Roleplaying Fun 19 members · 0 stories
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At the edge of the Everfree sits a lone house. It's outside is worn by neglect and age.
Inside a lone mare sits at a desk, working on at a alchemy desk. taking care extreme care that her next batch of fireworks are a success.
A bell rings signalling that her front door has been opened, her head shoots up to face the pony at the door.
"O-oh hello! Welcome to Cinnamon Bun's" she says a bit nervously to whoever is at the door. despite being a business owner she doesn't get many customers.

Forgotten Legends
Group Admin

3123720 Hello I am Montique, I am the ower of a mining company we are running low on a supply we can hardly get anywhere but Manehattan. I was hoping you have a supply of Gunpowder, or other explosive matter. I will handsomely pay you per barrel of the explosive. How does 500K bits in gold sound for 50 barrels?

3123748 Cinnamon snaps out of her stupor and approachs the pony to shake his hoof, carelessly knocking over a few vials.
"Sorry about that, nice to meet you, I'm Cinnamon-" she stops herself.
"I mean -I said my name already, thank you for your business. So what brings a Manehatten pony like yourself here?"

Forgotten Legends
Group Admin

there is a mining camp in the everfree our checks of the area show that there is a massive seam of gold and diamond 600ft down in the everfree.

"Sniffs" is it me or do I smell something burning.

"Looks behind you"

Ma'am quickly get the hay out of there. I smell smoke and I see a bright light. I suggest we evacute the premises.

Yanks you 50ft away. "BOOM"

Looks like I saved you life. I will happily rebuild you facility to modern standards.

Forgotten Legends
Group Admin

3123825 You think this is some party? I just saved this mare's life. You think this is some you

3123849 ...i said...WHERES THE CHIPS!?

Forgotten Legends
Group Admin

3123864 It seems I wil have to explain this slowly to you. I came here to buy explosives for the project and I saved her from dying in a fiery explosion. Now do you understand you low class twit.

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