The Children Of Time 5 members · 2 stories
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Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103118 "I'm coming bro!" Jack yelled running towards the voice.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

As Thunder and Jack ran to their siblings, the great intelligence chuckled from deep inside the Tardis.

Fools, they have walked right into my trap

((We cant hear the G.I. right now because he's not directing his thoughts at us.))

Comment posted by Maniacal Hero deleted Mar 16th, 2014
Thunder Quill
Group Admin

Thunder reached the spot where he thought he had heard his sister, but no one was there. There was a slam as the door behind him. "SHIT!!" He cursed


Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103131 Jack was no where to be seen.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

"Oh, brother..." Thunder stiffened as he heard his sister's voice, except that it wasn't exactly the same. There was s certain sound to it that he couldn't identify.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

Thunder turned around to see his sister, but majorly changed. She looked beautiful in every way possible, from her mane to her tail and everything in between. She giggled at him staring. "Do you like what you see?"

"Your not my sister." He said in an emotionless voice.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103145 The Not-Quill pouted, "I could be, if you wanted me too, I've been in your mind, you stare at your sister when she thinks your not looking, you like her." She smiled and sauntered over to him.

"I know what you are, you're a succubus, you take the image of someone that I like, and feed off of the Sexual energy of the acts they commit. You aren't my sister, my sister would never do this." Thunder snarled.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

"Uh... Where am I?"
"Join us Jack," said a voice.
"Who's there!?"

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

The succubus huffed and walked away, "The only way out of here is to rut me, and if you dont, well, unpleasant things will happen."

Comment posted by Maniacal Hero deleted Mar 16th, 2014
Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103163 Ok, well a succubus disguised as my sister is trying to make me rut her, so no offense or anything, but i really dont have the time unless this is monumentally important.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin
Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

"Join us Jack."
"Who are you?"
"Join the Great Intelligence."
"Hell no!"
"Don't you want to see your family?"
"Wait... what did you just say?"
Thunder the voices are asking me if I want to see my family.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin
Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103178 So?

"What kind of unpleasant things?" Thunder asked the Succubus.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103182 They're saying the only way to see them is to join the Great Intelligence.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

The succubus grinned evilly and started to change. She became Bi-pedal, her arms grew longer, her hooves became hands and wicked claws shot out of her fingers.

3103187 Dont listen to them, its a trap

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3103182 ((Wow))
Quill hated being frozen by things, sure she had never been frozen by anything, but being frozen now wasn't fun, and holding her brothers leg while frozen was creepy. She could move her eyes though, and based on what she was doing she could still think, she was alive and thinking at least, with her brothers leg, This sucks hell. she thought.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

Wings sprouted out of her back, and fangs that could slice through steel sprouted. The succubus stood there in her natural form. "Fuck." Thunder muttered under his breath, readying the Sonic Shotgun.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103189 "Join us Jack. You can have anything you want. You can have your friends, family, everything and everyone you loved. They can come back. All you have to do is join."
Get out of my head!

Thunder Quill
Group Admin


The succubus charged at thunder, making him dodge. Thunder fired the shotgun, but the sonic just bounced off of the Succubus's armored skin.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3103195 3103192
IS THERE ANYTHING THAT DOESNT HAPPEN TO YOU TWO?!?! Quill yelled over the psychic connection.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103198 Help! My head!

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103198 Good to have you back Quill, and No, probably not. Thunder thought to his sister as he Dodged another attack.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103198 did you hear everything the Succubus said? Thunder fired another shot at the Succubus, but with the same result.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3103203 3103200
If I could get out of freeze mode, I would murder you and the succubus. Mostly the impostor

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103205 Quill, I'm sorry, it is true though, and I dont care if you think me a freak, but I care about you, you're my sister, and you're beautiful, and I'm sorry Thunder stood still a moment to long and the Succubus raked him with her claws.

"GAHHHHH!!" Thunder's screams could be heard throughout the entire Tardis.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

"Jack, join them," said a familiar voices.
"What the..." was all he could say when he saw a familiar figure.
"Hi Jack," the woman said.
"Maya?" Jack said.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

I don't care what you think, take off that leg. Quills eyes turned to slits as her wings went leathery, and after a minute, she was back to being a dragon, only she was blue scaled instead of purple, and she was out of the freeze, "I hate being restricted." she grumbled. She flew off to where she heard the scream.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103211 3103205 Help, they're hitting my deepest memories! They're hitting the past. Days before I took the legacy into my own hands!

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

Thunder was laying on the ground, his entrails slowly gushing out of his body. The Succubus stood over him triumphantly. "I-i guess you won." He said softly. The succubus laughed an evil laugh. "Of course i did, I always win."

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill grumbled, Start doing what you would never do to the people your meeting. They will probably go away or something

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103217 Quill, help jack, This room nulifies all magic, even Time Lord Regeneration, it's over for me, help jack, before its too late.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill crashed through the ceiling and landed between Thunder and the Succubus, "Hello." she growled, Sending a huge ball of flame onto the monster.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103235 The succubus screamed, an unending, earshattering scream. It fell to the floor, skin burnt and black.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

Quill smiled a big toothy grin and crushes the monster under her huge claws.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103211 "No! That's it! That's where I draw the line! Nobody makes me feel pain!" In reality, he slaps himself back to life. "Ow!"

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

((Timelords Online))

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103242 "Is it bad that I find this hot?"

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103242 Thunder smiles weakly at his sister. "Nice job, you really like being a dragon, don't you..." Thunder trailed off, his eyes starting to close.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3103250 3103247
Quill turned to Jack, "Want me to eat you? Help me get Thunder out of here so I can heal him." She said, getting off the crushed monster. She blew flames onto the crushed thing until it was nothing more then dust and atoms.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103256 Jack runs over to Thunder and heals him as best as he can.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103257 "Heh, I failed again, but this time, it cost me my own life, not someone elses, that's good. Quill, i'm sorry, for everything..." He trailed off, his eyes fully closing.

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

3103257 Thunder sighed and went limp, the life leaving his body.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3103263 3103262
Quill growled and picked both ponies up in her claws, making sure she had all of her brothers body parts, before she flew out of the hole she made and back to where Blake was still frozen. She changed back into her Pegasus body and hugged Thunder as she cried a little, unaware of her next regeneration energy go into him, his real leg right where she had put it as she threw away the robot one.

Maniacal Hero
Group Admin

3103270 "This is all my fault," Jack said. "None of this would've happened if I just stayed in my TARDIS. In fact, none of this would've happened if I didn't meet you guys!"

Thunder Quill
Group Admin

Thunder started to glow golden, his eyes opened, glowing the same gold as his regeneration energy. Quill was pushed back onto the floor. Thunder floated up into the air.

Thunder's horn came back, along with wings. His skin changed, it was a bright gold, his cutie mark remained the same. smaller horns grew next to his Unicorn horn, and scales grew under his fur. His mane was like fire, always moving, same with his tail, but the same gold as his fur.

Thunder fell to the ground, unconscious.

Pen Brush
Group Admin

3103287 3103281
"If I hadn't met you I wouldn't have known anything about my family." Quill sighed.

Sr Face Tear
Group Admin

Blake fell to the ground, now unfrozen, "ah! what did I miss?" he said looking around

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