The Children Of Time 5 members · 2 stories
Comments ( 853 )
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Pen Brush
Group Admin

"He's the only one in freaky love with his half sister." Quill stated.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103494 "Hey, that didn't stop the Egyptians now did it!?"
Don't worry about it though, it won't hurt much.
Tentacles started to try and grab the two.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"I know nothing about Egypt, besides I was there!" Quill exclaimed, running from the tentacles.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103511 "Back in Egyptian times," Jack yelled, running from the tentacles. "It was actually legal for a man to marry their sister!"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill stopped and looked at him, "I guess that's a lot like in pirate time, only a bit different." she thought about that as a tentacle grabbed her leg. "Ahhh!"

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103529 "Let her go!" Jack yelled, using the sword to chop the tentacle off Quill's leg.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

More tentacles came and grabbed her again, pulling her back, "stop!" she yelled, trying to use her hook to hold onto the ground, which didn't do anything as she was pulled out of sight.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103547 "I'll save you Quill!" Jack shouted. "I need to find the others and quick!" Jack keeps running, hoping to escape.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3103556 ((I have an amazing thing for Quill to be for when the others get back. I gtg for a bit.))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103563 ((I just finished and I'm ready to join again.))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3103556 ((Alright, well Jack needs to get to you.))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103702 ((Jacks still offline.))

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103702 ((I got an Idea...))

Thunder's Tardis phased back into reality, and thunder exited the Tardis, coughing as smoke exited with him. "Ok, that really needs to stop happening..." He looked around for Jack and Quill, but they werent there. "JACK?! QUILL!?" He yelled out.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3103742 3103556 ((I guess we can continue a bit.))
"Ay." A gruff voice said from nowhere.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103751 "Who are you? What have you done to my sister!?"

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"I thought it would be fun to make her an actual pirate." The intelligence said.

Quill flew into view, her pirate outfit fitting perfectly and a sword in each both forhooves, even though one was nothing more then a hook, her cutie mark a scull and crossbones, and her peg leg snugly together to her foot, "Stay way from ma treasure!" she screamed.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103763 "Quill..." Thunder said. "Intelligence, you just proved to me that you are the stupidest thing in the Multiverse, because if there is one thing that you never do." he extended his wings and blew fire, "Its mess with my family. I will make you suffer, and by the end, you will be begging me for death."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Would love to see you try." He said.

"Yer tresspassin on Two Heart Demon's land! Ya be in fer a worl a pirate pain!" Quill yelled, flying at him with both swords, She flew over him and slashed one of them at his ear, cutting part of it off, before she went back into the sky, "Retreat for ya git ah wors stabbing!" she yelled.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103794 "GAH!" Thunder screamed in pain, before snarling and conjuring 2 swords and holding each in his Magical grip. He flew up to Quills height.

Quill, please tell me your still in there.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Ay know not how ya be in ma mind, but ya will no win! Ay be tha bes pirate of ma time!" Quill yelled, slashing an X on Thunders chest before flying away from him.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103814 "GAH!" He yelled in pain again, falling slightly, before catching himself. He flew towards Quill and slashed at her head with his stun swords.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill ducked and went under him, slashing at his stomach so it had her initials on them, but didn't bleed.

The intelligence laughed, "You see, I learned from my mistakes. I locked her up good and tight this time. She was so weak after all from regenerating and healing you that it was relatively easy to lock her deeper then I had any of you."

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103830 "You forgot one thing Stupid." Thunder yelled at the Intelligence.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"And what exactly is that?" He asked.

Quill flew upside down and slashed at Thunders back, before retreating again a few feet away.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103845 "I am a Dragon." Thunder smirked and yelled "FUS RO DAH!!!!!!" Quill was blasted backwards into a wall, where she was K.O'ed.

Comment posted by Thunder Quill deleted Mar 16th, 2014
Thunder Quill
Group Admin

That also means, Stupid, that I am immune to mind control, my scales are Nigh impenetrable, and My magic is increased to above Alicorn Level.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"That is a consideration." he said, as electricity coursed through Quills body enough to shock her back to consciousness, "But I can shock her awake any time I wish." he said.

Quill stood up and shook her head, before she frowned angrily and flew back into the air, "Ya resortin ta tricks is admirabl bu ah will win in tha end, always do." she growled.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103881 "Well then, if that didnt work, then lets try this shout, GOL, HAH, DOV!"(Bend Will) GET OUT OF QUILL'S MIND YOU BASTARD!!!!!!

Pen Brush
Group Admin

"Im not in her mind though." The intelligence said smugly.

Quill paused in midair and stared off into space Hmm quills sleepy voice though, before she shook her head and growled, flying at Thunder quickly.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

"MUL QAH DIIV"(dragon aspect) Draconic armor appeared on Thunder's body

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill slashes her swords at Thunder, but doesn't even scratch the armor, she growled, "Ya cheatin, all fin ah way ta get ya!" she flew upwards.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103922 "Kaan Drem ov!!" (kynes peace.) "Please calm down!!" Thunder shouted at his sister.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin


Pen Brush
Group Admin

3103984 ((How long do those things last?))
Quill stops flying up and stops, her hold on the swords failing as she let her hooves drop to her sides, her swords falling to the ground and planting themselves in the ground.

"Hmmm...I will have to fix that problem." The intelligence said.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103994 ((Don't know exactly, anywhere from an hour to a day I believe.))

Thunder saw his opprotunity and rushed towards his sister, banishing the G.I. influence from her, and making sure that it would never happen again.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill went limp and started falling.

"You forget that I told you I locked her far in her mind, it will take quite a lot for her to get back to control." The intelligence said. "That and your silly shouts did it as well."

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3104008 "I'll just have to enter it then and find her." Thunder concentrated and entered his sisters mind.

Thunder reappeared inside Quill's Mind.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

A giant fly trap forest greets him, and all of them turn to look at him.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3104018 'I cant hurt anything, for risk of hurting quill' Thunder thought to himself. "MUL QAH DIIV" thunder's Draconic armor reappeared and he walked through the fly trap forest, nothing able to hurt him or eat him


Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3104013 Jack managed to dodge the tentacles. He than senses strong energy, and follows it.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill screamed and when he ran to look for her, he saw a fly traps trying to eat her, but she wasn't how she looked now, she was her old unicorn self. A fly trap bit down on her stomach and she screamed, before punching it and running towards where Thunder was, and passed through him, regeneration angry around her, "No, no regenerating, I refuse to do that now." she growled, bleeding badly as she ran into her TARDIS.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3104048 "I'M COMING QUILL!!!!!!!" Thunder ran towards his sister.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3104043 ((You just missed an awesome pirate thing))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

The scenery changed and Quill was standing at her controls, a brown unicorn pony mare behind her. "So then we go there and finish up, and I will bring you home." Quill said smiling.
"I don't want to go though!" the mare exclaimed.

"Its too dangerous already! I cant let you be with me anymore, I'm thinking of you." Quill said quietly.

"Your thinking of yourself! You don't want me to see all the amazing things out there!" The mare yelled, when quill turned around to argue, the mare slashed at her with her horn and cut a deep cut into her chest, before the TARDIS landed and she ran out.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

"Let's see. Where is the energy coming from?"

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3104080 "QUILL!!" Thunder ran up to his sister. "are you ok?"

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

((I'm gonna need to take a break at 1 for about 2 hours.))

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill didn't see him and instead turned back to her controls, ignoring the bleeding, "Ill fix that later, I just need to leave her there, she wouldn't listen to me." she sighed, "That hasn't happened before." she muttered leaving the place behind.

The scene changed again to being under water.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3104108 Quill, can you hear me?

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