The Church of Madoka 39 members · 6 stories
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Just an introduction thread. Hi, I'm Jardex22.

First, you can blame MythrilMoth and Persona: EG for leading me down this road. It's only mentioned in one chapter, but that's all it takes.

What wish would I sell my soul for? I don't really know. I'd probably fall for the whole justice and helping people scam, so it'd probably have to do with that. Or I'd just wish Witches out of existence (Was it supposed to be a given that no one tried asking Kyubey about that. He said he could do pretty much anything).


What wish would I sell my soul for? I don't really know.

It's cake for you then!

Was it supposed to be a given that no one tried asking Kyubey about that. He said he could do pretty much anything

Kyubey is not exactly the best creature to trust.

The power of wish is dictated by the power of a magical girl, Kyubey doesn't power the wish, he just facilitates the girl granting her own wish. The power of a magical girl is dictated by the figurative weight of their destiny. Madoka could make such a wish because the destiny of countless timelines, from Homura looping potentially hundreds of times with her as a focus, were all wrapped around her.


The power of wish is dictated by the power of a magical girl, Kyubey doesn't power the wish, he just facilitates the girl granting her own wish. The power of a magical girl is dictated by the figurative weight of their destiny. Madoka could make such a wish because the destiny of countless timelines, from Homura looping potentially hundreds of times with her as a focus, were all wrapped around her.

I get that. I just don't understand why no one bothered to ask.

Anyways, I just watched Rebellion last night. The Cake Song was weird, Bebe needs a spin-off, and Homura can go to hell. That is all.

Maybe they have!
We only see a few people.

And one of them wishes for a permanent end to the whole... witch thing. :yay:

There's also a group of girls in another Puella Magi series that's trying to end the whole witch thing. But they know how wishes go bad, and tend to make wishes that just help to facilitate their goals, rather than trying to solve them outright, and having them go wrong.

Not all magical girls get the same sort of lead up that Madoka and Sayaka get, though. Where they go in informed, with time to think.
Chances are a vast majority of girls get an introduction more like Mami or Kyouko. You're dying or suffering horribly, and here's a cute furry critter right out of a magical girl show to grant you wishes and make you special or save your life. Yay!

And that's probably intentional. Kyubey doesn't want the witches gone. He wants you to hurry up and give in to despair so he can fill his need for energy. So he probably waits to ask in situations conducive to that. And he targets children and teenagers in bad situations. People who would not be making the wisest decisions. He has a cute, disarming form just to cater to that, even.

The little girl that became the witch, Charlotte, that killed Mami was only a magical girl for a few minutes before giving into despair. :fluttershysad:

Well I did think of something I'd wish for. Probably to cure my T1D. Me my sister, and my dad all have it. Most days it's fine with an insulin pump, but it really sucks sometimes.
Of course, if I used it to cure me, I'd feel guilt over not curing my sister, who has a harder time managing it. If I used it to cure her, I'd eventually resent her for it. There's also the possibility that she may overdose on insulin, not knowing that her body starting producing it again.

Most of the cases seem to be they don't find out about the strings attached until they encounter them actually ie...

Kyubey: Oh you all just never asked.

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