'm just looking for a site that will allow us to talk if fimfiction is down.))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Google docs works without fimfiction up))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3126977 ((I just found a site that will let us. Its called IMO))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3127001 ((Ill...make an account later, preferable when im not in the kitchen with family so they don't see it asking for full name and age and stuff.))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127017 ((You dont have to if you dont want to.))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3127020 ((I just am worried about why it wants all that specific info.))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127035 ((Ok, you dont have to.))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3127057 ((google docs still work well))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127061 ((Yep, and I still got X-IM, which might be the most encrypted Im program ever.))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127424 ((Finnaly, your here!))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127433 ((NP, let me get Pen))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3127433 ((Yo))
Quill walked over to the ladder entrence and looked up, "Still cant go up there." she said.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127477 "Why not?" Thunder said, looking at the ladder.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Never climbed a ladder before. It sounds weird but when I was a unicorn I usually teleported, and my pirate ship had stares." Quill said.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127494 "And you cant fly yet, right? Get on my back again." Thunder leaned down onto the floor.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3127490 ((Also, just to let you know, im getting rid of some unnecessary stuff from the doc, like the OOC parts with no dialogue, because my computer is literally going to explode with the shear amount of words and those words aren't needed.))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill jumped onto his back.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127505 ((OK.))
3127508 Thunder leaped into the air, his majestic wings unfurling. He flapped his wings and soared up the first floor, landing next to the statue that looks like Jack.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127508 ((Also, do you need to message back to Micro?))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3127433 ((Spirit is hiding from everyone, ill tell you where she is if Thunder uses the tracing spell))
Quill looked around the room to make sure no roamens were coming, "Lets put the statue back up and go to the second floor with Jack and Spirit." she said.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127531 "Ok,"
3127433 Hey, Jack, are you and Free OK?

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3127543 And I'm supposed to know this how?!

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127545 whoa, whoa, whoa, what's going on?

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3127548 I don't know where Free is

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3127548 ((Brb dinner. are really confusing on the doc.))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127552 Fuck! one sec!
3127531 "Jack can't find free, I'm gonna cast a Tracing spell." Thunder's horn lit up, searching for Free.

((Now, we wait.))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3127562 3127552 ((I am really confused. You put a past comments in a later part of the doc...))
The tracing spell showed Free's signature on the roof of the palace, near the center.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127614 "Lets go!" ((As I said, I copied everything because I was in a rush for school and fear that Knighty was going to delete everything.))

3127552 Jack, Free's on the roof, near the center!

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3127623 ((Well, we were lucky that Knighty changed his mind then ay? He did still give us a day though...)) 3127552
Quill started running up the stares.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127633 Thunder teleported next to free on the roof.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Free's wings snapped themselves open in surprise and she flew a few inches into the air, "Ahhh!"

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3127640 "Sorry"

((BRB, for who knows how long...))

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3127640 "Free!" Jack runs over.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3127653 3127648
Spirit flies back onto the roof and frowns as Quill runs panting up the stares, "What do you want? And stop calling me Free, I would prefer to be call Spirit more then free, its annoying." she said.

Quill panted as she walked over, "" she said.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3127671 "Not helping Quill."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Why does a...palace...have so many...steps?" she panted.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3127691 "I know how you feel."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Spirit rolled her eyes and looked down at all the ponies walking around on the ground as the other two talked.

"Really? Because you can just fly up them. I cant." Quill said, regaining her breath.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3127716 "Its even tiring with wings."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"I wouldn't know." Quill said.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3127735 "So Spirit, what's wrong?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Nothing is wrong." Spirit said.

  • Viewing 551 - 600 of 748