The All-American Girl Saga 236 members · 17 stories
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OK. Recently, I've been working on a Superman/MLP crossover which incorporates some DC concepts into the MLP:FiM universe.

One of those is Faust herself: I went and did a double whammy on her concept in the fandom.

I literally made her the ACTUAL universe (For those who don't get why I did this, here's a link- Kismet or if you read marvel comics-Eternity) based on Kismets' look.

that's the first whammy, the second one is sort a mindscrew. In my fic, her avatar was Clover the Clever who is the mother of Celestia and Luna.

What does that have to do with anything? Well, here Comes the idea.

How much would it alter the main Plot of the AGG if Faust was a piece/creation of what is basically the Soul and Conciseness of the universe? Faust is powerful, and it explain why she is that powerful. How does the Universe itself feel about everything that is happening in it?

Would it even make a good story? Would it be an original Idea? Or is it stupid to even attempt?

Group Admin

I have no idea how much it would impact AGG, as I have no idea what that is. (Anthropomorphic German Gals?) :trollestia:

I also fail to see how my interpretation of Faust would interfere with yours, seeing as how yours apparently has nothing to do with the AAGverse. I didn't create the Fausticorn (Lauren actually drew it herself, though I'm not sure who named the character.) Hell, there's a story on here where Faust is just the first alicorn and not even Celestia and Luna's biological/"real"* mother(she adopted them, though Tia still has problems calling Faust "mom"). Hell, the idea of Queen Harmonia (the galaxyesque alicorn that was considered the princess' mother prior to the Fausticorn's creation) is still in plenty of stories here (note that one reader of Be Human took me to task because I made Faust and Lauren Faust two different people in the AAGverse; said reader stated that I should have used Harmonia instead.)

So do whatever you want to do with the character; ultimately it's up to you to decide if it's a good idea or even worth the attempt.

*for the record, I hate using the term "real" to refer to biological parents when adoption's involved. It's frankly an insult to the individuals who take the time to bring someone into their lives.

Well, I think your idea could work on its own, but I don't think your idea would work into AAG: you would be completely rewriting the character of the goddess Faust.

How does the Universe itself feel about everything that is happening in it?

To the universe at large, everything would be insignificant. Just like many people correctly argue that we humans aren't destroying the Earth: we are just correcting the fact that we are as unsightly and ephemeral as a pimple on the face of the Earth.

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As a good example of that, take a look at UY Scuti, (currently) the largest known star.

Kinda makes you feel insignificant, right? That is still dwarfed by the Milky Way in total, and the Milky Way isn't even the largest galaxy in the known universe. That would be The Wall - and even then, there are things still bigger and we don't know about them. :applejackconfused:

Personally, I have a hard enough time trying to wrap my head around the sizes of stars like Betelgeuse or Antares, let alone one that could lick Saturn.
I call that the idea behind being an agnostic: knowing and accepting that you cannot know.
And then we have crazy stuff, like the contending idea to hypernovas: that supermassive stars may be just so massive that they cannot explode into supernovas. They may just collapse, straight into black holes.

Your Faust doesn't interfere with mine. My Faust is only connected to yours' by name only. This idea was thought up due to the contest about places in the AAG verse (also I should pay attention when I write that abbreviation :derpyderp1:). I wondered what to write about, while I was also trying to fix some errors in my fic. I started Coming up ideas that ultimately involved creation of a cosmic class being, which I was sure couldn't fit in the AAG verses' more realistic universe.

So I got derailed into trying to make one that could. One thing lead to another, and I took some inspiration from how I integrated Faust into my verse. Basically in my verse, My version of Clover the Clever was a piece of Faust that was created to experience life as a mortal, which lead to the birth of My version of Celestia and Luna.

If you used to concept in you verse the way I currently have it envisioned, Your Faust was would essentially be a piece of the universe made flesh.

The story concept I was going to use involved the universe (Harmonia or whatever you wanted to call her) wondering if the events taking place should be dealt with swiftly by her, or if she should do anything at all. Asking other Cosmic Class entities like Primus, The Endless, even other universes and the Spectre for advice. Eventually coming to the conclusion that see only knows "of" the conflict going on, not why it's happening or what it's about. She then creates a being that allows her to see and experience everything on a more personal level.

Basically, she would of decided to create another being similar to Faust that actually is capable of communicating with her/his creator.

Which leads to why I asked the question. I see this story as seimi-cannon: meaning it could fit into your verse Shin, but not completely. However, I know you and others could see it as non-cannon. I really Have tried enter the earlier contest due to this fear I have of not being able to make a good story for your verse. The Universe is a place. However, depending on how the story is written, could be a character as well.

In other words: I basically need to know if I should completely scrap the idea or go through with it.


(Anthropomorphic German Gals?)


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