The All-American Girl Saga 236 members · 17 stories
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I just wonder what would be of Dusk Shine's life having an older sibling, now that they'll be officially parents in the show canon :applejackunsure:

Happy Thanksgiving :pinkiehappy:

:flutterrage: give us MOAR AAG!

god bless us everypony

Well, luckily, said kid would be all grown up by the time of Dusk's adoption, so HOPEFULLY they would take it better than a child would. Still, I imagine, at any age, it would be kinda hard to accept your mom adopting what's essentially your dad's rape kid, while dozens of his adult siblings run around performing terrorist attacks on your country. And I would hope Cadance would have something less insulting than the 'he's a piece of Shining I can remember him by' reason she did in the story(which, don't get me wrong, is an ok reason there since they didn't have any kids), because god knows how unintentionally hurtful that would be to their actual kid.

Still, unless 'Skyla'(for lack of official name yet) had gone the way of the current Bluebloods (minus the daughter), I imagine they would come to accept Dusk.

4877173 Or rather, how McFlurry's presence would've affected the overall plot of the fic:trollestia:

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