Brazilian Bronies 36 members · 53 stories

Olá. Esta é uma comunidade dedicada para bronies brasileiros, descendentes ou simpatizantes.


Se você desejar, junte-se a nós! Vamos ficar felizes em te receber. :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 21 )
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a riraty e pony mais bonita de toda esquetria 😍

Eu gostaria de informar á tds aqui, q o usuário twilightsparkle3562 postou fanfics nesse grupo, mesmo não sendo brasileiro, mas deixemos meus amigos, de qualquer jeito estou aqui só pra informar que a única fanfic deste grupo que é brasileira é a minha "A Stinky Problem".

I would like to inform all here, that the user twilightsparkle3562 posted fanfics here in this group, even ihe not being a Brazilian, but let's allow he my friends, anyway, I am here just to say the only fanfic Brazilian here is mine "A Stinky Problem"

Quero saber se posso postar minha história aqui quando estiver pronta, ela é uma sátira do Pai de Família. (Cuidado: A minha história contém OCOs)

384361 tendi quase nada do que você disse, mas ok :3


Você assistiu a derrota do Brasil para os Alemanha?

Deus , que me desapontado ..

Teria sido pior, se Oscar não marcou um gol.

Era ruim. Ele fez o fato de que o campeonato do mundo (o que muitos de nós discordou ) estava sendo realizada aqui, olha imperdoável.

Só uma coisa a dizer:

Gol da Alemanha.


Não, mas sério. Gosto muito de que tenha um grupo dedicado especialmente aos brasileiros fãs da série. Parabéns aos envolvidos (=v=)

Comment posted by Chase123 deleted Nov 30th, 2014
Comment posted by Liberty The Dawg deleted Nov 30th, 2014
Comment posted by Liberty The Dawg deleted Nov 30th, 2014

Having deep black Brazilian ancestry to my great great grandfathers, living in modern day America, suppose this is my group..


The punishment?

Repeatedly forced to watch this:

Eu vou falar o português aqui, se não se importam.

Um grupo brasileiro? Interessante... Bem, apenas avisando que eu coloquei a minha Introdução lá no fórum do grupo! :derpytongue2:

348077 This will look a lot like TCB Rarity, " Bow before the superior fashion design of the ponies and become one you disgusting humans!!!''

348076 She would probably have a mental breakdown. But we have to remember that Brazil has it's beautiful cities, beaches, countryside towns. It's a enormous country after all! But, yes, Rarity would capture them and brainwash to follow a better fashion style:raritywink:!

Oh dear... :rainbowlaugh:
Although it would be nice to show them about our country, I can't imagine the girls here. Rarity would cringe from the horrible fashion sense we have! :rainbowlaugh:

348074 Yeah. Fanart and Fanfiction. I even had the idea of writing a story where the Mane 6 teleport to Brazil, so that we could show the other users what's our culture like (I've talked with a few americans here, and they don't even know what São Paulo is).

I can't really say its a sanctuary, but at least here, we can exchange a few things pony related that are happening in our country. Maybe we should feature some of our country's works both in fanfiction and fanart? :rainbowderp:

347606 So, the sanctuary for brazilians really exists... still, we can't write on portuguese. You're right, if knighty finds us... Pra cima deles, Brasil!

We are doing it wrong to write things in portuguese here. I hope knighty won't find us! :twilightoops:
You're very welcome! :pinkiehappy:

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