The All-American Girl Saga 236 members · 17 stories
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So, it's coming soon - real soon.

Anyone want to take a guess at what's going to happen and how it'll affect Book II?

I wonder DJ will get along with her new cousin

You're still not going to reveal who's hosting Nightmare Moon.

We will see a three way battle erupt real soon, with first the defenders being attacked by Blueblood-hired assassins, then the assassins' rear being attacked by the vanguard of the changelings' attack. Unfortunately for the good guys, the defenders will hardly be a hundred while the changelings are bringing in a whole battalion, and the changelings are being given Kamikaze orders. Add to that that the defenders aren't fortified, and you have a recipe for a massacre.
However, the disaster wouldn't be limited to the hospital: at the VIP bunker, Blueblood will declare himself King at the sight of the first assassin (which won't be ponies, of course), Pure Hooves will start to crawl out of the walls as soon as anybody objects, and he will then get himself on air on that radio station and speak a code-phrase to activate all Pure Hooves sleepers... thus all the Portals will be instantly bombed and martial law will spring into place. Of course, his gloating will stop once the changelings make themselves known, and the changelings will effectively overrun the hospital, thus leaving him without a single alicorn to imprison in the ivory tower, and without any way to call international allies...

Thus Book 2 will start with DJ, Lyra and Co stuck in a prison cell, King Blueblood in utter denial, and Equestria rapidly falling into a nuclear winter.

5339901 Well, it majorly depends on two things:

The Spell and The Changlings.

In order to make it out (defeat everything after this encounter), from our current point of view as readers, the spell has to work and they have to repel the enemy.

Having read this much of the story we can assume that this, may not happen. I severely doubt you'd kill off four of the show's main cast, so I think it's safe, (or not . . . Probably not) to assume the spell works. If you decide to kill them off however, then the story's tone takes an even darker turn. (That's not a bad thing though.) In either case there's a changing army gathering around their current location. Considering Fillydelphia and other locations, this will not be an easy fight.

Assuming they lived, the main six are going to be pivotal in the battle (if you have them win) if not, it may be Mike.

I suspect heavy injuries regardless of who wins. Ih, and we might get to see what Dj and Raritan have to say to each other. (That might turn out to be a bigger fight, of words anyways, than the changlings.)

I look forward to seeing where this goes.

Edit: 5340268 This guy is probably more right than me, especially with level of detail.

Chewbacca, that's my answer

A lot of high level ponies and human defenders will die, including two key characters, in thwarting the changeling attack, which will leads to a certain princess and her faithful student to go ballistic with grief. The two will disappear after the attack, leaving Luna and Lyra in charge. Theywill place Mike in charge of the remaining Equestrian and human defense forces.
Rarity's husband and son will be gravely injured in the attack, and she and DJ will declare a grudging truce in order to take care of them.

something happy and less

Factual error: You cannot mine for plutonium. Plutonium is a synthetic, transuranic element, made from bombarding uranium with alpha particles. While it can exist naturally, is little more than a trace mineral in uranium.

Group Admin

I knew that, but it was a remnant of an earlier draft of the chapter, where I thought that plutonium would be natural in Equestria, before I remembered that I'd already stated that gems are plentiful, but rare earths and other minerals weren't. Thought I'd taken it out, but guess not.

The other thing is that if it existed in a purely natural form, most of Alter-Earth would probably dead or radiation proof, go fig.

I think "Not As Planned" will be the word of the day for a lot of people.

I think that the changelings will attack first while Twilight tries to get everyone healed up. Her attempt will allow her to defeat and cure everyone but Rarity as explained below. Then Blueblood's attempt will happen and be easily delt with by Sam and Mike. Then Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Dawn, and Twilight stop the nuke from killing everyone, but the city takes a lot of damage. Blueblood and Sunset Shimmer exit stage right as they now are wanted for attempted regicide and their son goes with. Their daughter stays behind because she is ashamed of her family and sides with Rainbow Blitz's family instead.

I think Rarity will die because she will not accept DJ as her daughter. This will make book 2 about finding not only a new bearer for Generosity but the rest of the Elements as well as the next generation needs to pick up the slack. As it stands right now these are the ponies who I see possibely become new bearers:
Star Swril
Sweetie Belle
Cinnamon Swril
Rainbow Blitz
Blueblood's daughter who's name I am drawing a blank on (Gilded Lilly)

They are the most likely right now, but this is all wild guessing at this point. Book two will also deal with Blueblood and Sunset Shimmer trying to use the pure hooves for another attack while human earth descends into WW 3 because Iran gets blamed for supplying the nuke that got used.


Blueblood's daughter who's name I am drawing a blank on

Lillium D'or (Gilded Lilly).

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