KRissCHu573NotsoNewBronyRameslack 4 members · 0 stories
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Rame, you make a good point so to be a bit more organized, this post will be used solely to keep track of the cast of characters and their roles within the story. So how should we do this?

Do we list out the characters like this:
Age: 20-22
Mane/Coat color: White/Grey
Faction: Former Khalai.
Plot points: Orphaned at young age. Adopted and raised by Zamara, Matriarch of the Khalai faction etc,etc.

Or we could do something else if you got a suggestion.

2646011 My thought was to have a character rooster of sort split in two sections, one for main chars and one for secondery just to keep them apart. And your list thing works well enough, it will highlight the most basic stuff without going to much into detail.

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2646033 I like it. Tomorow when I get on a computer I will enlist some characters.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders(CMC)

Sweetie Belle
Mane/Coat/Eye Color: Pink/Purple mane/Light Grey/Green
Homeworld:Mar Sara

Bio/quick summary: Youngest of two daughters to Magnum and Pearl Belle, both of whom are unicorns. Talented singer. Grew up on the Fringe World of Mar Sara alongside childhood friends, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. Abducted by Twilight and was taken to the Ghost Academy on Korhal where she met Sovereign. Caused mass chaos in the city when her powers ran rampant. Reunited with the rest of the CMC on Cadia.

Her talent for singing became a medium for her psychic powers which she can use to influence others who are not trained to resist psionic attacks.
Escaped the academy before finishing her training so her powers are a danger to everyone around her when she's emotional.
The neural inhibitor, though deactivated, is still in her noggin.
Has a kill switch device installed next to her heart, to which Twilight has the controls to
Has optical implants inside her eyes, which Twilight can access to see her general location.
Only member of the CMC who is still a virgin.
Shows signs of mental deterioration when she shot Sovereign in the leg for 'cheating' on her and throwing Apple Bloom through the wall after she found out they had slept with each other. Equilibrium...:unsuresweetie:

Apple Bloom
Race: Earth Pony
Mane/Coat/Eye Color: Red/Pale Yellow/Orange
Homeworld:Mar Sara

Bio/quick summary:Youngest of three siblings(Parents possibly dead due to zerg attacks). Skilled engineer and expert computer technician. Grew up on Mar Sara alongside her childhood friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Technically ran away after she 'convinced' Rainbow Dash and Jet Stream to look for Scootaloo who had been taken away by the Dominion. Hacked into Dominion battlenet to rescue Scootaloo from the Icehouse but had inadvertently killed Scootaloo's father. Later reunited with Sweetie Belle when they went to Cadia.

First individual to successfully hack into the Dominion battlenet with a computer she built from scratch.
Well versed in everything tech related.
Personally repaired and modified Tom, an out of date shuttle.
Lost her virginity to Sovereign after drinking too much alcohol which lead to Sweetie Belle throwing her through a wall and down a flight of stairs.
Still recovering from the injuries Sweetie inflicted on her.
Of the three, Apple Bloom is the only one who has yet to learn how to shoot a firearm.:applecry:

Scootaloo Iron Feather
Mane/Coat/Eye Color: Purple/Orange/Violet
Homeworld:Mar Sara

Bio/quick summary: Only child of Vincent and Sarah Iron Feather. Raised by her single mother who claimed that her father had died long ago(later to be proven a lie). Convicted for the murder of Sweetie's parents, she was sent to be resocialized but was proven resistant to its effect so was sent to the Icehouse facility to become a Reaper. She met her father who was still alive and the Icehouse's warden. She lost her father and a potential love interest when Rainbow Dash, with the help of Apple Bloom, broke her out of the prison during a riot caused by Apple Bloom's hacking. This resulted in her father's death which she still subconsciously blames Apple Bloom for. During the assault on Cadia, she accidentally caused Jet Stream's death and severely wounded Sovereign while she was manipulated by Twilight. Currently stuck on Cadia with the others while going along with Rainbow's desire for revenge against Twilight.

Despite her belief about being the original, she is the first of many clones created from the Iron Feather Project.
Her genetically altered body has given her above average endurance and constitution, explaining how she was able to survive bashing her head into the SCV in the beginning and how she recovered so quickly.
Of the three, she is currently the most battle-hardened member of the CMC.
Supposedly lost her virginity before she was taken to the Icehouse.
Last of the CMC to earn a cutie mark. Talent:Killing Zerg(Other living beings may be included.) :scootangel:

Feel free to correct me if I got anything wrong or missing something.

Sovereign Grey Horn (de Steelwing)
Age: 20-21(Deceased)
Mane/Coat/Eye color: White/Grey/Blue
Homeworld: Aiur
Faction: Former Khalai

At a young age, Sovereign was discovered to have the potential to be a Preserver and as such was taken from his home to train as a preserver for the next fifteen years. Zamara, Supreme Matriarch of the Khalai personally trained him how to control his abilities as a Preserver. The two developed a mother and son relationship.

Later encountered Seeker who would later become his friend and Shadow. Through a series of unfortunate events and misunderstandings, he lost his horn and his link to the Khala.He was exiled and went to the Consortium where he was captured by the Dominion and taken to DI HQ on Korhal. There He met Sweetie Belle, who helped him escape his prison. They became close before he was abducted by Rain Sight, a DI agent who sought to seduce him. They were later forced to leave Korhal and go to Cadia where he met the rest of the CMC. Was hospitalized when he fought with Shining Armor. Was wounded by a psychotic Scootaloo before he was torn in two by Pinkie Pie. His body was later recovered by Twilight and is currently kept in cryo-storage on Pinkie's ship.

Was personally raised by Zamara who treated him like a son.
Despite the loss of his link with the Khala, he still retains the lifetimes of memories he absorbed during his time as a Preserver.
Possesses the fragmented memories of the Dark Templar Hero, Zeratul.
Has an unusually high amount of strength as shown when he was able to single-handedly take down five stallions in a bar fight as well as how he was able to collapse one of Shining Armor's lungs with a single punch.
Often puts forth the needs of others before his own, often times leaving him with the short end of the stick.
Sovereign is extremely gullible and will believe almost anything he is told but has grown a little bit thanks to Sweetie Belle's teachings, but is still susceptible to trickery every so often.
Thanks to Zeratul's memories, Sovereign has access to many powers that a typical Dark Templar would have, some of which, he has yet to master.
List of known powers:

Seeker Clanker
Mane/Coat/Eye Color: Dark Blue/Black/Grey
Faction: Khalai/Dominion(Mind controlled)

Was the eldest child to Robert and Emma Clanker, Imperial who had converted to the Khalai. She was raised on Shakuras alongside her two younger sisters,Trail and Sky. Due to the pressure to marry when she comes of age, she ran away from home and ended up on Aiur where she met and befriended Sovereign. She stayed hidden in Sovereign's room for a time until Sovereign accidentally summoned a psionic storm, breaking a wall down and revealed Seeker to Zamara and the other Preservers.

After Sovereign convinced Zamara to let Seeker stay, she was put into the Dark Order where she trained as a Dark Templar and become Sovereign's personal Shadow though her training wasn't completed yet. However, due to a series of unfortunate events that got Sovereign exiled and Seeker was ordered to return to her family as an informal exile.

She was later recalled to Aiur months later where Zamara gave her a mission to bring Sovereign and the knowledge inside his mind. Unfortunately, she was abducted by the Ghosts, Lyra and Skyfall where the former placed an illusion on her mind that made her believe a patchwork doll was Sovereign and her Khalai comrades as enemies. Currently on her way to Korhal where she is to be delivered to DI.

While growing up alongside Sovereign on Aiur, she developed feelings for him which was the reason why Zamara had arranged for her to become his Shadow when she completed her training though the plan never came to fruition.
Zamara shattered her horn in anger when the Supreme Matriarch found out she was the one who severed his horn. Her horn has regrown over time though her relationship with Zamara remained strained.
During her fight with Skyfall, her right eye was destroyed and has since been replaced with a Khalai cybernetic implant.
She has little field experience beyond her training.
As a Dark Templar, she has all the skills and abilities associated with the Dark Order though her abilities are weaker when compared to a veteran member of the Dark Order.
Her cutiemark is a trail of hoofprints, signifying her talent for tracking.

Rainbow Dash
Age: 28-30
Race: Pegasus
Mane/Coat/Eye Color: Rainbow/Cyan/Light Red
Faction: Kel-Morian/ Independent

Bio/Summary: A Kel-Morian who aspired to be a stunt flyer like her childhood heroes, the Wonderbolts. Dropped out of school to pursue her dream but ended up working for FedEx, a Kel-Morian merchant. Later encountered a young filly FedEx had purchased as a slave. She gave the filly, the name Jet Stream and befriended her. She eventually killed FedEx and freed Jet Stream from slavery. She later receives an opportunity to join the Wonderbolts but was forced to give it up when she took the blame for a murder committed by Jet Stream. Was sent to the Ice House where she became a Reaper. She eventually encountered the CMC and was caught up in Apple Bloom's quest to break Scootaloo out of the Ice House. Was later contacted and blackmailed by Twilight into going to Cadia where she is currently stuck at due to the planet-wide lockdown.

Trivia: Due to her Kel-Morian upbringing, she isn't familiar with the pop culture references that most Imperials are fond of.
Her biggest weakness are her friends and family, especially Jet Stream.
Can perform the Sonic Rainbow but the maneuver leaves her exhausted.
Completed her training as a Reaper, which gave her the ability to resist psychic attacks.
Has some knowledge on the various mercenary groups throughout the sector.
Is acquainted with a rogue Umojan mage.

Jet Stream
Mane/Coat/Eye Color: Purple/Orange/Violet

Bio/Summary: Adopted sister to Rainbow Dash. Originally a slave that FedEx, a crooked trader, had purchased to fly Tom, his cargo shuttle. There, she met and befriended Rainbow Dash, who would later free her from her slavery and officially adopt her as her sister. She would later murder her boyfriend when he played the same song used in her conditioning as an Iron Feather.
Rainbow took the blame for her. Despite the problems involved, she was still able to stay close to Rainbow by piloting Tom as a transport for her missions as a Reaper. She would later encounter and befriend all three members of the CMC. She met her end during the Diamond Dog's assault on Cadia when Twilight shot her in the head. Her body is currently stored in Tom's cargo hold.

Trivia: Was one of the 1000 clones from the prototype batch of the Iron Feather Project. She was number 36.
Due to the damage done to her cloning pod, she had health problems with her heart and suffered a stunted growth. Her heart was fixed before she was sold as a slave, the stunted growth remained.
Had received some combat training when she was young but never finished it.
Has a Kill Switch device next to her heart, to which Twilight has the controls to.
Like all Iron Feathers, she was resistant to resocialization.
Her conditioning as an Iron Feather has caused her to kill innocents more than once, Rainbow typically cleans up after her. The effect was lessened as time went on.

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Rain Sight Highground Reneema Gray Horn de Steelwing
Age: 23
Race: Earth Pony/Semi-Zerg
Mane/Coat/Eye color: Dark Gray/Purple/Green
Faction: Dominion/Independent
Bio/Summary: Daughter and younger child of the Khalai Karn'Aaziim and the Confederate Rain Drop Highground Reneema de Steelwing. Spent her youth on the core Consortium world of Meinhoff on her parents' farm along with them, her grandparents and her older brother Rust. After her brother's accident, which resulted in almost all of her family's demise she and her father moved to Korhal, where due to bad circumstanses he joined the DI and she was sent to DINGA., for a training period of 10 years. During that she masters hand to hand combat, use of firearms, shows a great tallent in the making of chemical concoctions, builds up resistance to mind infiltration and discovers that she can control lesser zerg. Manipulated by Twilight married Sovereign, became a DI rendgate and is now stuck on Cadia with her new friends - The CMC.

Trivia: Her mentality has been damaged close to its breaking point by the death of her entire family, but she still lingers on to sanity, being able to tell right from wrong, despite her desire for revenge over Twilight, most probably due to the fact that almost noone in their group who is in good physical condition is, making her stay strong and reasonable for the team, but that can change at any moment.

Mane/Coat/Eye color:Blond/Red/Green
Plot point:
A Khalai High Templar who served in the Golden Armada until he was promoted into an Overseer and given command of a Mantis-class battleship to aid Seeker in her mission to retrieve Sovereign. Like many Khalai Templars, Starsong holds duty and honor above all else but that changed after he linked with Seeker's mind and started seeing how effective the ways of the Dark Order were as well as the importance of her mission. When Seeker was abducted, Starsong made it his goal to retrieve her at whatever the costs, including forsaking his honor which made his crew lose their trust in him to the point that they betrayed him. He now awaits judgement from the Matriarchs for his dishonorable actions.

Starsong is a veteran warrior who has served in the Golden Armada for many years but has never been put into a major leadership roles before.
As a High Templar, Starsong is an adept user of psionic magic and as such, he can summon psionic lightning and create barriers powerful enough to deflect heavy caliber shots though the latter requires the support of other psionic magic casters to maintain a meaningful defense.
Like all Khalai, Starsong in inexperienced in the culture of the other factions but has gained some understanding of them thanks to his linking with Seeker.

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