Fanfiction Audio Readings 335 members · 807 stories
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Okay, chaps. This is my first shot at audio reading so please go easy on me.
The Rummy Business of Old Blooey by Cloud Wander
I'm a huge PG Wodehouse fan and I've been practicing my impressions of Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry (For anyone who doesn't know, they stared as Jeeves and Wooster in a TV Series. It's worth a watch)

The story in brief-

Barney Trotter and his valet, Cheese, struggle to assist young Prince Blueblood, who has accidentally become engaged to be married. On the night of the Grand Galloping Gala, Barney unfolds a masterful plan to rescue his pal from the harness of matrimony.

Let me know what you think and please pass praise on to the author.

Author Interviewer

I will check this out! :)

...In about 85 videos. :B

Author Interviewer

85 videos later, I've got to say you're a perfect match for this writing style. :D I dunno how'd you fare with a slower-paced story, but you captured the three main characters perfectly, and the fast clip suits Barney Trotter's narration style.

I will say that you could stand to get some better audio equipment, maybe take pains to dampen ambient sound and noise reflections, but that will come in time. You've got good volume, it's just that sibilants and the occasional other sound come off as an audio bright spot, a tad off-putting.

Looking forward to seeing more by you. :)

Thanks. Great to know.
Sorry about the late reply.
My Voice Actor Profile is in the comments. I enjoy voicing Fancypants or any particularly hammy (And preferably British) villain.

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