The All-American Girl Saga 236 members · 17 stories
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Group Admin

This month's challenge is: The Pepsis!

You hate all of them (well, except for two who just got informally adopted), They're evil and nasty and have all the powers of changelings...and that of the average unicorn!

What nefarious ideas are they up to? Are they sabotaging Equestria/NATO/UN relations? Are they seducing and then taking over the lives of AE politicians? Or are they just wishing, like Twilight Sunburn/Shining Dawn, of something better?

Inquiring minds want to know! So get scribbling! Deadline is November 9 January 15!

The Rules (because we must have some):
- Canon AAG - no AU.
- Let's keep it clean for the kiddies.
- You can use the established pepsis, or make up one of your own. The only pepsis off-limits is Dusk Shine (because he's too young) and Twilight Sunburn/Shining Dawn (unless you're doing a story prior to the start of AAG.)
- If you're making up a pepsis, keep in mind their naming system, based on the way Chrysalis created them.
-- Twilight-class: the workhorses of the bunch (they have names with "Twilight" or "Sparkle" in them; they look like Twilight Sparkle.)
-- Armor-class: the warriors (they have names with "Armor" in them; they look like Shining Armor.)
--Night-class: the assassins (they have names with "Night" or "Light" in them; they look like Night Light.)
--Velvet-class: the infiltrators (they have names with "Velvet" in them; they look like Twilight Velvet.)

- Keep in mind that Chrysalis was not too creative with their names, so Symphonic Sparkle isn't likely to happen. Death Sparkle is probably more likely.

- None of the major characters in AAG can be used; all original or minor characters. However, per Fimfic submission rules, you need to at least make a minor reference to someone in the show (Celestia, Twilight, etc.)
- When you submit, either post the link below or drop a line to one of the admins, (me, Cody or Blue) and we'll add to the appropriate AAG fanfic folder
- One entry per person, please.
- Since we're adding a month, please try to have it edited prior to submission. While I know it's sometimes hard to find an editor, I'd hate to see anyone picked on (unfairly or otherwise) because they rushed to beat the deadline and came up with an eye-searing, grammar-slaughtering typofest.

Winner gets a cover, bragging rights...and a picture of their pepsis! :yay:

You just gotta love me, don't you? :trollestia:

- Let's keep it clean for the kiddies.

That can interpreted a number of ways. You need to choose one:
A) "...Kiddies": the story must be rated "Everyone".
B) Must be rated "Teen".
C) Can be "Mature", but with no graphic sex.
D) Just no graphic sex and/or graphic gore.
E) Try not make a Director's Cut of "Natural Born Killers".

...and Twilight Sunburn/Shining Dawn (unless you're doing a story prior to the start of AAG.)

Isn't she just weeks old, story-wise? That only leaves wiggle room from her egg being laid to her being force-matured, which may be down to hours. Seeing how disposable defective pepsis are, mothering must be extremely economic in all senses.

One question about Dusky, what class he's supposed to be? Armor class? or each class can have rule 63, making him Twily class?

Group Admin

Okay, because of the delay on the whole of AAG, I'm extending this contest by two more months. Contest ends on January 15!

Duskie's Twilight class. All classes can have male and female; the opposite gender ones just look like masculine (or feminine) versions of their progenitors.

3812216 Thanks for clearing that up, I was in the dark with that issue. I wonder if well ever see Gleaming Shield around :pinkiehappy:

Group Admin

You never know.

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