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Hey there all followers of the Celestia group. So, got a question for all of you. How omnipotent do you think Princess Celestia is?

Based on episode 1 of season 7, I'm thinking she's very omnipotent. It seems her words alone can sometimes invoke things to happen.

Why do I say this? Well, there was a scene in Celestia's flashback, where she was pacing back and forth, looking for reasons not to send Twilight to Ponyville, and if I remember correctly, I believe she said these lines: "What if she runs into a Manticore? Or falls off a cliff?"

I don't know how many caught those lines, but it seems her words alone sometimes cause things to happen. Then again, I could be speaking a bunch of gibberish, and it holds no roots at all.

But what do you all think? Do you think Princess Celestia is very omnipotent, or not very omnipotent at all? Or somewhere in between? I'd like to hear your opinions on this. Feel free to state your own theories.

5933674 Maybe not omnipotent, per se
Though I'm sure the writers did it intentionally

If she were omnipotent, she'd have know Cadence wasn't Cadence
Maybe she's just very observational, or perhaps there's a frequency of Manticores/cliffs in Ponyville

5933708 :rainbowlaugh: This theory. I like it. ANOTHER!!!

5933674 She's not omnipotent. She's mortal and fallable, as has been portrayed many times. She has been kidnapped and knocked unconscious, she has been deceived and taken advantage of. She is powerful but not a goddess.

5933855 Wow, calm down.

Now I see you have your opinions about Celestia, but you can't tell me it was mere coincidence that what she said in that one scene in her flashback didn't have anything to do with what happened in the second part of the pilot episodes of the series.

5933873 Having a premonition does not make one omnipotent. In fact, omnipotence would mean she already has all the answers, and could control every aspect of time, reality, and physics. She obviously cannot do this.

5933901 Ah. I see what you're saying. But I'm saying she has some omnipotence if her words make things happen. I mean she can pretty much say,

Tia: You fall asleep now.

Me: Zzzzzzzzzz............

5933935 There is no such thing as "some omnipotence." That's like "some immortality" or "some all knowingness." Either you're actally immortal, or you're just very hard to kill. You are either all knowing, or just very knowledgeable, either omnipotent or just very powerful.

So, Celestia and Luna have lived for over a millennium as far as we know, probably even more then that, but they don't look look a day over their prime. Bare with me on this, say that ponies age as fast as humans do in Equestria. Looking at how granny looks, if Celestia and Luna are mortal, why don't they look a day over 30? I would say they are immortal. Not gods mind you, just immortal.

5934047 Immortality doesn't mean simply not aging. They can be physically harmed, they are not immortal. Their aging may be vastly slowed by the intensity of magic they control, but they are not immortal.

5934085 If I remember correctly, in special ways, immortals can be hurt, and killed, according to some greek myths, so I see some loopholes in this theory, but again, it is your opinion, so I am not gonna say you are wrong. The show hasn't stated if they are immortal deities or not, so we can all continue to speculate.

5934137 The show has shown Celestia getting kidnapped and disabled. That she is not a goddess/diety isn't an opinion, it's show canon.

5934177 Have you watched Hercules the Legendary Journey's or Xena Warrior Princess? The gods and godesses are always getting either kidnapped, disabled, or both. So I still say it's an opinion, not concrete proof that Celestia and Luna are not deities.

5934300 It overtly says Celestia is a princess. Only the fandom claims she is a "goddess". She herself never claims such a thing, ever.

5934327 I suppose. I will say this.

I will not say that the royal sisters, Cadence, or Twilight, are mortal or immortal at this point, until the show etches it in stone. Like, the show either tells us straight forward they are either or.

Everything presented in the show so far can point either way, so I will keep my opinion open.

But I do have another thread I will put out soon. Til then, everyone is entitled to their opinion, including you.

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