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I'm aware that this is a very popular story genre on here concerning. But I'm a sticker to the rules, and the rule stated by Megan McCarthy says Twilight will not outlive her friends. Before anyone says anything on the finale, Jim Miller said they don't know how long everyone lives including her. This is left to interpretation of course, some say its damage control, others say the writers decided to leave it up to fans to decide for themselves.

But standing by McCarthy's rule, I say its pretty obvious how Twilight will not outlive her friends in the finale. The ending is basically repeating the beginning with Twilight sending a student of her own to Ponyville in Luster Dawn. I think Twilight intends to make Luster her successor and give up the power keeping her younger. I think Twilight would choose her friends over immortality, just like Arwen chose Aragorn or Hercules chose Meg. We are all free to have the ending we choose this way.

Based on some information I gathered a year ago, I came to a headcanon of my own. Its not being an alicorn that provides immortality, but rather Celestia and Luna's power over the sun and moon. I looked at the alicorn page on the mlp wiki and found out there was a book called the Journal of the Two Sisters, which the wiki said stated they were rejuvenated by raising the sun and moon. I interpreted this at the time, rejuvenation meant keep young. Though I admit looking back at it said rejunvenate their magic, however, there is that theory I've heard which says the sisters possess immense magic power that allows 50 years to be equal to 1 for them. The sun and moon raising powers could still apply to that as it rejuvenates their magic. With Twilight taking over the raising of the sun and moon, and the sisters not appearing in the final episode from flashbacks I've put together this. The sisters gave up their immortality/longevity to pass and be with the friends they had long ago, and Twilight will do the same to not be forced to watch her friends die. She will make her student the next Princess and follow her friends to the afterlife.

Please don't try and give me any 'better way to be immortal' speeches. I'm not changing my mind, immortality is a curse, not a gift in my eyes. I'm here to provide a happier ending for those that feel the same way as I do and would prefer her to pass with her friends rather than be cursed with immortality, not debate with people who like the idea of being immortal and 'cured of old age'. :pinkiesick:

I will say that Twilight was aging much better than the rest of the girls were at least. Lazy as f**k Celestia recolor her adult form was.

Honestly, Celestia and Luna not being there doesn't have to mean they died. I feel it's more likely Hasbro couldn't find a way to justify having them come back at some during the episode except in the flashback.

It's been years since I read the Journal, so I couldn't say for sure what it said either way.

As I said the writers left it up to us. They probably knew about the thing the journal said and planned it that way. It can happen either way, just depends on what you want.

Twilight now raises and lowers the sun. Twilight was younger looking. Twilight will be longer lived. Forever? We don't know. Insufficient data. But to say she won't be younger than the others, physically, denies what they have provided us. And bemoaning it 'lazy recolor' is, again, selective editing. I choose to accept canon as canon. I choose to NOT accept Twitter as canon, as it is not, ever.

Do as you will... but there is nothing stated in canon about it is being alicorns that is the reason Celestia and Luna have lived so long. That's a fan made idea, nothing more. It's never been confirmed.

You are correct. The fact that it's about 20 years older and she has no wrinkles and everyone else does? That's confirmed. That is hard to argue.

Not when you have my info saying the sun and moon powers are the real source of the sisters immortality. With Twilight taking over that job, the sisters not appearing in the finale aside from flashbacks, I can put two and two together.

The comics also seem to support my idea. If you look at the cover art for season 10 it looks like the sisters are losing the power in their mane.

That is all secondary canon.

Primary canon: 20'sh years have passed.
All ponies have aged.
Twilight appears unchanged.

Comics are also secondary canon, having been run over by the show many times.

There is nothing to 'put two and two together' about. Those are the facts.
Time has passed
People have aged.
Twilight has not.

Twilight appears unchanged.

Do you forget the part where she grew into larger alicorn?

I would be good with her just having a longer lifespan. But to me, standing by McCarthy's rule, it is obvious she is training Luster Dawn to be her Successor. The symbolism is all there, Luster is a lot like Twilight and has a cutie mark of a sun, it's a pattern. She becomes an alicorn, Twilight gives up the power like Celestia and Luna did and she'll age rapidly to catch up with her friends.

Oh, and I have a suspicion that something along these lines will happen in the movie. They said it was gonna be in Equestria and Twilight will not be in generation 5. As I said I'm here to share my idea with people who dont want her to outlive her friends, so just have a nice day. You're not going to convince me of anything.

'she'll age rapidly', not a hint has been given that Luna or Celestia did this. Why should Twilight? This is... almost all fan canon.

Except the Luster Dawn part, clearly could become the next Twilight.



Celestia tried to make a Twilight multiple times before hitting the right one. Remember Sunset Shimmer?

They didnt appear in the finale aside from flashbacks. They gave up the power which was once stated to have been the source of their immortality or longevity. That's the two and two to me.

Yes I remember Sunset Shimmer. Celestia did have many students, no denying that. Yes she did seem to hit the right one with Twilight. But the comics and the other media is up to us to use for ourselves, we get to decide how they correlate to the show I've heard. I'm taking the part of the sun and moon powers as canon. I see it as the way out the writers left us.

And you admitted it yourself, the idea of it being alicorns is fan made. You follow that fan made so there is nothing to stop me from making my own canon based on what I've gathered and interpreted. We're all making fan canon here. I'm going for a curse breaker option and nothings gonna stop me.

Nothing will stop you. Long may the fanfics reign.

Still not canon. I've made all kinds of fan canons, but I will never insist they are canon, even if I've called a lot of canon stuff before canon came along to back me up. Canon is canon.

Yes but as long Twilight doesnt outlive her friends in actual canon we can figure a way out if we want to. She gives up the source of her immortality and dies, gets murdered, whatever. I've got mine. I'm willing to accept her outliving them if it's just longer lifespan. But immortality... no thanks. I'd have it go revenge on Celestia in that case.

We get our own endings, I've made my choice. Twilight gives up power keeping her younger, sun and moon raising, alicorn wings, whatever, to Luster Dawn and passes with her friends.

...dude just let it go already, this isn't healthy.

Group Admin


and give up the power keeping her younger.

Like many others, you have to invent a power in order to create a problem then offer your solution to the problem you created.

She's not immortal. She has a normal lifespan for a pony. There is no problem. That's the default position.

"But she's an alicorn and alicorns live forever!"

That's an assumption that all alicorns live as long as Celestia and Luna. Or that even they are immortal. Or that ponies don't also live for centuries.

"Twilight didn't age as much as the others in the epilogue!"

Or she did. You're reading way to much into vague animation choices.

"Twilight outlives her friends" tropes are dumb.

I don't need you telling me what to do. Oh and I've been waiting to say this. You're wrong when you say no one over 30 mourns their losses for long periods of time. That might be a good percentage but the highest age group for suicide is people in their 50s. That little fanfic written by 20 year old vs. 30 year old is just curse lover propaganda in my book. Moving on might be a better way to be immortal, but I'm not going for it. Bottom line, I'm not going to go by the living forever is awesome way... ever. And that 30 year old perspective where she goes "Yeah, in your face Grim Reaper!" is just an overenthusiastic coward in my mind.

The way I see it you people who have been writing fics where Twilight outlives her friends have been dishonorable ever since McCarthy made the rule. Come the movie I suspect they will be stabbed in the back. But until then I will not stop in my mission until my main headcanon story is complete. I'm cheering people up that don't want Twilight to outlive her friends, and I don't care about bullies like you anymore. You want Twiligth to move on you just do you. I'm going to have her do what Arwen did in Lord of the Rings, give up her immortality to be with her friends. My way is accepting death in a grown up way. Like this.

I have it already, I looked stuff up on the MLP wiki and learned there was a book called the Journal of the Two Sisters that I heard stated it was Celestia and Luna's power over the sun and moon that allowed them to remain young. As soon as I learned this, I realized Twilight was taking over that job, and Jim Miller said they gave her those powers when they fused the crowns. While the book is kind of retconned by the show, the same thing happened in Star Wars with Emperor Palpatine being cloned in the Dark Empire Comics, and that came true again in actual canon.

Group Admin

What nonsense are you on about?

I don't need you telling me what to do.

I'm not telling you what to do. I'm pointing out what you are doing. You are inventing a problem (immortality power) then suggesting a fix for that problem. Your "solution" is irrelevant unless you invent this power and assert that it's there.

The rest of your ramble is off-topic. I'm not interested in it.

I'm talking to Justy there not you. My reply to you comes after the video I present.

Seek professional help.

No thanks. I'm not listening to any of you pro immortal people anymore. I dont need help, I'm merely of a different opinion.

Group Admin

I see there was a misunderstanding.

My previous post mostly still stands though.

While the book is kind of retconned by the show

Need to clarify a few things here. There is canon, fanon, and headcanon.

Canon for FiM is complete. What you see is what you get. It includes 9 seasons worth of pony cartoons and Equestria Girls. The owners of the story have said this is canon, and only they get to make that call. Not you, not me, not anyone else.

Jim Miller's tweets are especially unreliable in this regard because he's frequently teased fans and the staff have contradictory replies. Only the Showrunner's word matters. This was originally Lauren Faust. Then it was Megan McCarthy. Directors, writers, animators, and Hasbro executives don't matter. Voice actors really don't matter.

The IDW comics are not canon. The Journal of Two Sisters is not canon. The Gameloft game, G.M. Barrow's books, and many other officially licensed products don't count.

Headcanon is your own interpretation of canon. It includes all those things I listed off that you like and think can fit in canon. It includes any of your own imaginings that you've come up to explain things. It includes anything from any source: other fans, other shows, whatever you like.

Fanon is an aggregate headcanon popular with fans.

To finish off the explanation of terms, when you write your own story (fanfic or original) you're creating your own canon. The canon of your story doesn't have to match any other canon. Though if it's fanfiction it probably needs to at least a little bit. No matter how good a job you do fitting your story to official canon, it doesn't become canon to the original unless the owner says so.

All of these discussions can generally be disregarded as headcanon arguments. Yours as well. Other people have a headcanon that Twilight is immortal. You have a headcanon idea you're presenting that results in Twilight having but losing immortality.

Write the story if you want to. Other people wrote the stories they wanted to write. I think the "Twilight outlives her friends and has a sad" is a boring trope to base a story on so I don't read those.

Canon has nothing at all to do with the trope. The fact that Twilight isn't immortal in canon doesn't matter at all to an author telling the story they want to tell. Their story and the popularity of the trope is irrelevant to whatever story you want to tell. Follow canon as closely or as loosely as you wish. They're free to do the same.

This urge you have to try to convince others to change their headcanon is weird.

I'm not trying to change anyone's headcanon, merely share my own. I think that since it was said in a book that the power to raise the sun and moon is how Celestia and Luna remained young, that's canon. At least it is for the canon I'm making for myself now. The book was contradicted by a later season but we can still take bits of it if we want. Nothing says the sun and moon powers aren't the source of the sisters immortality.

I wont argue with you on anything. The idea that is being alicorns that is how Celestia and Luna have lived for so long is fan made as well. It can certainly be hinted but without a confirmation it's not canon. Fan made ideas or fanon without actual confirmation. It's what we think pretty much. Yes, canon ends at the end of the series. Twilight looks younger than her friends so unless something happens she will outlive them. But as long as it doesnt happen in actual canon we can find a way around it.

I'm going by what I found. I know Twilight took over that job of raising the sun and moon, and I noticed that Celestia and Luna didnt appear in the finale aside from flashbacks. So I think that they aged rapidly and passed away. Now Twilight has a student of her own that she could possibly give the power to as well. Mine is headcanon, I just want to share it with as many people who want her NOT to outlive her friends.

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