Blunt Reviews Group 467 members · 171 stories
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(Yes, that's the title. :facehoof:)

I’ll be honest, I’m not the most avid outdoorsmen, but I know a thing or two about the wilderness, and thus surviving in it. Shelter, food, clean water, and warmth, especially in colder climates or ones where the temperature fluctuates enough: all in all, four simple things on paper but altogether different in practice. Given the right set of tools, one can not only survive, but thrive.

This author… I feel as though all they know about survival was written in a guide or read by some professed “survivalist” on the internet, and even then, they may have skimmed over a large part of it. I won’t go into too much detail about what they got wrong (a lot, just read through and think of it yourself), but I can’t help but feel this person has never gone hunting either. Really? Calling it a “sniper rifle” used for hunting?

Jesus. How do I even begin? A rifle used for hunting is just that: it is not for “sniping things” or “fer skillz b00m hedsh0tz” bullcrap I see all too often on the internet. I own a rifle: I hunt with it. Never before have I or anyone I know (I know a lot of hunters) have ever called it a “sniper rifle” or ever said “I sniped that deer”. Also, washing the deer before gutting it with water from a river?


Washing a deer will just push all the shit on its coat in through the bullet hole and cause you to introduce untold numbers of parasites and pathogens on the meat. Do you even know what’s in that water? Fish shit, arthropod shit, bacteria that cause dysentery and whatever else just shit or took a piss in that river. You know what you do right? You take that deer, you gut it as cleanly and quickly as you can, then drag it away from the gut pile (to avoid attracting predators to said deer carcass) and then field dress it. You hang it up, let the blood flow out as you strip the hide off, and then quarter it into sections for easier storage, or cut off all the meat and leave behind the bits and pieces. In your “character’s” case, you’d want to dry or cook that meat immediately, or salt it to preserve it.

Also, gray wolf in a “neutral” place? It’s a FUCKING WOLF. You’re by yourself, in another universe where wolves have never met people before: hence they have NO FEAR of humans.

This… this story is just so ill-thought out, with such bland descriptions (most of which don’t even exist) and such a fast-paced narrative that half the time I don’t even know what the hell is going on. It’s not because I can’t follow the plot, but because the plot itself can’t seem to understand just what it wants to do. Random characters come out of nowhere and I lost interest so fast I may have set a new brain-speed record.

Advice? Don’t post this to the internet unless you’ve had someone (or many people, in this stories’ case) look over it and try to help you improve it, as several commentators have pointed out. I’m not sure this would even be a story worth saving, to be honest: there’s not much to it, let alone much left to save. It’s sort of like trying to rescue someone who was just in the epicenter of an asteroid impact: you try to save them, but inside know it’s likely useless as there are most likely bits and pieces of them all over the place.

Bad story, bad plot progression, bad dialogue, somewhat decent spelling (I’m totally surprised at that), nonexistent setup and overall it just… it leaves a bad taste in my mouth after reading it, okay?


Imma just read it just for the lulz

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