The Admin's Group 204 members · 7 stories
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In "My Little Fetish" we have this horrible folder with 800+ stories in it -- there's a slow crowdsourced project going on to have them categorized into more navigable folders -- but I've run into a problem: After helpful people have put a story into its future home, I need to delete it from the huge old folder.

If I have a link to a story, and a link to a folder it's in, how do I easily remove that story from the folder?

I know the story is in the folder somewhere, because the story's add-to-group button shows a green checkmark by that folder. But this UI doesn't allow me to remove it.

So far the best solution I've come up with is to sort the folder by word count, and do binary search for the page of the folder that has the story I'm looking for. Then there's a trashcan icon I can delete it with. But this is still pretty time-consuming.

The admin-only folder management interface doesn't seem to be helpful, because it is also paginated, and can apparently only sort by date added. And I don't know when the particular story I'm looking to delete was added.

Is there a hidden way to search for a story in a particular folder by name somewhere?


Having dealt with similar situations, what I ended up doing was going through the admin only folder and doing a ctrl+f search on each page for the title of the story. It was still pretty time-consuming, but beat digging through line-by-line or page-by-page on the actual group, since you can look at batches of 50 stories at a time. If there's a better way, I'd like to hear it, too.

I'm afraid I don't know of any hidden way to search for stories in particular folders, the best thing I can think of is to go to the admin-only folder management and click the option to show up to 50 stories at once, then just manually search using Ctrl+F/Find in page and type in some of the title... :unsuresweetie:

Edit: Ninja'd.

After the recent site update, the admin interface to the folders can be sorted by story name (click on the table header), which makes it much easier to find particular stories in large folders.

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