The Admin's Group 204 members · 7 stories
Comments ( 4 )
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I understand that schedules can be busy and time limited. Still, if your volunteering to be an admin then it’s only fair to those who have asked you question to get an answer. Even if that answer is: “I am sorry, I do not have time for this. Please contact another admin.” If they come back saying they did, they at least you punted the problem with minimal effort. (Please only do this for good reasons)

It hasn’t happened often, but there have been times where I’ve contacted an admin over an issue I had, and have gotten nothing back. It’s annoying and unprofessional when that happens. Granted, sending Knighty feature requests like Notifications and getting nothing back is kind of expected.

Sure, this is fan site and no one is getting paid. However, it builds good work ethics if you do these kinds of things and later on when your in a paying job doing some administration type work, this stuff will come naturally.

Trust me, everyone has to do some level of administration type work. Even programmers.

Professor Plum
Group Admin

Is this directed toward the site staff? Because if so, that's not what this group is about.

And besides, have you seen how many PMs Knighty gets a day? Even if he was to just give a standard response to each one, it'd take ages. While it's good to communicate with your userbase whenever possible, sometimes it just isn't practical.

I was using that as an example.

There have been groups I've contacted about issues and have never gotten a response back on. I for one hate that.

3552585 Ban those who dare contact the gods- err, admins.

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