The All-American Girl Saga 236 members · 17 stories
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Exactly as it says.

I know that Shinzakura hinted that early on, Humans were basically considered to be demons by the Equestriani. I know that in the time of AAG, they've become more accepted but there are still several elements that seem to fear Humans. In addition, there is a passage where it mentions that the Humans in AAG share the deadly battle prowess of their AE mythical counterparts.

So do the Equestriani distrust Humans, fearing that they may one day turn upon them?

What about the other AE species?

AE is Alternate Earth, right? I think that dragons and griffins are suspiscious of humans.

Group Admin

Not sure gryphons do. As I've pointed out in several places throughout the canon, gryphons have adapted to HE even better than ponies have, going so far as to live in several nations that the ponies don't even really bother with aside from diplomatic staff (ponies mainly live in the Anglosphere, with notable exceptions in Japan and Germany - one each in either case.)

Contrast that with:
- Dragon confirmed in Hong Kong (although in AAG it is an Anglosphere nation as well)
- Gryphons in Japan, Canada, the US, UK (from an aborted story) and Italy (also from an aborted story)
- Zebras in the US (one case, and technically she's half-pony)
- Minotaurs in the US (one case)

Of course they live in the Anglosphere... Japan's still iffy about ponies living there due to their xenophobic ideas, courtesy of the "uma-gaijin" that live there. And the Middle East is off-limits to non-humans.

Group Admin

Well, some of the Arabic countries, in any case. I wonder if Israel would be okay with them. And clearly Iraq and Kuwait allowed ponies to do a tactical retreat from Iran into their territory, so they're fine with them as well.

With the arrival of the Minotaurs, wrestling's popularity has shot through the roof.
Man, I bet the Olympics are interesting to watch.

Group Admin

I'd hate to see the Olympic logo at that point - it probably looks like chain mail. :rainbowlaugh:

That's something that has been discussed to a great degree in futurology, although with a different focus: how much would Earth sports even make sense to kids grown on the Moon, or Mars? And would it even be fair or safe to have them compete under Earth's gravity, considering that you would have 7-foot kids with low bone density and used to falls six times slower? Then think about how Earth's best gymnasts wouldn't stand a chance against them in their home turf.
And then what about kids grown in rotating space habitats? They would be just plain weird!

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