Fanfiction Audio Readings 335 members · 807 stories
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(Excuse my long-winded post - I thought it useful to explain myself clearly.)


So, initially I joined this group with the intention of looking around for a reader(s) for one of my stories, "Sugarcube in the Corner". Ultimately I decided to just make an audio presentation of the story myself (link on the story page). It wasn't because I couldn't find any readers - in truth, I never even got around to posting about it. I just got brave one evening and decided to give reading my own story a shot.

Despite that, I've noticed that there are some ponies out there who are looking for a story to read. To that end, I'd like to offer up my entire 22-story library to any folks who might be looking for something to add to their youtube channel repertoire. In short, I invite anypony who might be interested to browse my stories, and if you see anything there you'd like to try your hoof at recording (or perhaps you're already well-experienced with this and just want another project to enjoy), please just let me know and we can go from there.

Here's a little about me: I am a commission and personal author, and while I am not #horsefamous, I have a modest following, have worked with publishers before for non-fanfiction works on Amazon, and I have at least one fimfic with a comic adaptation. At present, I have stories covering many different genre - slice of life, romance, horror, sci-fi, comedy, holiday, bittersweet, and so forth. Nearly all of them have a good number of favorites, bookshelf ads, and many more likes than dislikes (there are two currently that have more dislikes, but you're welcome to give those a whirl too if you wish).

Please be advised that slightly more than half my stories include mature content - I kindly ask that readers under the age of 18 not contact me regarding reading one of those. I do, however, have other stories rated everyone to teen. Further, I'm happy to give you the gist of any story you may be interested in, if you'd rather go that route before actually reading through the whole thing.

Anyway, I figure nothing ventured nothing gained, so here's this post. I thank you for your time in reading it! :twilightsmile:

I feel the same.

I'll check out your stuff, though I may not record it. Views never hurt. :twilightsmile:

Sure, no worries. Like I say, it's an open offer. I have no preconceived expectations :twilightsmile:

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